


"I must..." Rias said firmly as she stared at Ise. "For the sake of my dream, I must..." She muttered.




I saw a black blur dash towards me and didn't do anything to prevent her from approaching me. Instead, I opened my arms wide and grinned. With a high speed, the black blur crashed to me and I let out a soft grunt. However, my feet dug themselves into the ground strongly so I didn't fall.

"Shizune-chan!" I greeted back with a grin as I stared down at the brown haired girl that had just tackled me.

The cute girl raised her head and met my brown eyes with her own golden brown ones, showing a grin of happiness as she stared at me.

"Onii-chan! Did you bring that figurine for me?!" She asked cutely.

"Of course I did! I've brought you the new figurine!" I said warmly as I lifted her up like a doll with both my hands as she wasn't that big. Her height only reached to my chest and she was quite petite.

"Really?! Really?! Gimme! Gimme!" She demanded with an eager face and I couldn't help but smiled at her.

Shizune was a girl at middle school age with golden brown eyes and long brown hair. And despite her petite and slim figure, she was quite well endowed for her age for some reason. She was wearing a red sweater and short green pants that reached the middle of her thighs, as well as a pair of yellow shoes.


Shizune and I turned our heads when we heard a familiar voice that called the little girl's name. With brown hair that reached to her shoulders, wearing a formal suit for women and appearing to be around 24, this woman was Misaki Akamatsu, a scowl on her face as she stared at Shizune.

"Shizune! I told you not to run! What will happen if you were to fall and get hurt?" She asked as she approached us.

"But I wanted to meet Onii-chan!" Shizune whined with a cute pout.

"You would have reached him sooner or later, so you didn't need to run!"

Everyone, meet Misaki Akamatsu and her adopted daughter, Shizune Akamatsu. As you can see, I'm quite close to these two. Let's cut the story and explanation short:

Misaki is only a simple employee that works at an office in this city. Five years ago she found Shizune, who was trying to find food by going through garbage cans and she took her in out of sympathy. At first she had planned to drop Shizune at orphanage, but the girl had insisted to stay with Misaki and after a while the woman had finally relented.

However, when Shizune turned 8, problems arose. She needed to be educated and go to school. Misaki simply didn't have the money for that and she needed to work harder in order to enroll Shizune at a school, not to mention when she went to work there was no one to guard Shizune if something were to happen.

And that's where I came in.

I met them accidentally when Shizune made me drop some food that I had bought. Of course I forgave her and tried to find out about them due to curiosity.

Thus, after learning about the situation, I offered my help. Misaki was reluctant at first and even had one of her friends silently monitor me for a while, but when she found that I was trustworthy enough after staying with Shizune for a year, she decided to give me some trust.

In order to help them, I also began to work and I found a job as an employee in a McDonald restaurant. True, it actually took away some of my free time, but hey! It was my time, so I could do with it what I wanted.

"You said you want to be a hero, right?"

"Uhm! I will become a hero!"

There was a reason why I often helped people. It was silly of course but it was due to that silly reason that I have become what I am now.

Now, now. I was aware that it was almost impossible to become a hero in this era. I mean, in a highly technological and modern place like this? It was pretty much a pipe dream, the only conflicts that existed now were mostly politics, and there was no war in this country or anything like that in this era.

However, that didn't mean I gave up. If I couldn't become a hero like people in the old era, then I would become one for the people I could see around me, people I could find here. Shizune here was one of those people, if I could help her, then I would.

Being a hero meant helping people. Maybe I wasn't a real hero, but hey! Helping people was fun, especially if it meant I got to see seeing them smile and live in peace, hear them laugh and enjoy spending time with their beloved people.

This world really was an amazing place.

"Now, now, Misaki-san. I don't think you need to scold Shizune-chan that harsh. She-"

Whatever I was going to say stopped in my throat when I saw Misaki's glare turn to me. Let me tell you, Misaki might look gentle, but she was a Lion King-err Queen, I guess. She was a Lion Queen when she was angry! Sometimes she could be scary like my Mom! And that meant something, seeing how my Father was quite perverted and she had to keep a leash on him, so the perverted beast inside him would not rise up again.

Yeah, they were strange, but they were my parents and I wasn't embarrassed about them.

