
Elephant in the Room

** Eli **

The look on Harper's face was enough evidence that she knew exactly who the call was from.

Damn. Eli had hoped optimistically that they could avoid talking about the elephant in the room until this semi-vacation was over … But nope, the bomb just had to drop at the worst time possible. He let out a groan and tossed his phone ungracefully onto the sofa. "Tyler said he already talked to you last night?"

"He did … But I missed his call at first and apparently called him back while he was asleep, so all I know is he'll be in town for an interview in a couple of weeks." Harper paused. "I did mention I'm in Hawaii right now."

"Yep, now he knows that makes two of us." Eli ran a hand down his face. "I told him it's a work trip, though he sounded … suspicious. When he comes to stay at my apartment in two weeks, I'm sure he'll make it a mission to find out what kind of fishy 'work' is going on between us."

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