
The Shadow's Strike

Adam mulled for a minute, trying to find an argument to help the red-haired girl. Yet, he found none. Continuing was a stupid decision.

"I'm sorry, Morgane." He said, shaking his head and closing his eyes before continuing, "I can't agree to put your lives in danger, especially when we can return tomorrow."

The girl's face decomposed, and tears rolled down her cheeks upon hearing Adam's disheartening choice. Of course, they could return, but she would have less time to search for her mother in exchange. 'It's my only chance,' she thought, gritting her teeth and resolving to use her last card.

"If we continue, I'll reveal one of the world's secrets." She started, whipping her tears and grabbing him by the arm. Then, she continued, "Only royals and their closest counselors know about it!"

Adam answered with a raised brow, "Can that secret turn us immortal? If not, I don't see what use I'll have for it once dead."

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