
One Month

<a n>

Like I said before, POV of Eddie from now on, but I might jump to others' POVs here and there. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or whatnot.

- onto the chapter -


<pov eddie>

I sat at my writing desk again as I did four days ago; my calendar said Aug 5, which meant I had a little under a month to prep for Hogwarts.

I had pulled out my textbooks and arranged them on my desk. I was trying to decide what to read first because I was definitely not going to be a Ron and wing my way through everything. Hogwarts is a school; it will be the only opportunity I have to get the hang of magic.

I didn't think History of Magic was important at the moment, so it went to if I have a time pile.

The potion and transfiguration textbook went to my secondary reading. Astronomy if I have time. It really came down to the standard book of spells grade 1, Magical Theory, or The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-protection.

I couldn't decide, so I cracked open each one and read the first chapter or introduction if the books had one. In the end, I decided to start with magical theory. It was because it seemed both other books required you to understand the process of casting and spellwork. But it didn't really explain how that works, like to show wand movements and verbal components, what to visualise but not what magic was or is. Magical theory seemed to be a foundational book that everything else would add upon.

I started to read and read. I don't know if you've ever sat down and read a textbook, but they all have one thing in common. And that is their dry, really, really dry. Fact after fact, trying to explain to channel your mana from some esoterical ball inside you. I turned the radio on at a low volume, tuning it to a classical music channel that didn't have much talking. I sat on the bed, reading music softly and floating throughout the room. I was in a state of calm and focused, absorbing the book on magical theory with much more ease. I could start to feel my magic moving with the music, helping me understand its paths and origins.

Severus had said I wouldn't have the trace till I entered Hogwarts. The trace was spelled to detect under-age Wizardry. Pulling out my wand, I decided to try the simplest of spells. <lumos > I said, flicking my wand. Light sprang from the tip soft white calming and serene, I grin crossed my lips. "Awesome" I whispered. •Motzart piano Sonata no.12• played on the radio as I did this, and as the song softly ended, the light faded, and I couldn't help but frown. "That's interesting," I said. I got up and turned off the radio. <lumos > I cast the spell again. The light returned, but it was no longer soft and serene. In fact, this time, it was more akin to what the book describes as bright and slightly blue. <nox > I cast the counter charm to turn off the light. Turning on the radio, I tuned it to another channel where the top hits were playing.

•Should I stay or should I go by The Clash•

♫One day it's fine, and next it's black

So if you want me off your back

Well, come on and let me know

Should I stay, or should I go?♫

The clash sprang out of the speakers. My magic pumped with the rhythm, <lumos! > I cast the spell, and bright, enthusiastic light sprang from the tip, tinged with swirling colours pulsating with the beat. I tried to keep the rhythm of the song going in my head as a turned off the radio, the light lost its intensity but continued its swirl of colours. "Absolutely awesome." I laughed. The spell failed, and I felt some exhaustion.

I had one month to prepare, so I need a to break down my day, I was already jogging in the morning because I knew what teenage life would be like, and athletes and high academics got better treatment. I wasn't ripped or anything, just healthy, but I still had a bit of baby fat on my body. I decided to start pushing myself more and add some more exercises to the routine. After that, I take a shower, have breakfast, and then study books. Till lunch, then spell work till evening, then onto my relaxing, which would consist of more reading or laying around listening to music. On Saturdays and Sundays I mowed lawns around the neighbourhoods, to earn some money I decided I need a walkman, music and magic for me was interconnected and to be able to listen to music all the time would be a boon. How I was going to get it to work in Hogwarts would be another problem. I made 2 pounds per lawn I could do 5 to 7 lawns a day and I needed 25 pounds for a walkman set then some cassettes call it another 20 pounds. So 22.5 houses, 3 weekends left, doable but not fast enough.

I was going to have to do something I didn't want to do ever. Ask for money.

Surprisingly, after asking and explaining and promising to pay them back, the Malhooks happily gave me 50 pounds. I also promised to cook every night. I got my Walkman and even a cassette recorded from a pawnshop so I could make mix tapes.

Now, with Walkman pretty much constantly on my hip, headphones around my neck, and a couple of cassettes in my pockets, I fell into a routine. Rising with the sun, I ran out of spinner's end into the heart of cokesworth and back upbeat rhythmic music playing in my ears, the clash, sex pistols, ramones accompanied me on my run. Push-ups, squats, and crunches round out my exercises. Then, showering to cool down and then on to making breakfast for everyone, Mr Malhook, who had already been off to work delivering the milk to homes, would stop in for breakfast and be back to work for the shop deliveries. The cooking with magic book helped a lot, and it seemed even better when I was listening to my housework mix tape. I danced in the kitchen, singing I Want to Break Free by Queen one morning as bacon and eggs fried themself and toast floated to the tables. The tea was dancing with me, using my wand as a mic.

♫So, baby, can't you see

I've got to break free♫

Turning around, I saw the Malhooks staring at me with smiles. Cheeks flushed, I waved my wand and breakfast plated itself, and headed to the table. "Sorry got lost in the song" I said.

"That's okay dear, you have a lovely voice" mrs malhook said with a smile.

"Thanks for breakfast boy" mr malhook said "by the way I like my tea stirred not shaken" he joked pouring him self some.

After breakfast I put on some calm classical music it study too, it seemed to help me absorb the knowledge better. Stimulating my brain with magic, allowing me to focus on the task, I set up an alarm on my digital watch for lunch because if I didn't, I would just read right through it. Lunch was usually light, fresh salads or a sandwich, then housework and spell work. I tested different songs and genres with my spells and ways to do it without the music. I learnt that humming or singing the song worked best to recreate the effects, but things like tapping to the beat or thinking of the song could produce results as well. Heavy metal, produce powerful short lived effects but where also costly in magic, the calm classical music I liked to read too, made long lasting subtle effects like softly hovering with <Wingardium Leviosa>. Then, after dinner, I read some more about cooking with magic or music of the age. Both are fantastic books, but I feel a bit disappointed in wizard music. Currently, there seem to be a handful of bands, and most do renditions of ancient songs. The songs are good, but.. there's no life in the music industry, unlike the muggle world, at least in Britain.

Before I knew it a month had passed I was packed and ready to head to kingscross, I was planning on taking the knight bus because, of its fast travel time.

"Mr and Mrs Malhook, I'm heading off. I left the money I owed on the table; I'll write every week to let you guys know." I said with a smile.

"Have fun, deary. Write to us if you decide to come home for the holidays." Mrs. Malhook smiled.

"Good luck, kid", Mr. Malhook said.

Unbeknownst to Eddie, as he left the Malhooks home, they put that money he left in a small box in the cupboard with other spare change sitting on top of a letter.

comments are welcome

Monty_Lindencreators' thoughts
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