
Chapter 274: A Masterpiece of God

Feeling the object pressed against his neck might be a knife, Murphy's body instantly tensed up, ready for the possibility of a home invasion robbery and preparing to find an opportunity to act. However, the next moment, he relaxed as a very familiar female voice resonated in the darkness.

"Ares," the voice was filled with allure, "you have no alertness at all. It's time to give up the title of God of War."

"Absolutely not!" Despite some confusion, Murphy quickly played along, "My head can be broken, blood can flow, but the title of God of War must not be lost!"

A slender figure stepped toward him from the darkness, revealing herself as Murphy turned to look. She pressed the long sword she was holding tightly against his neck.

"Surrender!" Gal Gadot's face was partially hidden in the darkness and her cascading hair, appearing both elusive and captivating, "Ares, I'll grant you a swift end."

Murphy straightened his neck, lifted his head proudly, and declared, "Then kill me."

As he pressed the light switch, the entrance hall's ceiling light suddenly illuminated, casting bright white light and making Gal Gadot, who had been hiding in the dark, squint uncomfortably.

She instinctively closed her eyes, and Murphy seized the moment. Ducking under the sword at his neck, he swiftly moved beside Gal Gadot, grabbing her sword-bearing right hand while his gaze swept over her unusually dressed body.

Gal Gadot wore a form-fitting bronze-colored bodysuit, leaving her shoulders bare and shimmering under the light. Below the bodysuit was a blue short war skirt that barely covered her hips, paired with knee-high boots, exposing her long, smooth legs which were exceptionally captivating.

Murphy's eyes traveled from top to bottom and back again, finally resting on her beautiful face. Half-hidden by nearly black hair on each side, her delicate features were framed by a nearly golden tiara inlaid with a dark red stone, making her complexion even more pale and enchanting.

"My dear..." Murphy almost forgot where he was, "You are a masterpiece of God!"

Unwittingly, his grip on Gal Gadot's hand nearly loosened.

"Wrong!" Gal Gadot easily broke free from Murphy's grasp, placing the sword of Hephaestus in front of his throat, "I'm blessed by Zeus."

"Uh..." Murphy came back to reality, remembering her initial words about Ares.

Gal Gadot pointed toward the living room, "Did you think your evil plan was well-hidden, Ares? Leaving it so carelessly on the coffee table in the living room."

She stepped closer to Murphy, her black curls brushing against his face, demanding, "Tell me! How long have you been plotting this evil plan?"

"For a long time," Murphy confessed truthfully, "I've been dreaming of it."

"Hmph..." Gal Gadot snorted coldly, then stepped back, distancing them and pointing the sword of Hephaestus at Murphy, lifting his chin with the sword's tip, "Today, it's either you die or I live."

Murphy raised his hands in surrender, "Diana, we need a fair fight."

"You say..." Gal Gadot stood proudly, illuminated by the light, her retro Greek armor making her seem like a goddess of war incarnate, "What kind of fairness do you want?"

"Of course, a one-on-one battle." Murphy stepped forward, and Gal Gadot, wary of hurting him with the prop sword, stepped back, "Bring out your war hammer, Ares."

"My pleasure, my princess."

As they spoke, Murphy quickly unbuttoned his dress jacket, threw it to the ground, and tore off his shirt, sending buttons flying everywhere, "Please wait, Diana."

He discarded his shirt, revealing a muscular torso that made him look exceptionally robust...

Then, Murphy's hands moved to his belt buckle.

"What are you doing?" Gal Gadot acted puzzled, "What are you about to do?"

"Of course, a fair one-on-one combat!" Murphy pulled out his belt and took another step forward, "My princess, is there anything more fair than close combat?"

Gal Gadot looked at him, her bright eyes seemingly about to drip water, biting her teeth, she declared, "Fine! I will defeat you and take the title of God of War!"

"My dear Diana," Murphy dodged the sword of Hephaestus, jumped to Gal Gadot's side, and lifted her into the living room. She, undaunted, placed the sword in front of Murphy's throat again, threatening, "I will lead the first round."

Murphy walked to the couch, setting Gal Gadot down, "It's my honor, princess."

Gal Gadot discarded the sword of Hephaestus, pushed Murphy's broad chest, and he fell back onto the couch.

