

Marbel's Pov

"I will say it again," I started with a cheerful smile to my face. "My name is Marbel,"

Her face was distant and held little emotional effort towards me. I could not blame her, this was entirely new for her.

So I moved closer to the jail cell in which she was held and continued to speak with my face light and cheerful. "As you know, we maids have the responsibility of keeping the house clean and every other things such as serving the Alpha, bringing neat clothes to him when he so desires… You know, it's not that bad."

Rebekah's face was distant as the night owl, and I could perceive the sadness emitting out of her. I sighed. Regardless of where she was caged in right now, I wished she could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She was in a safe place even though it didn't seem like it at the moment, but she would soon know. I smiled and continued to speak. I knew she would hear my words, it didn't matter how zoned out she seemed.

"I've been talking to you for a while, Miss Rebekah." I said. "Have you not been paying attention to any of my words at all?"

Although I still sounded friendly, in my heart I was worried because I was instructed by a higher power to speak to Rebekah. I would be a failure if I failed to bring her.

Still, I wasn't one to give up hope so easily. "I have a family." I said. "Not only a biological family, but a group who have always been there for me even though I haven't been always forthcoming. It's because of them I have the hope to keep doing what I'm doing everyday. Also, I no longer count it as a job or a chore because I love taking care of people."

Rebekah finally looked at me and this made me smile. She was finally giving me the same of the day. There really was hope.

"Well it sucks to be you," I felt a bit triggered by her statement. I had thought she would be more kind regarding it. Also, I only told her because I thought she would relate with it and that we could bond over that. Apparently, I was wrong. Ugh, I was such a fool. Why did I even expect someone in prison to empathize with me, she was clearly not in a good mood! And I was the one supposed to make her feel better not the opposite!

Instead of dancing around the subject, I decided to straightaway tell her why I was here. She didn't seem like she appreciated talks with too many ceremonial attributes.

"The truth of why I'm here is that, I was instructed to bring you into the main house." I expected Rebekah to be a little happy at my statement but I was only met with a blank stare. That made my heart dip a little bit.

What was going on with her? Did she not know the meaning of what I just said? Or did not hear me?

I decided to repeat myself. "I said—"

"—I heard what you said the first time," She interupted. "I reject."

I was flabbergasted by how firm and straightforward she was. But most importantly, what really got me was her integrity and strong morals. Even though it was self-imposed she was sticking by it even if it caused her pain and discomfort.

"What kind of woman are you?" I thought of myself, feeling tears brimming in the corner of my eyes. She was strong. She was far too strong than any person I'd ever met. And she was only a woman.

My gaze dropped to the ground. In contrast to me, I was weak.

"I am weak." I mumbled to myself.

"Are you done here?" Rebekah's voice thundered, and I couldn't help but feel naked, ashamed even in front of her.

I, personally always yielded to my fate when it was painful but if I saw an opportunity to live a better life when times were rawfully uncomfortable I would yield onto it. But this lady here, although she had an opportunity to live way better. She was choosing to stay here. What kind of discipline did she have? I wanted that. Then I thought of the kind of life she would have had to live to hone that discipline. It couldn't have been easy. But that was exactly while she had to take this opportunity it would be good for her.

"Rebekah, listen to Me—"

"—How do you know my name?" She said defensively. She looked like if she was in perfect strength, she'd beat me up. But I stood by the times steadfastly.

"I was told. But listen to me, please. I know the feelings you're going through."

"You do?" She chuckled bitterly. "You don't know a damn of what I've been through for you to say none of that! In my eyes, you look as weak as something else!"

Her words broke me, indeed. But they were right, and I knew that.

"In my heart, I know you're telling you the truth when you say that I am weak. I can't physically fight or do many heavy liftings but I'd like to tell you that all hope is not lost!"

Rebekah blinked. Her face on me very keen. She was really listening to me now.

"As weak as I am, there are many young girls I give hope to, just by existing."

Rebekah kept staring at me. I didn't know if her gaze solidified that her heart was being open by what I was saying to her or not. I just knew that the story in my heart were meant for her ears to hear at this moment.

"You don't have to be physically strong all the time and break heavy things to make impact. I know, you're a woman of integrity. But why not prove that by becoming the Alpha's Luna and being there for all those that will need you."

"Over my dead body would I do that." I internally gave up, letting an exasperated sigh pass my lips. There was no way I could ever convince her. This was her path that she'd chosen.

"Tell the Alpha that I am not his mate." I swallowed, and bowed my head. I had tried my best. I turned around to leave, hoping time would put her straight and make her accept the offer before it was too late.

Rebekah's Pov

The maid's words were convincing, especially right after she spoke about how her existence brought about hope to other young girls. But that was only a matter of time before they begin to loathe her, because naturally, no one wanted to remain small for all of their days. Life didn't work like that. It didn't matter how perfect the maid was in character and of essence, those people she deemed hopeful of her would eventually turn on her when they had opportunity to.

Just while I was thinking these things, I saw a piece of note not far from where I was sitting on. I looked around and saw a figure in the cell next to me, moving down to the far corner.

I said nothing, only cautiously dropping down from the bench I was sitting on to pick up the folded piece of paper. Once I opened it, I swallowed my saliva from what was written on the page.

Escape. Leave. Run!

All these things were written bristly which made me aware of the urgency of the person who had written the note. I looked around and once I was certain, they was no one else, I moved to the other side of the cell and tried to get the person's attention.

"Excuse me,"

There was no response by the person. Instead, I noted that the person seemed to relax more into that corner on the ground. I sighed, wrapping close the note and contemplating to myself.

The person who wrote the note was right. Instead of sitting here, could I not just escape instead?

I could!

I felt hope beginning to draw near and my heart was lightened again.

I slowly walked back to the bench I was sitting on in a crossed leg pose and then recalled my many years of freedom in the dust. Crawling, hiding, searching. All those desperate times where I aimed to be best, to be seen as competent by my boss. This was the life I lived. Constantly aiming to be, to do more, to be gallantly strong and do all of these great things including tasks given to me by my superior.

I did them all regardless of the high risks attached. This was the first time I would dare dream to do something for myself such as freeing myself. In the past, I wouldn't. I would rather do everything for family just to make sure they were safe. This would be a first for me.

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