
Chapter 9

Naruto was awakened by a knock on the door. Glad that he went to bed in his clothes, he opened the door and saw one of the Fire Mages standing in front of him.

- What's the matter, soldier? - he asked.

The Fire Mage was a little nervous, but his voice did not waver.

- Sir, this is Princess Azula. She had a nightmare and now she won't let anyone in, not even Lady Luo or Lady Li. "She's trying to burn anyone who comes in," he quickly explained.

Naruto nodded.

- Return to your post, soldier. I will take care of it. - The soldier saluted and left. He left his room and walked down the halls towards Azula's room.

Law and Lee stood outside the door.

"She has nightmares," Law said, but Lee continued the phrase. "It's shameful for her."

Naruto gave them a look that could have melted a blizzard created by ten Water Masters.

"You know very well who gave her these nightmares." If anyone would disgrace her, it would be him," he growled at both of them.

- Hold your tongue. - This time Lee spoke first, and Lo finished. - If you know what is good for you.

He laughed.

"You know, I still don't understand why he assigned you two to teach her fire magic." You're not even magicians.

"And you too," they both said in unison.

- Yes, but the difference between me and him is that I fight in the war that his family started, while he and you both sit on your asses in comfort. - He waved his hand at them. - Now go away, you are doing nothing but being inattentive to her.

- You will not...! - they began to say, but fell silent when they saw that his eyes had hardened.

"I said leave," he growled, his voice promising them a painful death if they didn't. They left pretty quickly. He opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him. There were no candles burning, but there was a small window through which the light of the full moon came through. A pale ray of moonlight fell on the bed. - Azula? - he called the bed.

- Leave! - the bed screamed. A fireball flew out from under the sheet straight at him. It ducked, flew overhead and hit the wall, dissipating harmlessly on the metal. - Go away, I'm not a monster!

- It's okay, Azula. - He stood on the edge of the bed. - This is Naruto.

The edge of the blanket lifted and Azula looked at it, the light from the window showing the hopelessness and fear on her face.

- N-Naruto? - she asked hesitantly.

He nodded.

- It's me. "She looked at him for a second, and then jumped on him, buried her face in his chest, pressed herself against him and began to cry. Naruto sat next to her on the bed and simply held her and rubbed her back as she cried, whispering soothing sounds. - Was it the same dream again? - he asked when she stopped.

She nodded.

"I was chained to a post and surrounded by people who looked at me with disgust and hatred in their eyes. They kept calling me a monster. The pillar was set on fire and I was burning, but I still heard them calling me a monster. - She buried her head in his chest again, tears threatening to fall.

"You are not a monster, Azula," he told her. - There is a side to you that is kind and caring. You just recently started to show it. Do you remember the orphan you met on the street?

She nodded. This was two weeks before her father ordered her to find her brother and uncle. She walked with Naruto and a procession of Imperial Firebenders through the city to look at the prototype of a new battleship being built. As they approached the docks, a small boy ran past Azula and grabbed her bag of money.

The boy did not have time to go far before he was captured by the Imperial Fire Mages. When they were about to deprive him of his hand for theft, Azula stopped them. She walked up to the boy and knelt down so that they were at eye level. She asked him why he was stealing. He told her that he was stealing to buy food for the other children in the orphanage because the man who ran the orphanage took all the food for himself and only fed the orphans the bare necessities. The owner also forced them to sleep in infested beds and on sheets chewed by rats. When they got sick, they were not treated until they died.

When the boy finished, Azula had a look of pure rage on her face. Looking at Naruto and her guard, she told them that they were going to this orphanage. Looking back at the boy, she asked him if he could show them where it was. He agreed and showed them the way to the shelter.

What they saw horrified them. The so-called "orphanage" was a dilapidated building. When they went inside, they were disgusted by the conditions in which the orphans lived. When the owner of the house came to greet Azula, she asked him why the orphans lived like this. He replied that he did not have enough funds. The boy called him a liar, saying that he kept a large amount of money in the orphanage. The owner hit the boy and threatened to flog him in front of Azula, Naruto and the Imperial Fire Mages.

Azula told the Imperial Fire Mages to apprehend the owner and then told Naruto to go and look for the money. He returned a few minutes later, carrying a large truck full of Fire Nation money. He told Azula it was only one in twenty-five. She then ordered the Imperial Fire Mages to throw the owner into prison. She then ordered Naruto to go down to the docks and bring in the workers who were building the prototype.

When they arrived, she told them to begin repairing the building. The orphanage was supposed to be funded by the royal family, and the next time she checked the place, it would have better conditions for the orphans, and there would be a better owner. She turned back to the boy, took her pouch and opened it. She poured out about half the money, gave it to him and told him to share it with the other orphans.

"These kids still consider you their big sister." Do you think that makes you a monster? - Naruto asked her.

"No," she answered, stopping her tears.

- Are you better now?

- Yes.

Naruto stood up, leaving Azula lying on the bed. He turned to leave but was stopped when Azula grabbed his arm.

"Please stay," she said, terrified at the thought of being alone. Naruto looked at her and nodded. He lay down on the bed with his back to the wall. Azula lay down next to him, pressing her back against his chest and holding onto his hand like a life preserver. She fell asleep in less than five seconds.

"She's a broken child," Kyuubi stated. It was so obvious that it was almost painful to see.

- I know that's true. She can fix herself, but she needs a friend to help her. Naruto responded silently as he hugged her and she hugged him back.

"Is this all you want to be, Naruto?" Or is it something more? - the fox wondered. Despite everything that seemed to indicate otherwise, his Jinchuriki was plagued by nightmares of his own.

(Setting: Earthrealm)

Aang entered Fong's office, his steps echoing in the quiet and almost empty room.

- General Fong? - he called quietly.

- Come in, Aang. Have you thought about our conversation? - Fong asked, although he already knew the answer. He knew what the Avatar's answer would be as soon as he heard him enter.

- I am for. "I will fight the Fire Lord," Aang said.

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