
Distar in Trouble

The Count was true to his word, and the news about what happened in the Lightning Griffon academy spread like wildfire in Lustria County.

The villagers of Lutia and its outskirts were simply outraged. Life was already hard as it was, the idea that even if talented a commoner had to suffer from political plays was a slap in the face of all their hopes and dreams.

Despite her attitude, Nana was a saviour to most of them, to the point of considering her part of their own family. Countless people knew all too well that without her, too many babies would have never been safely delivered.

Seeing their benefactor treated as a plague, tainting everything she touched, was too much to bear. The same thing applied to those few noble families she associated with for her personal affairs.

Hundreds of letters were sent to Count Lark, who in turn forwarded them to the King's Court. Now that he had regained his cool, he realized how of little importance was his County and funding to such a large institution like an academy.

Even if coupled by so many letters, his official complaint about the Headmistress violating the rules to pursue her political agenda, was bound to rise little if no interest in the Court.

He sent it anyway, surrendering to fate without even attempting to fight was something that he would have regretted his whole life.

Leon's family was as furious as helpless, cursing the academy for its unfairness and themselves for their impotence.

Even Nana apologized, She thought now she is responsible for ruining their lives and their God given Talent, It was new sight as well as eye opener for them, seeing the always grumpy old lady apologizes to them. 

Everyone was sad by the fact they weren't admitted to Lighting Griffin. 

But not the four siblings, as they knew the existence of Luna, though Leon was her chosen, It didn't stopped her from answering whatever doubts they had. 

They never gave much importance to Academy as no matter how great it would be, it can't be compared to Luna's Teaching who has all the memory of Crowned Magus, not just any other Magus. 

Crowned Magus simply meant she is king of all Magus, making her status even more above the so called headmasters of those Great Academies. 

But still it left a sour note, and same was for Luna, She sneered at Griffin Kingdom and said " I can already foresee the destruction of either all bullshit nobles, king, queen, royals or whatever noble shit Or this whole country " 

Leon was least or wasn't even disappointed as he heard of rejection, he literally have Knowledge of God Magic and Wisdom, a Crowned Magus Teacher and a system, that can help him earn more such valuable assets. What a little Kingdom's little Academy is compared to it?, the answer is nothing. 


A month later when the time for enrollment in any academy was coming to it's end. 

Everyone was getting anxious of course not the four siblings, Count Lark has pestered the system these months enough that most would avoid him like a plague, though his arguments did got attention as he wanted. 

Count Lark soon become a hot topic, receiving the same degree of attention an impending flood or plague would get.

One way or another he achieved part of his objective, making the whole Court discuss the possible implications that Headmistress Linnea's new rule could cause in the future.

Was it really worth to bar the road to a promising magician because of how or where did he/she learn her spells? Why punish the victim of a crime just because he/she had asked to uphold the law?

Should a Headmistress of such an important institution be allowed to change the rules of admission on a whim, without any form of control?

An important discussion like that needed time, but most importantly peace and quiet, so the Court unanimously resolved to grant Marchioness Distar, the true ruler of Lustria County, extraordinary powers, to face Count Lark as she thought best.

In other words, she was left with the short end of the stick.

Now Count Lark would relentlessly pester her, while everyone else would live happily ever after.

And at his 37th and last meeting with her it bore result. 

Turned out there was an assassination attempt on Marchioness family, with her personal Mage Ainz the genius of Black Griffin she was able to fend off the assassins but they did left a nasty surprise. 

Her daughter is affected by what it seems like a curse, she had tried all famous healers and what not but it bore no result, now her only hope is Manohar, the God of Healing but he has gone incognito, lost in own magical research in any godforsaken place. 

In simple words, he is unavailable. 

And Count Lark took advantage of exactly that. 

"I know you will call me an old fool, but I think I have the solution to your problem."

"If you are referring to your little protégé, you are more than a fool, you are certifiable. I tried, Ainz tried, I could write a book with the names of all those who tried." Distar shook her head and said. 

"But allow me to say that you are underestimating my protégé." Lark ignored the ferocious snarl from the Marchioness and pushed forward.

"As I told you more than once in the past, he is blessed by the Magic. I'll share with you a family secret, he actually helped my daughter with a similar problem."

"Your daughter was cursed?!" The Marchioness rose an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Sadly, yes. It plagued her life for years." Count Lark knew that the best lie was the one shrouded by a half-truth. Keyla had always called her acne a curse, after all.

"What do you have to lose? If I'm wrong, we'll leave, and you will never hear from me again, outside official business."

"Is that a promise?" It was too good to be true.

