
Mask of Lies

Location: The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick


Third Person PoV:


It was a special day. The tomb filled with horrors and monstrosities that could frighten people death was in a state of frenzy. Maids could be seen scurrying about cleaning every speck of dust across the 10 floors of Nazarick. Except the Supreme Beings own quarters, of course.


Delicious food was being prepared in unnecessarily large quantities with a copious abundance of sweets. The floors were being surveyed for any unknown abnormalities or threats and the security of the entire tomb had been raised by a couple of levels.


No mistakes were to be allowed or condoned on such an auspicious day. Sebas, the head butler of Nazarick, was in charge of overseeing and ensuring that everything was done to perfection.


He had been immersed in work for the past couple of days with no sign of having rested. Not that he needed rest when it was his time to fulfil the duty he was created for. Especially so on such an auspicious occasion.


As he strolled through the halls of Nazarick conducting one final check whether all of the tombs state of affairs were in order, he noticed multiple maids and the members of the Pleiades gathered together engaged in discussion.


If they had finished their assigned work, Sebas had no qualms about them spending their time here. Of course, if it was just another regular day, Sebas had no issues being more lenient.


Slightly intrigued about their conversation and more concerned about their work, Sebas made his way towards the gossiping maids.


"Who would have thought…young lady…" Just from these few words he could understand what sort of conversation was taking place. He quietly moved behind Lupusregina who was chattering without end in sight.


The other maids noticed him quieted down immediately but Lupusregina did not seem to notice their change in behaviour.


"Ahem," Sebas loudly cleared his throat.


"Hiih..Eh, boss? Don't suddenly show up behind me like that. I almost thought someone had intruded into Nazarick." What she said was quite ironic considering that Lupusregina was known for using the [Complete Invisibility] spell in order to startle others.


"Good afternoon, everyone. I assume that you have completed all your assigned work since you have gathered everyone here for a discussion." He greeted them and then asked Lupus.


"Boss, don't be lik..ugh." Narberal Gamma quickly gave a whack on her head forced her to apologise.


"I'm sorry, I will go immediately.~" And after apologising Lupus was immediately by Narberal. Shaking his head, Sebas turned towards the others present.


Upon confirming that the rest of them had finished their tasks, Sebas turned around and left.


"Sebas-sama, seems more serious today that usual," Cixous spoke.


"Considering that Ainz-sama will be bringing the young lady back to Nazarick today, it's obvious that Sebas-sama will be serious. He will be the most impacted if there are any issues with the young lady's welcome." Another maid replied.


"What do you think the young lady will be like?"


"She must be the embodiment of beauty and intellect like the Supreme Beings."


Such conversations were not uncommon, but rather spread out everywhere across the tomb. After all, one of the Supreme Beings daughter was returning to Nazarick where she belonged.


Understanding what had transpired to her caused every member of Nazarick to be filled with anger while tending to the festivities with a hint of anticipation. This created a mix of a sombre and happy mood.


Another thing they looked forward to was the 'Nazarick-style welcome' they had to prepare for the young lady's human tormentors as ordered by Lord Ainz. Even the NPCs that had a high positive karma like Sebas were looking forward to it.


Loyalty to the Supreme Beings took precedence over paltry concepts like justice or evil. The young lady was the daughter of one of their gods and creators. If an analogy was drawn to a human kingdom, then she was a princess that had to be protected from any further harm and enacting retribution on those who caused her harm was a must.


To this end, a detailed timetable had been drawn with slots for when each of them could 'welcome' those humans personally.



Location: Room of Truth, Frozen Prison, 5th Floor of Nazarick


A huge grey bloating corpse with tentacles, heavy makeup, and very long fingers with sharp inch-long nails with nail polish wearing a black leather outfit. She was happily wiggling her tentacles. This was Neuronist Painkill, the torturer.


It was day worthy of celebration for multiple reasons from her point of view. There was the obvious aspect of a Supreme Being's daughter gracing Nazarick's halls but there was another reason.


And speak of the devil, the 2nd reason for her happiness had arrived. Multiple Eight Edge Assassins were carrying bound humans into the room of truth with Sebas leading the way.


"According to the devised plan, these humans will be held here. They have already been healed to optimum condition. Everyone will take turns 'welcoming' them as discussed earlier. Just one other thing.


Apparently Lord Ainz has ordered Demiurge to be responsible for personally 'welcoming' them after everyone's turns are over." Sebas informed Neuronist


"Very well. I will make sure to be as gentle as possible." Neuronist calmly replied.


"I shall take my leave now. There are more matters for me to tend to. I have already informed Albedo, so she will be here soon as the first on the list." With that Sebas bowed and left the chamber.


