


Megan walks out of class exhausted as she had worked the previous night. She was feeling like a zombie to say the least. It didn't help that Roman had gone radio silent on her. She didn't even have his number so calling him herself was out of the question.

He had asked for her number which she happily gave thinking he would call her soon but here she was 2 weeks later wondering where he was and if he was alive.

Lola sees her and runs to her side, "Hey girl!"

Megan forced a smile on her face to mask her sadness, "Hey."

Lola stares at her and notices how exhausted she was. They had been friends for so long and they were quite close. It was very noticeable that something was wrong and she had a strong feeling that it had something to do with the mysterious guy she was involved with.

"You look exhausted. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Megan said which was her go to response when she didn't want to talk.

Lola raises her eyebrow and she stares back at her. She knew that she was trying to cover something up and she wasn't going to let her get away with it. She was going to find out what the truth was whether Megan liked it or not.

"Don't even try to hide it with me. Tell me what's wrong."

Megan shakes her head, "It's dumb it's nothing."

Megan could almost immediately feel her frustration and annoyance when she keep trying to brush her off. She keeps on looking at Megan with a pout on her lips and her eyebrows are creased. "I don't think it's dumb...just tell me."

Megan thinks for a second and realizes talking about guy issues is normal. Even if they guy is a mobster.

"Its about a guy." "Don't say I told you so Lo!"

Lola chuckles and she smiles softly as she knows how much it's going to annoy Megan when she says this. "I totally called it...you're getting attached to this guy aren't you?"

"It's weird because we have only known each other for awhile and I feel like, we are from different planets but like when we are together....that doesn't matter." 

She giggles and she grins widely, she was totally getting a kick out of this response from her. She knew you well and it was pretty obvious that Megan had developed strong feelings for him. It was all over your face as Megan spoke of him. "So what...is he the love of your life? It sounds like you've fallen for him hard."

"How can I? I barely see him or know him."

She shrugs as she chuckles and she gives Megan a playful nudge. "But yet you get giddy when you think of him and you're acting all shy and flustered talking about him. Tell me the truth...did you fall for him?"

"I do...like him alot." Megan knew she was actually in love with him but admitting that to Lola meant she had to admit this to herself and that was scary.

Her facial expression grows even more excited when she sees Megan admit that she like him. She has a playful smile on her face and she nudges her again.

"Aww...that's so cute! I've never seen you get this attached to somebody before in such a short time. It seems like this guy has you hooked doesn't he?"

"It doesn't matter. He hasn't contacted me in two weeks now."

Megan's response makes her frown and Lola stares at her in concern."He hasn't talked to you in weeks? What's that supposed to mean? Did you two have a fight?"

"No. We were okay. We couldn't even stop making out." Megan frowns. "Maybe I was not as special to him as he made it seem."

Lola's eyebrows raise and she can't help but be confused. But she has a pretty good idea of why he hasn't talked to you in a few weeks. She stares at Megan curiously and her expression grows a bit more concerned as she sighs. "So you two were pretty intimate with each other?"

Megan felt her face burn up at this question. "We were intimate but like not sexually...it was kissing and it was amazing...at least I thought so."

She chuckles and she grins wide once again. Megan was truly smitten by this guy and it was very cute to hear her gush about him. She leans forward and she bumps her shoulder against Megan's like she's teasing you. "Come on...you don't have to be shy...you liked him didn't you? But I have a feeling like he felt more than just 'like' for you. Did he tell you anything like that? The way you're talking tells me that the two of you did more than just kiss."

"Lola! We didn't have sex. I wanted us to get to know each other more so we talked the whole night...I thought our souls connected..." Megan sighs, "Whatever....let's go. I'm done talking about this." Megan was beyond sad now. Lola's words just made her get false hope and it broke her heart more.

Her facial expression grows very suspicious as she hears her and her eyebrows raise. Megan was avoiding her questions which only makes her think that something definitely happened beyond kissing. She smirks and she nudges Megan once again. "Oh c'mon you can tell me...I won't judge." She laughs and she glances at you.

Megan rolls her eyes and starts walking away from Lola, she ignored her calling out to her. She was done with the conversation about Roman and didn't want to hear about him any more. As she got to the exit gate she froze seeing Roman leaning against his car.

"Why are you here?" She said.

He blinks and he stares at you and he doesn't respond right away. When she asks him why he is here, he suddenly seems to snap out of a kind of trance he was in.

His eyes widen with surprise and they grow very wide as he stares at her, his mouth slightly hanging open for a few seconds. "I came to talk to you...Megan I.." He says slowly and he seems very happy to see her, he starts to speak very softly.

"Megan I-"

"Save It!"

Megan shakes her head and tries to walk away. 

Roman looks at her and he quickly moves to stop her by stepping in front of her path. He looks at her seriously and his expression grows sad as he speaks once again. "Megan I need to talk to you...please."

"Why?!" Megan angrily shouts, "You ignored me for weeks. You didn't even call!"

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