"I swear on my ancestors. If he fails, the only things we will ever talk about are County matters." Cout Lark said and eventually Distar agreed, at one had if her daughter got healed it's a win, if not she can now stop Count Lark from pestering her, another win. For her its an win win situation so she easily agreed. 

Count Lark clenched his fist in excitement, as he agreed and ran out and directly went to Leon house. 

" No, I am not going, She can die for all i care" It was Leon' s reply, knowing Leon is still mad at Distar, he could only turn to other three siblings. 

Out of which Tista don't know much about Light Magic, all she could do was up to Tier 3, which is clearly lacking if he want Distar daughter to be treated, as for Trion he never bothered to even learn that, he even only learned self aid after his other siblings didn't treat him after their spar. 

He learned it hardway , still it was also not enough to heal Distar daughter. 

Leaving him with only Lith as last resort. 

Next day, they reached Marchioness house. 

The Marchioness gave Lith an abridged version of the story, dragging him to her daughter's bedroom without giving him the time to think or even express his opinion.

Lith arriving in her room looked at the pale beauty in bed. It was a beautiful young woman in her early twenties, with only cotton gauzes to cover her chest area, compressing a huge wound, ten centimetres (4inches) wide that cut her diagonally from the left shoulder to the right hip.

Lith performed Invorgation on her, while faking it with fast hand signs and gibberish. 


The Marchioness scoffed, everyone before him had said the same word.


"And it's not a curse. Just some kind of magically laced poison."

"What?!?" The Marchioness lost control, stamping her feet on the floor.

"You heard me." Lith was tired of being looked down upon, treated like some illiterate barbarian. "It's a slow release poison that disrupts the effects of light magic, turning any attempt to cure it into a new wound. Simply brilliant.

It's almost impossible to cure such condition."

"Almost?" The Marchioness knitted her eyebrows. "Are you saying you can cure her?"

"Yes." He nodded. "It will take about a week to make the proper adjustments to one of my spells. It's the same thing I did for Count Lark a few years ago, just more complicated." They hadn't arranged together this speech, it was the truth.

It was just like Keyla's acne, only instead of removing natural impurities, he had to remove the artificial ones in order to make the healing possible.

"Kid, my daughter's life is no joke. I tried, Ainz tried." She pointed to the black obsessed mage. "Are you sure?"

Lith nodded which he almost regretted it later as he was house arrested by her for week and at the end of the week... 

A week later, he entered again in the young lady's bedroom, under the eyes of her family and Ainz.

Lith first put his hand on her sternum, taking control of her mana flow and forcing the poison to move in a single spot before extracting it.

Then, he made it float in a bubble, before dripping it in a vial he had made prepare beforehand.

After that, Lith executed his best healing spell, closing the wound in one go, without leaving a mark or a scar.

The girl immediately regained a healthy pink colour, her breathing turned from quick and shallow to strong and steady.

Marchioness Distar couldn't believe her eyes. She quickly unwrapped the gauze, barely giving Lith and the male side of the family the time to turn around.

Doing it left him full of regrets.

"Be strong, old man. We are still physically young, there are still plenty of wonderful breasts waiting for us in this new world. Think of it as an investment. It's better to start our relationship with our new backer with a clean slate."

After checking her daughter she turned back and bowed to Lith as she heavily thankes him and swears she will made sure he and his siblings will definitely get admitted to whatever Academy they want. 

Lith raised his brows seeing her like this and thought ' I guess when it came to family, it can even bend the toughest of steel' 

Lith nodded in response, and Count Lark as if waiting for an opportunity mumbled to himself loud enough for everyone to hear it. 

" It's a pity Leon didn't come, or he would have solved in one day" Hearing him both Ainz and Distar looked at him. 

They aren't idiots they understood what he is implying, still seeing how Lith cured Distar Daughter they couldn't help but ask him. 

" Is it true? " Distar asked displeased, thinking if her daughter could be cured in one day why she had to suffer for a week then?. 

" Yes, he is talented enough to even fix it at an glance " Count Lark fixed his Monocole and said confidently. 

He didn't even notice how she is getting displeased more and more. 

" Really? Then why didn't he came, why did he send his less talented twin brother? " She said almost in cursing tone. 

Count Lark scratched his head awkwardly as he replied, " Well, he was coming but.... Suddenly a villager needed urgent care so he went there" Count Lark almost slipped his tongue but fortunately he lied at the end. 

Distar frowned a little but she nodded, understanding that on his priority list she might even came on last position. 

Marchioness Distar nodded and then Lith and Count Lark left. 

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