
Behind Closed Doors

After the struggle that was getting dressed, I decided to do a proper inspection of my room. I hadn't much free time to do so since I had more pressing matters to work out. I hadn't found anything when giving the room a cursory glance. However, upon deeper inspection, I discovered a dagger embedded in the underside of the bed, and a short sword in between the mattress and the headboard. Looking for answers I decided to exit after what must have been a rather long time if the barely noticeable look the servant was giving me was indication enough.

After being led to the "dine hall", or "great hall" I sat at the head of the table after thanking them as a servant approached with trays, setting down some white bread, a dish of meat and a dish of fish. I wasn't surprised at the lack of more food as there was an entry in which Reynauld mentioned how he didn't need 6 dishes of various fish and meats and instead ordered for it to be given to the servants of the keep.

As I politely ate my breakfast I noticed the rather hidden, but questioning glances I got ever since I thanked the servant who brought me there. Wondering why I was receiving such gazes as the same younger man who guided me was walking towards me and to the nearby hall I stopped eating, turned, looked at them as they froze two feet away from me mid-stride and said, "I really appreciate the work you do." Those seven words seemed to have frozen the room as any and all clacking of dishes stopped, no one dared to breathe as the servant on the verge of tears remarked. "I a-am glad to be of service t-to you." The servant then exited to room as only the clacking of shoes ensued, which was soon interrupted by a pained wail, soon cut off followed by a thump as silence reigned once more.

Oh shit

I certainly hope I didn't just accidentally order a hit job on someone who did nothing wrong. Finishing my meal much faster and noticeably less politely I excused myself as I forced myself to not verbally thank the cook to stay in the character of what I now know as a not-so-morally uptight person as I thought. Walking down the same hallway as the younger servant I turned at the sight of a small blood splatter spilling into the main hallway. I saw the servant's face mangled beyond as if it had been skinned, various bones from their toes to their shoulders broken and littered with multiple stab wounds in non-lethal areas, but leaving a blood pool large enough for a toddler to swim in. There were entire chunks of their person missing along with what looked like harvested organs.

Showing no outward shock I calmly vacated the premises and arrived at a courtyard. Continuing my walk I made it to a shadowy corner and ordered, "If you would be so kind show yourself."

The thing soon arrived to my left from an entrance I hadn't previously noticed due to the array of bushes hiding it. A black cloaked figure, clad in a white mask the shape of the dead young man I had sentenced to death seemingly embedded in it. We both stood there in silence as a slow breeze blew past us as I comprehended the affront to nature and the wrongness that emanated from it. I didn't contemplate how wrong it felt, not in the slightest, but rather the familiarity that I instinctively felt. We are no doubt similar given that it seemed to be made out of shadows, but are we the same? Not wanting to risk instigating any conflict with this thing unarmed, without knowing whatever deal Reynauld had, or its nature I spoke to make it seem as though everything was normal and try to gain information.

"What do you want?" I imagine there is some sort of exchange that is happening between this creature and Reynauld. Some cost appropriate for its provided services.

The figure simply shook its head. Curious as I'm sure such a unique figure wouldn't have simply done so for free.

"Is our deal complete on my end?" I needed to make sure I didn't owe it anything

It did the slightest incline upwards before dropping its head back down to eye level, it then tilted its head confused no doubt on why I asked in a perfect imitation of human behaviour. There was apprehension and a certain melancholy in the action, as if they had a hard time accepting such a concept.

"Is our deal complete on your end?"

It shook its head vigorously as if such a thing was an impossibility at this stage.

"Would you be willing to train others?"

The figure suddenly froze up as it nodded slowly in a mechanical manner.

"Very good, lead me to the dungeons."

The thing nodded as we moved through the halls. The creature hiding whenever we passed a servant as they greeted me with noticeably more fear that they attempted to poorly hide. It was all so easy to see, their walk was wary as if something would jump out at them, their eyes seemingly darted to every corner of the room, yet despite staring right at its monstrosity of an imitation of human life their eyes glanced over its now smiling mask. Calling the jumpy servant over we waited a few extra minutes as I had ordered them to bring me an empty parchment, inkwell and quill.

We continued as we reached a staircase with a rather heavy-looking door. The creature opened it without struggling in the slightest. The air upon entry was noticeably damper and the shadows more prominent the deeper you went. Rats scurried about the unsanitary surroundings, mould and moss speaking of rabid sickness as the moans of those no doubt infected by it echoed throughout the complex. As we continued I said, "Take us to the most remote area." It nodded once more as we moved down hallways and intersections taking a series of deliberate twists and turns. Finally, after marching through the dungeons and countless cells as they got progressively darker and unmaintained we arrived at a wall preventing us from going further.

The pitch-black environment did nothing to inhabit my perception and so I pointed at the lock preventing entrance to the cell and said, "If you would be so kind." My words were answered by the gleam of a weapon from the little light available and a *clunch* as the lock caved in on itself breaking its mechanism as the door swung open, creaking and barely standing, little kept it from falling over.

Making my way inside and avoiding the skeleton that had a pile of white powder at its base from deterioration, I opened up the [Summons] menu. After going to select [Web of Intrigue] I was surprised to instead find it changed.

[Web of Intrigue] ——> [Cult of Conspiracy]

Immediate Personnel:

-1 Spymaster -3 Sabatours -5 Instigators

-8 Infiltrators -20 Counter Intelligence/Guards

Hushed whispers and untold secrets will flow back to the beating heart that makes up this body of work. Completing objectives, growing the organization and successfully undergoing operations to further its goal allow for the hives rapid expansion. Their motivation is to fulfill your every wish.



