
Chap 13: Trick or treat (semi-R-18)

[October 10]

Days passed and the more they went by the less i spended time in the cave, i was preparing, training and trying various things i believe my time with the team is coming close to an end, it was good while it lasted, oh well so is life.

I heard from the team that Zatara brought his daughter to introduce her, shame i missed them but they did nothing important just a tour around the cave then went outside a bit on the Bioship and that's it.

Zatara was satisfied and relieved they said she will probably come again, i know we will meet in the future, i didn't copy Zatara's Homo-magi physiology to not alert him i know i have magic from Kaldur but unless used actively Zatara can't feel it as Atlentians use these skin icons to channel their magic and those with enough mastery don't really need them but still use them nonetheless, but if i copied the now still green Zatanna it will be less obvious and maybe will give me time to understand and control my mana and once she join the team she can teach me.

I didn't meet or talk much with any of the Leagues members aside from Tornado ofcourse who as normal didn't change much, i really like this android, one day when i have armies of androids i will build one in tribute of you my friend.

if i ask him what he thinks about the relationship between us what would he answer?

Would he say friend from work?

A kinda cave mate?

Or nothing?

I am curious as to how he sees me, he should be more logical than the League so maybe his opinion will be more partial.

Maybe I will ask him one day.


[October 16]

"The longer they stays insinde the longer it will cause problems to their mind the worse it will get, i'm getting in" despite hearing Batman shout to stop i didn't and proceeded to put my hand on Martian manhunter's shoulder, closed my eyes and focused a little.

Instantly i found my self somewhere else, feeling like my mind getting hit by hammers of emotions.

Fear, despair, loss and confusion hit me from all sides till i fell hard and found myself in the cave with the team minus Artemis and Aqualad and Wolf, everyone looking at me worriedly but at the same time happy to see me, it took me a second to adapt and stand up and i felt my head and brain more clearer than ever my psychic sense reaching far and wide but before it continue to engulf the whole continent i suppressed it and pulled it back it all happened in less than a second, if i could process things 15 to 25 times faster before and felt the world slow now it's about 100 of times and the world simply stopped moving it's really fascinating.

Do you know that J'onn's mind is also totally open to me since he is still confused ?

Hahaah.... but i have no time to enjoy this now as i have something more important i looked at the team then at Megan who came hurriedly and hugged me while crying" Zane thank god you are here, Artemis...and and a-Aqualad they ar-are gone!"

I looked at her, this will surely still cause them the trauma maybe less than it should be but not for her, i put my hand on her cheek and wiped her tears then made her look at me and said:" Megan no one is lost, i want you to look at me, remember Megan wake up it's all fake remember and wake up" Everyone looked confused and wanted to be happy hearing me at first but then they got more confused and then Manhunter seems to finally get his head back and said" yes i remember now this is a simulation in your mind you need to remember and wake up everyone"

The team looked around confused not knowing what to do i looked at Megan who's under a shock again and with a smile i told her" Megan i know you can do this i want you to wake up Megan, let's go i believe in you" looking at me she got her shine again after hearing what i said then she took a step back and closed her eyes in concentration and then minutes later we all are back with Manhunter explaining what happened" I apologize i had no idea training exercise could be so dangerous... so damaging."

"That's because you didn't fucking listen to me, i told you it would happen, i told you to not underestimate them now look what you did?" I yelled at them with righteous anger on my face that none had seen till now looking at Batman" you just wouldn't allow your fucking ego to listen because you don't trust me and i don't trust you either but when i say something i know what i am saying."

Megan was crying and holding me tight " Megan look at me, you are not at fault I told you before didn't I, you hold great power Megan and with time you will grow and be an amazing hero, it's not your fault what happened today it was expected so do not feel guilty you hear me, now let it out, let everything out"

I told her while holding her face and then i embraced her tighter and let her cry as she wanted, and cry she did. I can feel my shirt getting totally wet but i don't mind i just kept her close while signaling Superboy to come closer.


