
76: Setting off

Niki could feel his blood boiling within him.

He didn't think of it literally but he could feel something within him squirming like butterflies in his belly.

As he packed the last part of his luggage, his face heated up intensely and he puffed out smoke from his orifices.

The past six months went well.

Way better than he'd expected.

After thorough planning, Niki had successfully evolved his relationship with Eva from that of a caring stranger to acquaintance to housemate to friend then to best friend!

That was where he'd hit a roadblock since a month ago.

It seemed to journey to make her his woman would be tough, tougher than the swordsmanship training he gave her.

Speaking of swordsmanship, Niki felt his jaw drop more times than he could count. Several times, the thought; 'Did I make this monster?' flashed through his mind

He often forgot that he was a monster himself.

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