

-One week later, within the Schnee family mansion-

Jacques Schnee was attending the birthday party of his middle child, Weiss. Ensuring she made the effort to make connections with the other high society heirs in her age group. It greatly irked him, needing to be there to supervise her like this. But she had been becoming more unruly with each passing year. Even going so far as to express interest in becoming a Huntress.

He already hated the fact that Winter was led astray and joined the Atlas Military. It wasn't what he wanted for his eldest daughter, but he had spun it so he and the SDC as a whole looked good. If Weiss further insisted on becoming a Huntress, he could likely do so once more, but this time his peers would catch on that his grasp on his children wasn't as firm as it should have been.

*Ring~* *Ring~*

Jacques' scroll rang. Seeing the Chrollo emblem appear on the screen, he quickly left the ballroom, leaving Weiss to socialize.

"Lucius." Jacques said, standing out in the empty hallway.

"Hello Jacques. There's been a change in the mission." Lucius replied, his voice carrying more amusement than Jacques had ever heard from the man.

"What is it? If you're trying to renegotiate the price.." Jacques voice trailed off in a hint of warning.

"No no. Not at all, my old friend. The mission's failed. My son and his squad were wiped out." Lucius replied without a hint of sadness or anger.

"What..? How difficult is it to grab those two 'items' I requested?" Jacques asked, a mix of anger and shock in his voice.

"You'll likely hear this within a few days anyway, but Menagerie is officially becoming a Kingdom. Vale, Mistral and Vacuo acknowledges them. Atlas councilors are trying to find any means to push back, but Ironwood is also on board with it." Lucius explained before bringing his ear away from the scroll's speaker.

"WHAT!!? How!? How am I only just hearing about this!?" Jacques yelled furiously, biting his nail in frustration. All those connections to the councilors was to get this kind of information as soon as it came to light.

"They've been stuck debating this behind closed doors for twenty-eight hours now. The kind of event that prohibits scrolls. Relax, nobody's keeping things from you." Lucius chuckled.

Hearing Jacques sigh, he continued.

"As for how I know? Our mutual acquaintance informed me. She has an interest in the girl."

Jacques paused at the mention of their mutual acquaintance. Just the implication of them made him cautiously glance around, to see if anyone was around. Thankfully, nobody was roaming the halls.

"Does she have any demands..?" Jacques asked, quietly.

"Only to sell her what we know. But I have my own theories on the girl.. I'd advise you to keep an eye on her." Lucius said, before hanging up.

Jacques sighed deeply before straightening himself out and returning to his office. He had more important things to do now than attend his daughter's birthday.

-Chrollo HQ, Atlas-

Lucius set his scroll down and tapped his fingers rythmically along the surface of his desk. Sending his weakest child to Menagerie was originally just a way to increase his status within the business. All he was capable of, was becoming yet another pillar of obedience to his Father. Exchanging his life for some interesting information, one that even had Salem interested, was well worth it.


"Father? You summoned me?" A distinctly female voice called out to him.

Lucius looked at his daughter. A beautiful, well endowed young woman with plump pink lips, verdant green eyes and dazzling crimson hair.

"Carmilla, yes. Amon is dead. He made a valuable contribution to the family. Add his name to the blackstone monument." Lucius ordered.

Carmilla raised her brow in surprise. Amon hadn't been very powerful. He wasn't lazy, he did train hard to become at least Huntsmen level. But he lacked the talent the rest of the Chrollo children possessed. Nevertheless, she marked down his name for inscription on the blackstone monument, (a memorial stone) on her scroll.

"I need your spy division to look for someone. I'll send you all the details. It's imperative you get all the information you can before making contact." Lucius added, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"Oh? I'm even going out myself for this? I hope the incentive is good, Father~" Carmilla replied in a teasingly seductive tone.

"You'll join the inner circle." He stated calmly.

Carmilla immediately closed her mouth and became serious.

"I'll get it done. Just send me the necessary information." Lucius nodded with a pleased smile as Carmilla walked out of his office.

"I hope she can keep a cool head this time.. It's good to be ambitious, but don't bite off more than you can chew." Lucius muttered while looking up through the window at the pure white shattered moon.

