
PWA 66 VS Makoto and Sekai

Thinking about the possibility that Makoto may come in contact with MY Kotonoha or even our little Kokoro, I accidentally leaked out a wisp of killing intent that can be felt clearly by everyone in the battle arena.

Makoto and Sekai who stands on the opposite side of the battle arena can't help but break a cold sweat as they felt shivers traveled on their entire spine.

Both of them shakes off their head furiously in an attempt to shrug off the primal fear that suddenly grip on their hearts.

Even Kotonoha, Shion and Kasumi which is already going out also take a look back on Jovanna who suddenly let out such a suffocating presence.

Oooopppsss.... I better rein in my killing intent now, I don't care about anyone else, but I don't want to scare off Kotonoha just when I thought that our relationship had gone quite well.

Look, even the spectators in the front row and the judge are also giving me a look filled with trepidation.


"Ahem ahem, I am okay, please continue." Making a pair of soft coughs as I ensured everyone that everything is well and that there is nothing wrong with me, I then gestured for the judge and commentator who stops midway on their speech at the moment I start leaking out my killing intent.

"Ahem, ahem,.... Where do we left out before...?" The commentator mumbled a bit in a low voice before he suddenly beamed out and talk loudly with great spirit like there's nothing that happened earlier, "Okay! Now, for the Final Round of Today's Tag Team Tournament! We have both teams from the local residents of our Klepon Town! Please give an applause to Jovanna and Kotonoha on the blue side and Makoto and Sekai on the red side!"

Time to paint the red side even redder with some blood.

Just kidding.

"Go, Shion!

"Kasumi, let's do our best again."

"I choose you, Makuta!"

"Go, Totopi~!"

I sent out my Wooxie and Kotonoha let out her Ghosteam.

In opposition, Makoto send out a Makuhita that he called Makuta and Sekai let out a Totodile that she named as Totopi.


[Makuhita, the Guts Pokémon, is a Fighting Type Pokémon]

[Makuhita is tenacious, it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. It grows stronger by enduring harsh training. It is a gutsy Pokémon that can withstand any attack. Every time it gets back up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body for evolving.]

[Makuhita also have a tireless spirit, it will never give up hope. Makuhita eats a lot of food, gets plenty of sleep, and it trains very rigorously. Their daily routine consists of training together first thing in the morning, eating and napping in the afternoon, and then more training afterward. If you hear quaking rumbles in a cave, it is the sound of Makuhuta undertaking strenuous training. Oftentimes, Makuhita also toughen up its body by slamming itself into thick trees over and over. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest. By living that way, this Pokémon gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit.]

[This Makuhita have the ability Guts, and it knows the move Bullet Punch, Focus Energy, Tackle, Sand Attack, Arm Thrust, Fake Out, Force Palm and Body Slam.]



[Totodile, the Big Jaw Pokémon, is a Water Type Pokémon]

[Despite the small size of its body, Totodile's jaws are very powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury. This rough critter chomps at any moving object it sees. Turning your back on it is not recommended. Even its own Trainer must be careful.]

[This Totodile have the ability Sheer Force, and it knows the move Ancient Power, Leer, Scratch, Water Gun, Bite, Scary Face and Fake Tears.]


Makoto, Makuhita, Makuta.... I like that rhyme.

And what's with that Totodile you named as Totopi?

Sekai, you really liked that kind of names, huh?

I remember you also give my Kotonoha a nickname "Kotopi" back then in your original franchise.

Now you named your Totodile Totopi?

What will you name your Togepi if you happens to get one, by the way?

As I am wondering about such a random thought, the battle is already going on.

Kasumi being the fastest Pokémon with Quick Claw on her hold, open the battle by shooting a Shadow Ball that hits Totopi.

Shion also immediately set Totopi as her prime target as she shot a barrage of Bullet Seed that would be super effective to the Totodile.

"Makuta, use Bullet Punch to protect Totopi!"

"Totopi, use Bite on that Ghosteam!"

The Makuhita immediately moved forward and stand in front of the Totodile, its hands are making a blur as it quickly moved to deflect a bullet that is shot towards its Water type partner.

Too bad that Bullet Seed is not a one shot move.

You may be able to deflect one bullet, but there are still four more seeds shooting towards you, you know?

The remaining four bullets are all tanked by Makuta who crossed its hand in defensive position to protect itself.

As for the Totopi behind the Makuhita, it has already run up to approach Kasumi to Bite on her.

Oh ho ho ho, I see that unlike Gary, Sekai seems to have already know that Ghosteam is part Ghost Pokémon and she decided to use a super effective Dark type move against her.

Well, if you looked at her name, that can't be anymore obvious.

Unfortunately for her, Kasumi used Disable on Totopi which sealed its Bite away after she is taking quite a big chunk of damage from the super effective move.

"Totopi, use Fake Tears!" Sekai who is about to ask her Totodile to use another Bite changed her tactic after the move is sealed by Disable.

Ah, like Trainer like Pokémon, I guess.

Both knows how to use crocodile's tears, they are truly suited to each other.

I wonder if that Totodile is Sekai's starter Pokémon?

Both Kasumi and Shion's Special Defense are lowered harshly by two stages after seeing the Crocodile.... Ahem, I mean, the Fake Tears from the Totodile.

"Makuta use Force Palm on the Wooxie!"

Makoto's Makuta the Makuhita move forward to approach Shion after it tanked her Bullet Seed, both of its palm opened up and is charged with yellow aura.

Oh, you want to challenge my Grass/Fairy type Pokémon with your Fighting type?

Come on, then! Don't come back crying later!

"Fairy Wind!" I commanded Shion to use her newly learned Fairy type attack.

A breeze of wind brimming with pinkish fairy type energy blew through the field and strike Makoto's Makuta the Makuhita (dayum, I like those rhyme) even before the latter's Force Palm hit Shion.

And then the Makuhita that have been fallen down to the floor suddenly rise up with red aura enveloping it.


Oh No! Just when I thought that it have fainted after receiving two STAB Moves from my Shion, the last one is even super effective against it, its Guts ability activated!


And the Makuhita strike its Force Palm with its renewed strength, my Shion immediately take a huge amount of damage from the hit.

Tch, this is quite dangerous, both of me and Kotonoha's Pokémon have taken quite a hit, if it is in the game I am sure that both Shion and Kasumi each only have half of their HP left.

Meanwhile even though the opponent's Makuta is already on its last stand, but it also have a power up from its Guts ability.

And Totopi, despite it have already taken a Shadow Ball and have one of its move Disabled earlier by Kasumi, the Totodile in question are still alive and kicking, full of energy.

I believe that its HP are still green?


[ ] Author's Note [ ]

A. Do you know? At first I plan for Sekai to have an Ekans (I think Ekans's Wrap or Coil is a good metaphor for Sekai's roundabout way in doing things, she goes around until everything is under her wrap, like how she support Makoto to date Kotonoha but goes around having affair with him behind her friend's back and in the end she even take Makoto from Kotonoha).

I have also drafted a Mawile (Sekai's fake tears especially on the scene when she cry out while pretending to get pregnant by Makoto and this Pokémon's move Fake Tears would make an interesting combination), and a Togepi (its random Metronome move is a good reflection on Sekai's random mood and behaviours, I think) to be a would be Pokémons in Sekai's Team.

But then I scratched them all out as I think about what kind of nickname Sekai would give to them (especially the Togepi! 😆).

In the end, I choose Totodile as Sekai's Pokémon and let her named it Totopi.

As for why a Totodile..... Well, ever heard the term "crocodile's tears"? 🐊😂 That's why I gave Sekai's Totodile TM Move Fake Tears.


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Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!

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