
Hot Spring

As everyone in Helena's party grabbed lunch at a Ramen stand in Lavaridge town, Helena felt anxious due to all the stares she was getting.

Except the stares weren't directed at her, but rather, Dune.

Dune stuck out like a shiny Pokemon because, in fact, he was even rarer than a shiny Pokemon, and news had stormed the region of two trainers who had stopped the team Magma leader, Maxie, from turning the whole region into a Hoen Fried Torchic.

Most female and male trainers wished they were Helena, to be born in luxury, and to have such exotic Pokemon while traveling the region.

Some degenerate female trainers were thinking of another kind of stuff, which flustered Gardevoir, who was trying to eat her bowl of ramen in peace.

"Lopunny?" (Gardi, are you okay?) asked Lopunny as she finished her second bowl of ramen, admiring how Dune and Blaziken were competing to see who could eat more.

'I just saw the imagination of girl on the corner, the one with red hair; she's fantasizing about having Dune impregnating her Cinderace... in vivid detail,'  Gardevoir said to Lopunny with a sigh, moving on her seat, trying to hide the fact she was soaking wet.

"Lopunny! Hehe~" (Good thing we don't have to imagine, well, kind off, even after all this unprotected sex, and Dune filling our tummies basically every day, I don't think we'll carrying his child anytime soon, it a one in a million chance, and we are not even in his egg group...)

Lopunny said with a sigh. On the side, Dune and Blaziken had finished their bowls of ramen and were now in a heated discussion on which item was better, the choice band or the life orb.

"Umm... May, I heard there was a villa with hot springs nearby. Would you like to spend the night there?" Helena asked as she played with two strands of her dark purple hair.

Helena wanted to spend some quality time with May, have a sleepover, talk about girly stuff, and maybe introduce her to the occult, but only if she wanted.

May turned aside with a noodle hanging from her mouth and nodded; she was starving and wanted nothing but to eat more.

'The ramen is good, but that sandwich from before was damn good; what kind of ingredients did they put on it' May thought as she finished her bowl. "Another bowl, please, sir!".

After the party finished their food, the group went directly to the hot springs resort of Lavaridge.

After being assigned rooms, Helena asked her Pokemon who wanted to accompany her and Dune into the hot springs.

"Lop....unny" (Well... I don't like water that much; it soaks my fur really bad, and it's hard to dry)

'It's because your bust size is small compared to mine and Master Helena. That is why Master Dune prefers me over you.'

"Lop! Lopunny!" (Tsk! I wanted to carry those orbs all day like a Milktank, ' Lopunny said as she squeezed Gardevoir's breast angrily before Helena intervened.

"Girls, don't fight. I know you both want to go, but the staff only allows two Pokemon at once. Decide peacefully and don't grope each other... yet," Helena said, almost whispering at the end. Dune was watching from the side, proud of how much he was corrupting Helena.

'Lopunny says she doesn't want to accompany us, Master Helena. I would be incredibly grateful to accompany you on her behalf,' Gardevoir said, getting naked already, throwing her dress onto the ground, revealing her melon-sized breasts.

"Gardevoir put on a towel. We won't "exercise" with Dune. May will be there, too, and she can't see us," Helena said as she wrapped a towel around Gardevoir. "But just in case, shave down there," Helena whispered to Gardevoir.

After putting on appropriate clothing, nothing but a towel around Helena and Gardevoir's chest, and a towel on Dune's waist, the trio walked to the Hot spring area of the resort, where Blaziken and May were waiting for them.

"Hi~! Helena, your skin looks so smooth! What's your secret?" May immediately asked Helena how she could look so good with minimal effort.

"Garchomp~" (Well, not to boast about, but my seed is not only an aphrodisiac but also an incredible moisturizer; it makes any woman's skin shine and smooth as a Gholdengo)

Aside from them, Gardevoir was nervous as she felt Blaziken's cold stare. Gardevoir was used to mean people and male trainers looking at her with lewd intentions, but the disapproving gaze of a much stronger Pokémon was an entirely new feeling.

"Gardevoir?" (Is everything okay, Miss Blaziken?) Gardevoir asked, clenching her towel in distress and pressing her body against Dune for support.

"Blaziken" (I don't like you or Dune, you two perverts, stay away from me and May), Blaziken said as she turned her back on them and walked beside May.

This wasn't the first time Blaziken talked badly of Dune, but it was the first time Gardevoir had heard her, and she felt anger. How could she dare insult her master?

'Master, I don't like that bitch' Gardevoir said, dropping any formal language or composure; Blaziken had insulted her master, and she would pay for it.

"Garchomp..." (Let her be... it must be rough knowing you are the only one not being fucked, look Helena and May are happy, and that is what matters) Dune said, Dune just wanted to enjoy his new life as a Pokemon, fuck, and save the world from time to time; he didn't have the energy to deal with aggressive and badmouthed Pokemon.

After Helena and May finished their chit-chat, an employee arrived and guided them into the thermal waters.

Stepping into the onsen, the party was greeted by the steaming water and the soothing scent of minerals. Smooth stones line the pool's edge, warmed by the natural springs beneath. 

Wisps of steam rose gracefully, veiling the surroundings in a dreamy haze. The water was clear and inviting, reflecting the soft figures of the almost naked May and Helena while also smoothing Blaziken's fur and wetting Gardevoir's hair.

The full moon shone brightly over the surrounding foliage. May immediately dived into the water, grabbing Helena by her hand and throwing their towels aside.

It was the first time Dune saw May naked, and her figure was just as he had expected; her breasts were white and pump, slightly smaller than Helena's, and the rest of her body was athletic, with visible abs and toned muscles, it was clear she was much physically active than Helena, who in comparison was chubby,

Gardevoir's pale skin and blue hair were almost dreamy as her towel hit the floor. She looked stunning. Finally, in a corner, Blaziken dropped her towel, revealing her naked but covered-in fur body.

Blaziken's body was covered in red fur, but Dune could still clearly see her muscular frame, with bulging muscles despite her feminine figure.

With modest-sized breasts and being the taller of the bunch, she had a more athletic figure than Dune's harem lacked.

As everyone enjoyed the water, no one noticed Gardevoir slowly casting hypnosis on Dune and Blaziken.

For Dune, he increased his libido and desire for control, and for Blaziken, Gardevoir artificially started her breeding cycle, throwing Blaziken into a turmoil of sexual desire.

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