-Meanwhile, back in Kuo Kuana-

The week had been eventful. Meetings between subordinates of the Beast Kings mostly went smoothly. That is, if they avoided talk about humans. There were a few times that the Kings had to step in to stop the arguing, but things hadn't truly gone out of control.

A few days into the negotiations, Grey had arrived as a representative of the Branwen clan. Things were tense until the Wolf King's men realized she was a Faunus too. One who had her Faunus features mutilated. The talks were rather smooth after that.

Yin had mostly stayed out of it after Grey had arrived. She had been preparing for Vale. Which meant she was trying to increase her acting skills. Thankfully, on the second day of practice, she got the skill. Progress was slow, mainly due to lacking someone to instruct her and the fact that Shia kept encouraging her, even when her performance was less than stellar.

Now, it was the last day of the talks. They had finished earlier during the day and a grand celebration was taking place all over the island. A dance was going to be held at the Belladonna estate, but Yin was currently looking at a rather pitiful looking Tamamo, who had arrived at her room.

"..Yin. Please come with me. We um.. have to get ready for the dance.." Tamamo said with a strange flush to her cheeks.

"Eh...? What happened to her? Is she drunk?" Shia, who was beside Yin on her bed, whispered in her ear.

"I don't smell alchohol.. I think she got laid. Was it Muzaka?" Yin asked aloud with a smirk.

"What!? No way.. That mutt is too crude. I.. well.. I was 'punished' by my lady for referring to her as a.. hag. But that's not important! What is... Is that she made you a gift. To wear at the dance." Tamamo cleared her throat awkwardly.

Yin squinted her eyes and observed how shaky Tamamo's legs were. A few perverse thoughts flew through her head before she immediately dismissed them.

"I'm not even going to ask. I was thinking of not attending, but I'm a little too curious to see what she made..." Yin rested her chin within her palm and thought to herself.

"Alright. I'll play. Where's the gift?" Yin asked.

"Here..!" Tamamo pulled a rectangular gift box along from the hallway before handing it to Yin.

"Let's see what we have.." Yin pulled the ribbon holding the gift loose, opening the box.

A dazzling golden glow shone from within the box. One that had Yin, Shia and even Tamamo's eyes widen.

"Shia.. go pick out a dress while I attempt to put this on." Yin urged, picking out a rather expensive piece of jewelry out of the box.

"EH!? Are you sure you don't need help fitting into it by hand!? Or measure it!? ...by hand!?" Shia gulped looking at the incredible dress that was gifted.

"Ahaha. Come now. A black dress would look good on you~" Tamamo laughed sultrily as she dragged an unwilling Shia out of the room.

"EEEEeeeeeeeeeh-" Shia exclaimed in despairing disbelief as she was pulled away.

Meanwhile, a few bullheads had arrived outside. They all possessed a Raven insignia, so it was obvious who came. Landing at the beach close to the Belladonna Estate, Raven walked out of the Bullhead with Ren, Nora and Vernal. All of them dressed in appropriate dance attire. Raven, in her tight black thigh split dress attracted a lot of stares as they walked up to the Estate.

"M..Miss Branwen, I take it?" One of the White Fang guards at the door asked, feeling his throat tighten at the sight of Raven.

"Yes. This is Nora, Ren and Vernal. Can we go in?" Raven asked with an amused smile.

"Right away! Miss Belladonna is waiting ins-side." The guard nervously replied, opening the door for them.

"Wow! How'd you make his nervous like that without a weapon? I can only do that with my hammer.." Nora gasped in awe.

"Sex appeal, confidence and aura. Not the kind that protects us." Vernal snickered, immediately looking around for Yin as soon as they stepped inside.

"Ah, Rae! It's been so long!" Kali greeted from across the room, urging her to come over to see Blake and Ghira, who were standing beside her.

"It has. I take it Grey has been helpful?" Raven smiled and strode over to her old friend, who immediately hugged her.

"Mmph- I see you're as touchy as ever.." Raven muttered as Blake and Ghira both gave her apoligetic looks.

"Mom's very.. expressive." Blake commented, looking away as Kali made some very suggestive adjustments in the hug.

"Kali.." Raven sighed and returned the hug before it became too awkward for everyone present.

