
Drop the case

"What happened there?" Jia asked Huojin as she rushed in to meet him.

"Nothing happened. The van was empty. The forensic team is working on collecting fingerprints and DNA evidence from the van but right now, we have no clue of where Danya is. We combed all the possible places they could have taken her around that area but nothing."

"Don't give up. We must have missed something. Let's check the surveillance again," she narrowed her eyes. "I won't let them escape no matter what."

Officer Xiyang said, "But Mam, we cannot work on that case anymore."

"Huh?" Both Jia and Huojin expressed their shock.

"Yes. We received orders from above to drop the case. Commissioner Zhong Kai called in to notify me when you two were out," he broke into cold sweat, "I totally pissed my pants. To think that an officer of such a fairly high position would talk to me…I feel like I have lost a few years of my life," he cried.

A Commissioner in the Public Security Bureau was an officer of a fairly senior rank. Overall, the police ranks were divided into - Commissioner-General and Deputy Commissioner-General, Commissioner, Supervisor, Superintendent and Constable. They were further subdivied into first, second and third classes. Jia and Huojin belonged to Superitendent second class rank.

As one would expect, Commissioner Zhong evoked fear in everybody's hearts with the seniority he held.

"Why?" Jia was flabbergasted. "Danya is still out in danger! We cannot give up on the case."

"B-But those are the orders I got."

Huojin disagreed as well. "That's ridiculous. Why would we drop the case? Who else would rescue Danya then?"

"I was also wondering the same, but the Commissioner just said that it's complicated…"

Jia gritted her teeth with impatience. Time was running out for Danya, and there was no way she would sit still and do nothing.

"Where is Supervisor Tang?"

Supervisor Tang Haitao was in Commissioner Zhong's office, trying to figure out the answer to the same question which Jia had. As a person who held a first class in a Supervisor rank, his position equated to him being a deputy director of his division.

They heard a knock.

"Come in," Commissioner Zhong's stern voice came.

The door opened and Zhong Kai and Tang Haitao watched Jia and Huojin coming in along with greeting a face they hadn't expected.

Supervisor Tang's brow twitched. "Dr. Yang Mingshen."

Mingshen smiled back. "Sup Supe?"

His brow twitched further.

I hate it when he does that rhyming…

Mingshen was the only one who took a seat without a care in the world.

Jia suspiciously watched their interaction.

How come Mingshen is so casual with Sir? Even the Commissioner isn't saying anything?

Jia and Huojin stood with attention as she said, "Apologies for disturbing your meeting, Sir. We have a very urgent matter to discuss. But I guess…you are here for the same."

Tang Haitao smiled. He was Jia and Huojin's direct supervisor and would generally lay out the orders for them.

He nodded to her statement. "It is indeed a troubling matter for Commissioner Zhong to ask us to stop the investigation. We are already losing time as it is."

Zhong Kai observed Jia and Huojin for a moment and focused back on Tang Haitao. "It's beyond my control too."

Commissioner Zhong was a tall and well-built man in his early-fifties with some visible strands of gray hair near his ears. He was known to be a tough and stubborn man who would stop at nothing with what was required to be done despite any odds. His command often made people feel intimidated around him.

"How? It's a kidnaping case like any other, and it's our duty to get Danya out of danger as soon as possible."

Tang Haitao….

Zhong Kai's rigid countenance cracked, and he released a deep sigh, his expression tense. "It's a complicated matter."

"Is this regarding Huayuan's autonomous rule?"

That earned a reaction, and he looked at Jia, wide-eyed. "How do you know?"

"Yang Mingshen filled me in on the details."

Tang Haitao blinked and asked, "Sorry, what is this about?"

Mingshen smiled. "Some cute little secret of the police department. Aish, and here I thought only underworld held secrets~"

Zhong Kai narrowed his eyes. "It's not a secret, Dr. Yang. However, the deal with Huayuan isn't something the law enforcement is proud of either. We prefer to keep people out of loop if possible."

As Tang Haitao learned about it as well, he couldn't hold back his surprise either. "So it's similar to regions like Tibet, Xinjiang and others?"

"I am afraid, yes."

Zhong Kai leaned back on his seat, his expression unreadable. "It happened six years ago when Long Sicong's dictatorship in Huayuan was toppled down. He died, and the person who rose in power made a deal, demanding a certain level of autonomy. I cannot really say anything else. Who made the deal or who all were involved or why it happened - it's in the past and all classified. We only know that any matter regarding Huayuan cannot be interfered with."

Tang Haitao smiled. "And how does Huayuan plan to rescue Danya without any resources?"

Jia anxiously said, "Yes, Sir. Huayuan might not have any resources or tools to track down Danya. Even if they somehow did, what about the kidnappers? Who will fight them? How will they fight them? It's outright dangerous for civilians to take charge of something like this."

Huojin chimed in. "Isn't it why we cops are here to help?"

Zhong Kai raised his brow at the two officers' courage to speak up to him without feeling the jitters. He commended their steeled hearts.

"We have indeed delegated some significant powers to Huayuan for their own administration but of course, the ultimate authority still rests with Beijing.

He took a pause and said, "We received a message from Huayuan itself just some time ago. They know about Danya and they have already set in motion to rescue her, after which they will handover the criminals to us. Believe me, Inspector Song. Before a Commissioner, I am a cop like anybody else here," he quietly said, "I wouldn't have issued the order if I had no confidence with Huayuan's assurance. A child's life is on the line here, after all."

He rested his hands on the table and crossed his fingers together. "We will definitely keep a close eye on the case and will immediately provide any assistance if Huayuan asks for it. But unless they do, we step back."

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