"Now, Shizune. Kaa-san will go to work okay? Make sure you play nice with Ise-kun." Misaki lectured her adopted daughter.

"Haiii!" Shizune squealed with a big grin, ah... This girl is really cute!

"Ise-kun, I'll leave Shizune in your care like usual. I will be back at 9.00PM, okay?"

"Yes Misaki-san, leave it to me..." I said while kneeling to reach Shizune's height "I will protect my dear and beloved Shizune-chan with my life!" I declared while hugging Shizune and rubbing my nose to her cheek, making her giggle.

"Onii-chan, that tickles!" Shizune giggled while pinching my cheeks.

"Yeah, I can see that. Just make sure you'll control your hormones, Ise. I don't want to report you to the police due to you harassing Shizune." Misaki said to me while rolling her eyes.

"Hey! I take offense on that! I'm not into that!" I defended myself with a scowl.

"Really?" Misake eyebrows furrowed "Need I remind you what you did to her last Friday?" Misake asked flatly and I blushed.

"I was just dressing her! There's nothing wrong with that!"

"Ise, you turned Shizune into a magical girl! You even bought the wig and the dress for her, complete with the magical wand..." Misaki deadpanned and I pouted.

"And what's wrong with that? Shizune-chan looks good in that dress!" I defended and Shizune bobbed her head up down at that.

Shizune released herself from my hold before she raised one leg dramatically and began to spin around. I swear I saw a rainbow appeared around her as she did this and she took a stick out of nowhere that she swung around like a wand before she declared with a dramatic pose: "Magical Girl Shizu-chan has arrived to save the world!"

Ahhh! I felt my heart melting due to her cuteness! Shizune-chan, you are really the best! I even shed a single lone tear of pride!

"See what I mean? You've turned my daughter into a Chuunibyou patient!" Misaked glared at me.

"Hey! Chuunibyou means Eighth-Grade Syndrome! Shizune-chan here is an Eighth-grader, mind you, so it's not my fault! I only support her current behavior!" I defended myself before slowly grinning "I even have few pictures of her! And when she's old enough I can't help but imagine the look on her face when I show her these pictures." I said while cackling like a mad scientist.

Misaki only shot me a dirty look before she slowly edged away from me "You are the worst."

"In my defense, I'm a normal teenager! I might polite and always helpful, but I need amusement for myself!"


"Ouch!" I yelped when I felt something hit my head "Shizune-chan! What was that for?"

"Onii-chan is being creepy again. Okaa-san told me to hit Onii-chan whenever you're being creepy." Shizune said with huffed cheeks.

I only shot Misaki a glare but the old hag only-


"Ouch! Hey!"

"Don't call me an old hag! I'm still only 24 years old!"

How the hell did she know?! Is she some kind of a pyshic or something like that?!

"You know what? Just go to work, leave me and my dear Shizune-chan alone!" I said with a glare as I hugged the girl at my side.

Misaki only rolled her eyes while shaking her head, seemingly resigned to her fate. "Yeah, yeah, I will go now. Remember, I will be at home 9.00PM. If you want to cook dinner there are vegetables, meat and eggs in the refrigerator." She said to me and I nodded. After that, she gave a salute to Shizune and me and then left to work.

"Onii-chan! Where's my figurine?" Shizune asked me.

"I have it with me in my bag, Shizune-chan." I said and she smiled happily. "But first, you have to finish your homework" I chuckled while seeing her happy face deflate and turn into a cute pout.

"Ah, poo!" Shizune pouted "I don't want to do my homework! It's going to be collected by the teacher next week too! Can't we just go to a mall or something like that?" She whined with big and fake teary eyes.

"Nope! Homework first Shizune-chan! But after we're done, we can go to the mall."

This girl was in middle-school but she was acting like an elementary student. *sigh* Though it wasn't like I was protesting since she was cute.

"But it will be night already when we're done!"

"Then we better get started soon! The sooner we finish, the sooner we go to the mall! I will help you this time!"

I only let out another laugh when she let out a deflated 'awww'. She's really cute! Ah, if only I had real little sister. It made me wonder though if I could be a siscon.

Nah! I might love Shizune, but clearly I'm not that bad! I'm definitely not on the level of a siscon! Hahahaha, what a silly thought.

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