The cult lives to serve, their goal is only to be of service. Loyalty is unquestionable and a work ethic slave drivers gush at ensure any duties are dealt with efficiently.


Any additions, successful operations or work that works towards expanding your organization's influence or power allows for anomalous expansion in the making of safehouses, tunnels, owned establishments and information brokers staffed and affiliated with the hive. All installations of previously absent buildings and construction are handled by anomalous means aided by the system.

+[Scorched Earth]

The capture and subsequent termination of a captured operative automatically notify and dispatch nearby members to collect any necessary items before clearing the area of any would-be evidence by [System] provided ordinance. The planting of fake evidence is encouraged should there be time to do so.

+[Doze Doctorine]

On any mission, a spymaster may be assigned to personally oversee and mentally influence the actions of sleeper agents to ensure maximum effectiveness and concealment before activation.

A rather noticeable upgrade, especially in the realm of expansion. My only concern was quality, as it certainly seemed as though this was geared to providing many simple types of operatives that could only become more useful when under the direct oversight of a Spymaster. But that's why I had the shadow guy come with me.

As I accepted its installation I felt as if the structure slowly came to be. It started as a small blip before branching out becoming something more, expanding farther and farther out until it stopped. After waiting about 30 seconds I walked up towards the wall, feeling no small amount of confusion by the entity behind me during this time, and pushed in one of the larger stones in the wall, I felt it seemingly decompress as I continued the pressure until a click was heard. After a few seconds of waiting a rumbling sound formed. Soon after a previously thought random inconspicuous collective of stones making up the wall separated taking a rectangular shape as it slowly scraped along backwards.

I and the thing, watched with interest as the mechanism brought it into the opening of the tunnel and slotted into a hole in the side of the tunnel wall.

We both bore witness to a rather deep stairwell that to anyone else would look like a dark pit due to lack of lighting. As I walked down I was joined by the entity who took position in front of me, hand placed under their cloak on what I imagined to be their sword. After a rather boring trek down the rather constricting stairs, we reached the bottom we were met with holes in the walls and a patterned floor that was similar to pressure plates. The thing noticing such obvious traps in the pitch blackness held out their arm as they leaned backwards while putting their foot on the pressure plate.

Nothing happened so they leaned forward more to put more pressure on it, nothing continued to happen so they continued leaning forward, crouching low so that they wouldn't get shot should the dart trap activate, they continued crouching for half a minute. Now seemingly satisfied with the supposed safety the entity grabbed my arm and led me through the trap. We passed by many winding hallways that had traps straight out of a fantasy dungeon. Swinging blades attached to pendulums, porticullis' poised to slam down and split up invaders, spike pits and what I deemed the most creative a room that locks you in via bolted steel doors as water pours in if the sudden moistness and pore-like openings were any hint. The best part, this was all before the expansion that would inevitably happen had occurred.

There there was no puzzle to solve, no convenient switch or lever to find. They were made to dispatch invaders, and they reflected that purpose. After directing my escort through all the seemingly disabled rooms we paused as we came across a closed steel door. The only light since entering the complex peered through its underside opening as footsteps and shuffling were heard inside. As we approached my bodyguard grew more tense he kicked down the door and drew their now-visible black blade.

The people inside immediately went to draw their weapons, but immediately stopped as I walked up from behind the thing. Upon registering my presence everyone in the room suddenly kneeled, bowing their heads as they said, "My lord."

Placing my hand on the being's shoulder, which was an action I wouldn't repeat if the way they shifted away from my touch was any indication, I spoke. "From this day onward you are to be trained by this… entity. I have found your capabilities and effectiveness in question, I expect that to be rectified by the end of next month. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!"

I was answered by a variety of affirmations, with the most popular being, "Yes my lord, we will not fail you again."

"Good, I will not accept your inadequacy." The people in the room looked more excited than fearful or sad at their inadequacy. Turning to the thing I said, "You are to bring them to an acceptable level no matter what it takes, broken bones, beaten spirits, I expect an elite force the only limit is their lives and overall usefulness. They are religious fanatics, make use of that." Handing the entity the quill, inkwell and parchment I brought along I said, "I know of your reluctance to speak, as such things would naturally affect the quality of training I suggest you use this to aid you. You have permission to take more parchment should you need it, use your newfound trainees to do so as a practical examination." The being nodded in response and moved over to a table where they motioned the others to follow and began to write on the parchment.

Turning to leave I made my way through the veritable maze of traps and hazards, climbing up the long staircase once more. Reaching the top I was once more met with a flush stone wall that had no visible cracks or openings. Feeling the structure around me I pushed a panel in, and as it let out a *click* the mechanism worked itself bringing the entrance open.

Stepping out from the entrance I made my way out of the dungeons as the wails of those inside continually echoed. Upon my exit, I roamed my way around the keep looking for a servant as I explored. Eventually finding one I asked them to guide me to the throne room. When I arrived walked to the throne and sat down I realized something.

I didn't know a single thing about anything I was supposed to manage or do. Reynauld seemed smart enough to keep the specifics out of the contents of such an easy thing to steal.

Authors Note: I have made an auxiliary chapter showing the Duchies of Brittany and the Duchies of France when Brittany united.

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