"Come on, Ares." Gal Gadot lifted her leather skirt and sat on Murphy, "Let's see how powerful you really are!"

The struggle between the God of War and the Goddess of War thus erupted.

As it was a battle for divine status, it wasn't going to end easily. After the first round, Murphy donned a custom-made male version of ancient Greek armor, continuing the fierce battle with Gal Gadot.

These specially ordered costumes, which took Jack Watson's studio considerable time to complete, were only ready today. Gal Gadot, having picked them up on a whim after her tutoring class and finding Murphy's forgotten sketches of Diana Prince on the living room coffee table, initiated the real-life showdown.

Gal Gadot was smart; she knew Murphy had a crazy infatuation with her, or else he wouldn't have pursued her so eagerly from their first meeting. But she was also aware of the temptations Murphy might face in Hollywood. Maintaining freshness and excitement in their relationship was crucial.

Besides, she also enjoyed the thrill of such games.

Engrossed in their wild play, they forgot the time, eventually collapsing from exhaustion on the living room couch, their custom armors scattered around.

Perhaps due to their tiredness, Murphy and Gal Gadot slept soundly, not hearing the phone ring.

Only when sunlight streamed through the windows, shining on them, did Murphy on the couch finally open his eyes. As usual, Gal Gadot was not beside him. He looked around, finding the previously chaotic living room neatly tidied, clearly the work of Gal Gadot who had risen early.

"My dear..." Murphy, covering himself with the blanket Gal Gadot had left on him, grabbed the neatly placed loungewear from the single sofa, casually donning it and looking around for her, "My dear."

There was no response in the room; Gal Gadot was not there.

He stepped outside, just about to call out again when the front door opened from the outside. Gal Gadot, dressed in sporty shorts and running shoes, carrying two meal boxes and several newspapers, walked in.

Her hair was neatly tied behind her head, sweat beads on her forehead indicating she had just returned from exercising.

Seeing Murphy, Gal Gadot smiled sweetly, "You're up. I bought breakfast."

"You went for exercise..." Murphy took the items from her hands, "Why didn't you call me to join?"

"I did," Gal Gadot walked toward the main building's glass door, "but couldn't wake you up."

She turned to look at Murphy, "Have you been very tired lately?"

Murphy shook his head, knowing that men generally don't recover as quickly as women and indeed, he had been extremely busy lately. Just the public relations and promotion for "Deadpool" alone made him wish he could split himself in two.

The two entered the dining room, and Gal Gadot went to the adjacent washroom to freshen up. Then, sitting opposite Murphy, they began to enjoy breakfast together. Her breakfast remained very simple, apparently consisting only of vegetables and fruit.

Even so, Gal Gadot ate only about half of her meal before putting down her fork.

Murphy frowned slightly, "Dear, you should eat a bit more."

"That's enough for me." Gal Gadot shook her head firmly, "If it wasn't for last night... I wouldn't need to eat this much."

She knew Murphy was concerned about her and reached out to gently hold his hand, "Don't worry, my diet is specially designed by a nutritionist, it's enough to meet my needs."

Although Murphy, like most men, appreciated a slender figure, Gal Gadot was indeed too thin.

"You're too thin," Murphy insisted, "You should increase your nutrition intake appropriately."

"Hmm..." Gal Gadot nodded noncommittally, not taking Murphy's advice to heart, and changed the subject, "Bill called you at seven o'clock. I saw you were sleeping soundly, and Bill said it wasn't anything important, so I didn't wake you."

"Normally, I get up at six o'clock for exercise." Murphy also put down his fork, the all-vegetable meal not suiting his appetite at the moment, "Last night..."

"Last night! Hmph..." Gal Gadot interrupted, "Were you planning this all along?"

Having already done it, Murphy certainly wouldn't deny, "You know, I've been researching DC and Marvel comics lately and came up with this idea."

He chuckled, "I just wanted to add some spice to our lives."

"I've satisfied you," Gal Gadot actually agreed with these actions, "Next time, when I have a good idea, you'll have to satisfy me too."

"No problem." Murphy nodded eagerly.

Gal Gadot made a victorious gesture under the table and asked seriously, "Hmm... How about next time, we play the game Vanessa and Deadpool did on International Women's Day?"


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