
Making more money

Abe did like the new deal, 20k bants every two weeks is a nice deal, 20% of the book earnings every month is a good deal, now the two combined is a fantastic deal.

He would literally be raking in money for just checking for errors in the book. It wasn't that bad, and it pays well.

But he had to make sure he wasn't being scammed, the deal looks too good to be true and besides, the deal was unofficial. That means if the author decided not to pay him every two weeks like he said, there was nothing he could do about it since the deal was a virtual one.

But before Abe's boat like mind could drift down further on the river of worry, a message popped up in the chat.

"Because I make more than you can imagine."

It was a reply from the author, it came faster than he had expected it to.

"Should that be considered bragging or pride?" Abe replied.

Getting straight to business was good, but there was nothing bad in having a little bit of conversation.

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