"There we go~ Now, the party's about to begin. Feel free to mingle and grab all the food you want. The music's going to start soon." Pleased with the return hug, Kali pulled away with a smile and gave a look to the musicians, who were getting ready.

"So.. where's Yin? Shit, I came all this way and got in this damn thing to see her." Vernal asked while simultaneously complaining about the shoulder strap auburn dress she was forced to wear.

"She should be here soon. Just get some-" "Is that lady not wearing a SHIRT!?" Vernal cut Raven off and yelled, pointing at Ghislaine, who was sitting at a table and drinking from a bottle of wine with Muzaka.

"Her ABS have abs.." Nora muttered in silent awe.

"Nora.. please. It's-" Ren stopped his repremanding suddenly.

"It's a compliment! ...Ren? What's wrong? What are you looking- OH!" Nora also stopped talking, having noticed what Ren had.

Soon enough, there was a chain reaction of people looking up the staircase.

*Click* *Clack*

Solid heels were heard coming down, drawing the eyes of those attending. Yin walked down, in a luxurious golden dress. As if it were made of the hide and scales of a divine golden beast. To everyone, Yin appeared like an elegant, battle-ready Queen. Her black horns and scales almost unnaturally fit with how strikingly gold the dress was.

[Master Rank Kulve Taroth set (Alpha) equipped]

'It's strange, wearing another Dragon like this. But the reaction.. Isn't it a bit overboard?' Yin thought to herself as she noticed her Mother, Nora, Ren and Vernal.

"Oh my! You look simply stunning!" Kali cried out as Yin walkes over.

"Solid gold.. Scales... You've sure hit it rich, haven't you?" Raven smirked.

"I hear envy, Mom." Yin smirked right back before the two hugged each other.

"You had HORNS? I want horns..!" Nora gasped before Ren clamped down on her mouth.

"Nora.. tact, remember?" Ren whispered, eyeing the increasingly interested people in Yin.

"AH! It looks so good...! Why did my hair have to take so long!? How did Yin's hair get like that so fast!?" Shia despaired once more as she stepped out with Tamamo and joined Yin's side once more.

"It's a.. unique trick, Shia." Yin gave her a look she immediately understood.

"Hax..." Shia pouted.

The party soon officially kicked off. The celebration of establishing a real Kingdom for the Faunus went on late into the night. It was nearing four in the morning, when the drunk people had been escorted to spare rooms and the music had stopped.

Blake leaned on her window sill within her room, looking out as the tiniest hints of dawn was creeping through the night sky. She was almost so tired she nearly missed the sound of her door opening. Hearing the clacking of heels, she knew it was Yin.

"I'm surprised you haven't gone to sleep yet, Blakey." Yin stated, leaning her shoulder against the wall beside her.

"Just.. thinking is all. You're going today. I just.. got so used to having you guys around. It'll be weird." Blake replied with a slightly downcast smile.

"That's right. You'll have to continue pursuing strength while we're gone. Does it scare you?" Yin asked, watching her facial expressions carefully.

"No. I'm going to stand beside you after all. I'll get strength, then go to Beacon. This, I promise you. There's still so much to do, to try and mend the gap between Faunus and Humans. And I believe.. helping you is the way to achieve that." Blake looked into Yin's serpentine eyes and stated with utmost determination.

"You're worthy. Take this. It's no shortcut to power, but it'll help the process." Yin pulled out a thumbnail sized crimson bead.

It almost seemed to change from solid to liquid every second. Blake was mesmerized as the bead was placed in her palm. It was heavy, heavier than it should be. She looked up to Yin, the obvious question written on her face.

"Dragon blood. Ingesting it, submerging in it. It raises the potential of your body. Possibly beyond. This is a small amount, but it is potent. Do you accept it?"

Blake stared at the small bead in her hand while listening to Yin's voice.


"Then take it. I'll watch over you as you change." Yin's reassurance made Blake feel her chest tighten.

She quickly swallowed the bead, as if it were a pill. Though as soon as it passed her lips, it flowed down like viscous ichor. And Blake began to change from within.

Yin scooped her up in her arms and held the violently thrashing Blake in her arms. The silent pain wracking her body was eased by Yin's presence.

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