[October 23]

It's been a week since the incident and the mood was down bad, i don't have any empathy power yet, still i could sense the depressive aura around, i started to doubt if i actually had it without me knowing but shook my head to get that thought out the way.

I tried to talk to them at first acting as i normally do but still got nothing, i can play therapy for them but then thought they will figure it out eventually beside i don't want to take Dinah's job away, and if anyone ever wanted to talk they can text me.

Ah Kent Nelson died too so that also sad, and guess where the helmet ended? Yep exactly here!

My relationship with the League especially Batman was getting worse everyday, something i expected a long time ago, me being cruel and breaking bones even when not needing to do any of that was to see their reactions and opinions on me, it's not just Batman that has eyes on me but everyone probably he keeps feeding them news about me and how of a threat i am even Dinah is more restrained with me now.

Then you got that anger with the mind simulation thing, J'onn doen't even have the courage to look me in the face, i was not really angry or anything, i did care about the team especially Megan and i was sad for her a bit, but the yelling scene was just to show everyone that i care and am there for the team so that when i go, atleast the team will know or think it was not my fault but the Leagues one, i am not trying to make any discord between them i simply want them to grow away from them, not influenced by them, to have their own thoughts and sense of justice so whatever I decide to do in the future they won't come at me start preaching me this and that.

I also decided to learn how to use musical instruments, i always wanted to play some guitar or the piano so i started with those and bought my self a guitar and started playing whenever i am in the cave to sooth the mood and it's working a bit.


[October 31]

You know the downside of havind good senses! you don't enjoy crowded places that much, for example clubs.

Serly wanted to go out on Halloween as she never had the chance to because she had no friends and was always busy even in days off -workaholic- but since she now has me she just pulled me out to go with her so we went to some club, and it was awful, the music was ok but the sounds were all over the place and i could hear them all even if i don't want to, my ears had to adapt to that which suprised me a little i thought i already was quite resistant to high soundwaves but not these concentrated all over the place it seems, who would have known.

You know in my last life i had to wear glasses to see from afar but now i even see in extreme darkness and some things are just too disgusting to see, good that i never keep my mind open or i don't want to know what these people are thinking about. But i did have fun with Serly, clubs were never my thing but it was enjoyable especially when there's someone all over you. So yeah it was not bad i guess?

I also got the sword of Beowulf, it was on it way back to the museum i intercepted it midway while being invisible and stored it in my space storage and went after Harm who was on his way to prison and read his mind for the incantation.

Like i will leave an anti-magic sword laying in a musuem for everyone to see!! Who knows how many others know about it and just decide to take it? It is safer with me anyway.

At first it resisted me and didn't want to acknowledge me, i knew it would as my heart is not pure good nor evil i am more of a chaotic person, but forcing my will upon it i was able to use it and made my body adapt to the feeling of pulling it out again so i don't need to force it everytime.

What you thought there was no way around this stuff? How do you think it can recognize if the bearer is pure or not?

Magic yes, it scan them with magic wich i adapted to also and saved the feeling for later, and with a bit of strong will and it's inability to scan me again it had no choice but to work, i should find a way to bond it to me.

To be honest enchantment magic is so underwhelmed many don't understand how to utilize it more properly, in my opinion it is one of the most versatile magic out there.

Yeah maybe it won't make you personally stronger but it allow you to be the master of the battlefield. It won't help you change the weather or make you throw every element out there.

But imagine enchanting a glove, every finger of the glove in different element, make a cape like Docror Strange or boots that let you fly or run faster and more and more it's all about imagination and damn i have lot of ideas.

Anyway i would say i had the best trick and treat of the night. If you know what I mean.


[Serling Roquette POV] semi-R-18

(You can skip if you want)

The last two months changed her life so much, actually it changed so much she didn't even know how.

She was like always working on her latest project the Fog. A device that could lift the world security and information sector to another level, then without even knowing how she got kidnapped. One second she was working and the next second she was in a room with some creepy guy wearing a mechanical helmet displaying one eye and an old man with scars and several... ninjas were surrounding her and telling her to finish her project and then hand it over or she will die.

