
47. MINE

"Through every idea of going and coming,

Through every season of leaving,

Through the time ticking,

Through every steps we climb,

You are a star, shining so high,

Just like mine"


Sun rays casted over their loose forms. As they shared a fruit together working on papers. His gaze would meet her working form, every time he would open his mouth to say something. But, his throat would conceal every secret pushing beneath his guts, which would wiggle around more and trouble his thinking with every breath.

But, this time he called her and winced as his own voice sounded so strange to him, as if it's not him who's talking.


Her shining eyes met with his dark one's hiding secret behind.

Gulping he leaned forward binding his palm together and not meeting her eyes.

"D-do you know why I married you? Even after knowing whose daughter you are."

Her lips twitched upwards as she leaned forward as if to tell him a secret.

"I do know why you married me."

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