Neuroist started moving towards the SCP personnel that were watching the wiggling abomination in horror. She gently stroked their cheeks with her tentacles as she spoke:


"Tch, that bitch Albedo had to abuse her power in order to have the first chance when it should have rightfully been mine as the torturer." The SCP personnel started sweating upon hearing the word 'torture'. They were sure nothing good will come out of whatever this abomination had planned.


Now they only hoped that this Albedo person might be better than this monstrosity.


"You know, I'm very happy today! This is a day I will certainly never forget. The young lady is about to grace these halls with her auspicious presence. And thanks to her I received such a beautiful gift.~" Neuronist started speaking while maintaining an uncomfortably close distance from the humans.


"After all, it's not every day that people who have committed such grievous sins against such a holy being like the young lady show up. Certainly, you are not the only responsible ones but your friends will follow after you as well.


Well, it is our fault as our negligence allowed this to happen. But I will make sure to take good care of all you while being as gentle as possible. You will have a time that you will never be able to forget thanks to my beautiful self.~"


Needless to say, none of the SCP personnel had any delusions that this experience will be pleasant after observing the abomination in front of them. They had been prepared to die ever since working as foundation personnel, but fate seemed to have a rather gruesome end in store for them.


Yet, it seemed as though Neuronist was oblivious their despair, or more likely, willingly ignored it as she was trapped in blissful delusions. But the delusions had to be cut short due to the footsteps that could be heard lightly approaching towards the chambers.


If she was capable of making human expressions, then a scowl would have been clearly evident on her face. These were the footsteps of her archenemy. There was no way she could mistake them.


"Well, it seems as though I will have to go for a while now. That ugly slut who tries to seduce my Lord Ainz at every turn is here. I hope you are not too disappointed looking at her instead of my charming self. We will be spending a long, beautiful time together later.~" Neuronist spoke while stroking their cheeks and reluctantly left the chambers.


The SCP personnel were now terrified beyond belief. Apparently this horrific abomination thought that this Albedo person was worse. Their imaginations had limits, even if these limits had expanded due to working at the foundation. They could not imagine what sort of freak of nature was going to show up this time.


The day had been a blur for them. All of them felt that they had been the lucky ones for having to run a site with a single SCP that never retaliated or posed any danger no matter what was done. Only now did they know that they were the ones to get the short end of the stick.


First some undead monster had attacked them and then they were sent here to be under the 'care' of other monsters. Based on the conversations they had been listening to, it was due to something they had done to a young lady.


It was not hard for them to connect the dots and figure out that this young lady referred to SCP-9602. They had known that SCP-9602 was not a human, but a demon of some sort. It was pretty obvious from the appearance alone. But they had not expected her to be some sort of princess for a faction of demonic beings straight from nightmares.


And they had gone about containing and experimenting on this princess figure making her demonic followers run after them for revenge.




The entrance to the Room of Truth was loudly opened once more. This must have been Albedo that the abomination was talking about. The SCP personnel strained their necks to have a good look at the visitor and widened their eyes in shock.


It was not shock due to viewing an even greater abomination but an inhumanly beautiful woman. They might have even called her an angel if not for her black wings as well as demonic horns that adorned her head.


The woman had lustrous jet-black hair, golden irises and vertically split pupils. She wore a pure white dress with silky gloves covering her slender hands and a golden spiderweb necklace that covers her shoulders and chest. 


If they were to die horribly, it was certainly better for it to be at her hands as compared to the abomination from before, they thought. The woman locked the entrance to the chamber and seemed to make sure that no one else was listening to what was about to happen.


Their naïve thoughts that thought faded away as quickly as it came after witnessing her now distorted appearance. It seemed as though the smile from earlier was simply a mask that had now been removed.


She started screaming while her hands moved across her face as if to tear her visage and her body wiggled with madness to unhealthy extremes:


"So…you…you are the vermin responsible for torturing her right? For torturing my creator's, no my daughter? Who gave you the guts to do something like that to my innocent Lilith?


Knowing Lord Ainz, he will take her in his care. He will be a much better father figure than that creator of mine. And it is only natural that I will be her mother. I have not..have not even seen her face yet.


After knowing about her I kept asking myself what might my daughter look like? She can't even see me, her mother, due to you pests causing her to go blind. But now I can't see how she looks when she had normal working vision…."


The woman, Albedo, continued screaming a slew of sentences they could barely register given the intense and terrifying aura she was radiating.


It seemed that regardless of whether someone in this place looked like an abomination or a goddess, they were all deranged monster that seemed to have creeped straight out of hell. This place might as well have been hell. At least, for them.



~Hope you enjoyed reading!~

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