Ofcourse she did what she was told, she didn't want to die okay. She was young and had a lot to achieve, she didn't even have a boyfriend yet. Ever.

And she was at it now for like almost two weeks. Honestly she lost hope someone will come to her, she had no friends she was alway in her studies then her work, she never bothered to make friends and beside some scientists and colleagues she worked with almost everyone else was an idiot or trying to impress her only for her looks. She was obviously happy that she was seen as beautiful and all but she wanted someone to talk to, someone who would understand what she's talking about.

Which brought her mind to someone who has been coming to talk to her lately, he was actually handsome, very handsome but that not what mattered back then she was too focused on her work to notice such things, but what she did notice is how intelligent he was, she was actually having so much fun talking to him and answering his questions about nanotech and hearing his ideas, she had to say he was very creative and funny although some of his ideas might seems silly and too fantasy-like but in this world we are living in who's to say it's not possible.

She had to smile remembering him talking about some nanobot suit and calling it Iron-man suit or woman depends on the wearer. She might have found it funny back then but now if she could she would definitly build one it could prove useful in this kind of situation.

Before losing hope entirely thinking they will kill her when she's finished, HE came. Like litterally he just appeared in the middle of the room his feet not touching the ground. Her mind flipped she thought finally someone came to save her.

She didn't even care about the nonchalant carefree way he spoke in, she just lashed out at him when she heard it's only him and she thought she was doomed, it seems she was not holding it fine like she was thinking and she just had to criticize the guy.

But point to him he just continued to joke around to calm her down like nothing happened then he showed her his face and it didn't take her long to recognize him she was just suprised she blurted the first thing that came out of her mind, she didn't know what's happening to her she was so scrared she thought she will die a moment ago and now she was having a conversation with him feeling all shy like she's not being kidnapped or something dammit.

Then he lifted her with one hand like it's nothing and her project in the other and before she could think they were in the sky, flying. She got scared at first and unconsciously her hold on him tightened till he calmed her down and told her it's safe, and she really felt safe with him.

Then she finally opened her eyes and she had to utter a 'wow' without knowing, flying sure is amazing and nerve relaxing, then she looked at him again, he was really handsome especially now with his hair swaying around and those blue and green eyes, she got so lost she didn't even know where her courage and boldness came from.

Zane was his name he told her, he was quite peculiar, he said he was not a hero and the way he said it, it seems he didn't like being one either, or maybe he is a lazy one?

They continued talking and joking she didn't notice when they arrived, he was funny, handsome and smart if he told her he was the richest man alive she would have probably believed him.

He took her to an apartment and told her she can stay here for couple of days till her safety was guaranteed, he seemed to want to go but she just holded him for dear life as her adrenaline was starting to run off and she started fearing staying alone she just couldn't let him leave her alone so she asked him to stay and he did, that day she slept like a baby not knowing wether from the stress, exhaustion or because he was there.

The next couple of days were the most peaceful she ever had, she didn't need to work or do anything and she had company, a very pleasing and welcoming one.

Honestly hearing his teasing and joking that almost everytime got a reaction out of her she couldn't help but curse him out loud, he was a bastard she told herself, he was evil, those eyes of his were hypnotizing her for sure and this laugh of him as much as she wanted to hit him she couldn't help to just blush everytime she looked at his perfect face.

He's very dangerous she realized and did nothing to resist. It's like she was enjoying being tormented by him and wanted more, she never realized she was like that, no he definitely did something to her but he never looked at her inappropriately nor talked with her in any offensive way, is she not attractive enough for him? No what was she thinking.

Ah he secured her a job at Wayne-tech that was much better than her old one and and and... he will leave soon she realized, she wanted to thank him and stay with him more she couldn't but ask him out and he told her he needs a favor she just acted annoyed but she couldn't help being happy inside that she can have him own her a favor, yes he saved her but so what?

