
Main Attraction is Here

 Soon, as time goes by, more and more slaves were brought out and sold at a staggering prize. It seem a lot of them are human, with a mixture of beastkin in the mix, three cat beastkins and 2 dog beastkins.

 All of the former bought by Cat's Pleasure, as he could see the one who manned the reception there, besides an older man and woman, either a couple or business partner. He did not care as he already have plans for them.

 The auction had took nearly 3 hours, and the main attraction and final slave of the day still did not show up. With nearly 30 slaves having been sold already, he wondered when the main attraction will come.

 His wish seem to be heard by one of the Demon God, as the auctioneer began to speak in a louder tone.

 "And now, for the moment all of you have been waiting for, the main attraction of the season, and a race one rarely see unless if one went to the westernmost part of the continent or gods' forbid, the west continent itself! No doubt all of you are waiting for this one," 

 As the auctioneer began to build up the hype, some of the more impatient attendees already screaming for her to start.

 "Come on! We already know what it is!"

 "Yeah, just show us already!"

 "We already see you a lot of time! We want to see something newer and more exotic!"

 As the audience began to yell, the auctioneer remained calm, and even lightly giggling.

 "Of course, of course, just need to build up the hype," a little flip of her dress, which give the man a look of her undergarment, silence the noisy lot, surprised by her action.

 "Now that you have calmed down," the auctioneer said, "Let us see the last slave of the day, an elf from the Erwiness Forest!" soon, two burly man led the elf to get on the stage.

 At the sight of her, everyone in the room, except for Alros but it is close, hold their breath. Similar to what one had heard, elves seem to possess greater allure. With them being a long-lived race, able to live for up to 500 to 1000 years, they remained youthful, even to the end of their lifespan, only sporting wrinkles during the last week of their life.

 The elf on the stage maybe look around 18 to 23, but her real age might be in the hundreds or so. With her long blonde hair, cascading like waterfall behind her, the large breast she sporting, plus her verdant eyes, that enthralled all that look into it, he was. It surprised why the audience stop talking, their eyes could bore holes with how hard they look at her.

 This one, either the beauty standard of elves is higher than what most people thought, or she is the best one they manage to grab.

 It seem the auctioneer intend to answer, "This elf was obtain at the edge of the Erwiness Forest, and she was not any simple folk. She is the daughter of one of elder of elves in Erwiness Forest, and her beauty was considered at the top 200 in the area.

 The Jasari Slave Market manage to learn of her whereabouts and decided to grab her, and manage to do so, but at a great cost. So, because of how beautiful she is, her virginity remain intact, and his hard it is to obtain her, the starting price would be 2000 gold coins," 

 Some of the audience seem to cough up blood from the outrageous price, and while it is a lot, 5 times more than the previous slave, Alros could see the reason for it.

 After all, with how hard it is to obtain elves unless one went to the west or north, it is no surprise for it to be so high. Then again, Erwiness Forest elves are considered to be weak, at least in term of the power it hold. While it could possess some danger to Astor Kingdom, it is only that, danger.

 With the Astor Kingdom's might and riches, they would be able to destroy the Erwiness Forest, but at a high price. And if they even did it, they will earn the ire of the other elves settlements, which related to the Erwiness Forest. If the that happened, only destruction awaited the Astor Kingdom.

 Then again, even if the Erwiness Forest elves wanted to claim the head of the one that grab one of their own, they could not hope to that with how far away the Astor Kingdom to their settlement is.

 They could only fight against their neighbours, and hope the woman is there. If not, they will never see her and could only pour their anger at the surrounding nation.

 Even if Erwiness Forest elves cannot be compared to the Astor Kingdom, they still a pseudo Tier 2 Nation, able to handle the 4 nations surrounding them and give them a beating.

 He let out a silent condolence to the 4 nations, having to bear the anger of the elves for something they did not do.

 While offered a prayer to the would be losing nations, the elf already did a twirl, her clothing thin and left little to imagination.

 "Now you have seen the elf, we should start the auction. So, lets start with 2000 gold coins!" even with the outrageous price, the wealthy began to call out their price. 

 After all, having such beauty on their bed, as well as the fact of having such exotic race as their slave would bring both envy and admiration from their fellow. He plopped his head on the backrest, watching the show when the price climb to a staggering 5000 gold coins.

 As he waited for someone to win the auction so he can leave, his eyes began to fall on the ones who had bought slaves for the night. A twisted smile formed on his face as they did not know what is in store for them.


 "And sold, for the man in yellow!" the auctioneer pointed to the man, one that he knew to be one of the higher-up of the city, a part of the city council and the one who hold post of the Treasurer of City.

 "So, either he has enough funds to get such expensive slave or that he embezzled the money," considering he also bought 3 other slaves, 2 of which the dog beastkins introduced, he bet on the latter.

 As people began to pour out of the hall, the auction over, Alros hid a smile. The auction might be over but the fun only just began.


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