
Chapter 482 Duke Is Back

"I can see them!" one of the snipers in the western watchtower called out excitedly over the radio, his eyes glued to the scope. "Prepare to open the gates in 2!"

"Roger that, over!" the gatekeeper responded, signaling the two soldiers stationed on either side of the gate to prepare for the opening in two minutes.

Moments later, the low rumble of the fuel tanker's engine echoed from a distance.

But not far behind, a far more ominous sound joined the tanker's hum— the deafening roar of thousands of zombies sprinting after the trucks, their collective footfalls shaking the ground beneath them.

"Everyone, get ready to fire, but aim carefully! Don't hit the tank, or we'll be blown to hell!" the gatekeeper shouted, moving quickly along the top of the cargo trailers, his eyes scanning the incoming threat.

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