She had to bear it with this devil of sins for couple of days they were even now, and so she played her role in this 'mission' but she never gave these kids any mind she knew he was here with her even when an assasin came to the same room she was in she didn't feel any fear because he was here. But she of course had to act angry and demand him to treat her good she can't be easy now can she, and this bastard is not helping.

And she finally had a leverage over him and could take revenge, she took him shopping she could almost see the pain in his eyes she was starting to feel guilty but nope, seeing him in different clothes and styles she just couldn't feel anything but excitement and joy.

She was having fun and finally the night came to the date, and she must say she enjoyed it no she loved it, he didn't talk much about himself but she was okay with it he listened to her and acted like a gentleman most of the time. And then he walked her home since it wasn't that far, she wouldn't mind flying again but it was too public right now it won't work, then they finally arrived she honestly didn't want him to leave and thought he didn't like her but she understood what he meant and felt happy with what he said, he enjoys her company and want to meet again and they continued to joke again then looked at each other and she just couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

And then it happened, they kissed and she couldn't get enough of those soft lips of his as they roamed hers and his tongue that in her mouth hmm she still feel it everytime she licked her lips.

She hosestly doesn't know how they got inside and she found herself on the bed but it didn't matter, what mattered is this this... god in front of her she felt wetter down there the more she observed him take a piece of cloth out, till he was just in his underwear.

She realized she gulped loudly seeing his chiseled abs and even though he still had something to cover it she knew it was not just big this was a monster and instead of getting anxious all she felt was excitement, then he got closer and started kissing her while undressing her she just let him do whatever he wanted, whatever he wanted to do she will let him, and then she realized again she was totally naked and he was kissing her on her thighs she definitely came there if she didn't already came before.

He then stood up again and started taking his underwear off and she gulped again and her eyes glued on his monster, she unconsciously put it between her hands and started rubbing then she looked at his devilish face and licked it keeping her eyes on his, like asking for some praise or something.

When did she become this obedient she didn't know and didn't care either all she wanted is to please him so she put it in her mouth and started sucking till she couldn't breath, she almost choked one time till he put his hand on her head and pushed her gently.

He then lifted her and put her on the bed, opened her legs and said it's his turn and damn she couldn't but hide her face from the embarrassment, she just came the second he put his tongue in, he just giggled a bit and continued like it did not bother him, she didn't know how many time she came but she moaned so loud she was having hard time breathing. Then he stood up again and pointed his cock in her hole and warned her she just nodded obediently and once inside she just shouted, not from pain but ecstasy.

She never felt anything like this before it was so good she grabbed his back with her legs and hugged him tight not letting him an inch away and he pounded her and she enjoyed it all, they did it in many positions and he took everything out of her till he got satisfied the last thing she remember before she just lost it and got knocked out was him cuming inside which energized her enough to think clearly for a moment, honestly she didn't want kids but if it's him she won't mind no she will love it then she closed her eyes with a satisfied smile.

The next day she woke up beside him and she felt everything in her body hurt but she didn't complain she was happy still dreaming about last night, she couldn't stand the whole day she cursed the beast with a smile that day.

The weeks went by and she realized she fell for him, no she knew that even before but she just couldn't deny it anymore, honestly she didn't mind the situation they were in now he comes and goes every now and then they talk, laugh have sex and so on, she realized she can't ask any more from him he was just more than she can handle alone, his monstrous thing wouldn't just get satisfied after one or two times she even pushed herself once for a third,  good thing she had the next day no work. He was perfect, in everything, looks, brain, humor, cooking. BED. COOKING

This bastard will for sure have more women with his face alone and once he got them in bed they are already his. Damnit she couldn't do anything about it she realized and somehow it didn't bother her much she just wanted to be with him, she wondered how she could tell him without him leaving her.

Honestly she couldn't look at men the same she looks at him anymore, she will make him take responsibility that's for sure.



Next chapter: Teleportation incident!

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