
Journey to being independent

"Send him back the tickets and come and live with me instead. I'll talk to my parents and we can all sit down and figure something out."

Charm sighed at the thought of future arguments to come.

Once Janet decided this was the way something should be done. 

It was hard to change her mind after that.

"I'm going to take up the offer Janet, I don't want to be a burden to you or your family."

When Janet tried to interrupt her she said.

"Just hear me out, I'm going to the island and I will do a semester there. I promise if I hate it there then I will return and live with you."

Janet sighed, "pinky promise?"

Charm complied, "This definitely calls for a pinky promise. I swear I'll keep my phone charged and we can text nonstop. Plus, I'll keep you up to date on my experiences and you can tell me about Brad and what he had for breakfast."

Janet didn't laugh; she swung her black, sleek ponytail around and Charm could picture her friend's slanted eyes crinkling as she grumbled on the phone while doing the dishes. 

Charm allowed her friend to wallow and complain to her heart's content about whatever was troubling her at the moment.

They always got along better when Janet set more and Charm said way less anyways. 

She picked up back the cell when it sounded like Janet turned off the pipe and was finally ready to hear more of what Charm had to say.

"So let me get this straight, this uncle that you barely knew, kicked the bucket and is forcing you to live on some remote island. I have never ever heard of this Isla Serpiente and just the name alone sounds plain horrible for all you know it can be some kind of reform school. Where the elites send their degenerates that they can't get rid of."

"My uncle must have a reason why he chose this place for me, by going there I will not only be honoring his memory but it may also be a chance for me to get to know more about him since it seems the headmaster of the school was also a good friend of his."

"You can send an email asking about your uncle. There is no need to fly miles across the sea just to inquire about your uncle."

"Clearly you were not listening when I explained things earlier, if I want my inheritance I need to complete college there or forfeit my inheritance that is a major stipulation of the will."

That should finally put a stop to her friend's tiresome protests; nothing was going to change Charm's mind and stop her from going.

She had already started doing extensive research on Isla Serpiente but information on the island was very generic and limited.

"You should have said that from the beginning," Janet muttered.

"I did," replied Charm, "you just weren't listening, so quick to tell me about the color of Brad's boxer briefs instead of listening when I finally had some major news to share."

"You make me sound like an awful best friend," cried Janet. Before Charm could even respond she wailed dramatically, "how am I going to manage without you."

"Like you said before Janet, I'm only a text or an email away. I can't always guarantee that I'll be able to answer a phone call, so I'll apologize for that in advance."

"Oh shush. When are you leaving? Do you need me to come over and help you pack?"

"I'm leaving in two days," responded Charm.

A loud gasp from Janet, then she practically screamed into the phone like wanted to deafen Charm. 

"So soon! That's bs, couldn't the lawyer at least give you a week's notice!"

According to her schedule Charm would get a taxi ride to the airport and from London she would board a British Airways flight and fly directly to Costa Rica.

Provided that nothing went wrong the flight was approximated to last 11 hours and 35 minutes nonstop. 

Her mother had always ensured that they all got passports but Charm never thought the day would come when she would actually use it.

She brought some books to read for the long journey but not once since they drove out of the smog congested London suburbs did she crack open any of the books.

Instead she was fascinated with viewing the beautiful springtime scenery as they sped past it in the vehicle.

Charm was fine in the beginning and only started to feel apprehensive when it started to rain and the glum weather affected her mood.

Her imagination ran wild as she didn't know what to expect at her new school.

She was already considered a nerd and the cursed classmate whose family members died one after the other making her a social pariah in school.

At the new school no one would know her past or look at Charm with pity without knowing the first thing about her. 

Legally she had a right to her uncle's inheritance but morally she felt sad about the way that it was passed to her through her uncle's unfortunate demise.

She couldn't even mourn properly for him with a funeral; it was just a sad state of affairs altogether. 

Now that she was at the airport terminal and about to board the flight.

Strangely enough she found herself vacillating at the thought of leaving the familiar behind.

Mr. Beresford gave her enough money to get a taxi if she changed her mind at the last minute and decided to head to Janet's place.

She was no coward, it was too late now to change her mind.

With her head held high she went over to the flight attendant and handed her the plane ticket.

The flight attendant smiled brightly and was very pleasant as she assisted Charm with finding her seat and helping her put her luggage in the overhead compartment. 

Seated, she buckled up and said a swift prayer when the plane started to soar to new height. 

As the miles passed swiftly beneath her until she grew bored of staring at fluffy white clouds and endless sea.

Charm congratulated herself on taking the first step of the journey to being independent. 

Acknowledging to herself that she could succeed no matter where she went and she had every right to be at Isla Serpiente no one was ever going to make her feel inferior ever again.

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