
Just Friends

Early in the morning the other day Milan was returning home in his caves he stares inside and saw Tine he walked towards her. "Where were you? I haven't seen you in two days?" "Family problems what can I say, what about you why are you in the forest?" "I just learnt something from Harry my brother I feel disappointed and I didn't want to go home" Milan took a close look at her he find her shedding tears and speaks within pain. He took off his mask and walked right through and putted his mask on her face. "What are you doing?" "I need to show you something follow me" Milan held her hand and started walking slowly, they walked amd walked untill they reach somewhere on the cliff there was a better view and a nice breeze (Milan whisltes) birds started flying singing, decoraging different kinds of style it was very beautiful. "Wow I can't believe this, how, how did you do that?" Milan smiled as Tine felt happy seeing the style of birds. "They listen to me, once I whistle they know it's me" "How do they know that?" "We are just friends, besides I can talk with birds" Yine smiled. Can you tell them to creat a heart symbol for me?" Milan whistled one more time the birds decorated and created a heart symbol. Tine felt very happy. "I have to tell you something" "Tell me Milan" Milan wanted to say something but suddenly he fly up and hick a huge stone that was going to hit Tine from the back, Tine was shocked, another stone was coming Milan kicked it where it was coming from the moment he land down he avoided two arrows going to him. He turned his eyes into beast and started searching for the one who was ambushing them, he saw a man standing from a far caring a stone he flew up and went to land behind him that man was turning with a fist Milan holds him and kicks him down, tge man was wearing full black clothes with a mask, he removed the mask and saw a new face. "Who are you?" That man was quiet Tine showed up. "He is the same man who shot you first, look at his arrows" Tine threw arrows at Milan he catched them and took a closer look it. "Who sent you?" That man bitted down his own tongue and died they were shocked. Milan took Tine and left away with her. "Who do you think that man was?" "No idea but the forest is no longer safe for you let me walk you back home. It's almost evening" Tine agrees and walked away with Milan out of the forest.

They reached to the village. "I guess I will see you again tomorrow" "I won't come tomorrow Tine and the forest is no longer safe, you have to stay home with your family 24/7 from now on" "Why is everything okay?" Milan smiles "Don't worry my master is sending me some competitors to deal with but I will come seeing you once am done okay?" "But what if I want to see you, what should I do?" " You just have to come here and whistle two times thats all and I'll be here" Milan took his mask back. "See you" Tine walked towards him and kissed him on the chick Milan was surprised. "Thank you for today, you made my day" suddenly Caroline and Belle showed up clapping their hands "Wow so you are the one whose been keeping my sister buzy these days" Milan hide his mask. "Guys it's not what you think, we are just friends" "Just friends we can see that Tine" Caroline was staring at Milan. "So brother in law do you even have a name" Milan was quiet staring at them. Tine held their ears both of then and took them away, Milan was smiling he turned around and walked away in the forest. Tine was walking along with her sisters holding their ears. "Ouch stop it already you are hurting us" Caroline spoke Tine letted go of them. "Were you spying on me?" Tine asked "You didn't come home last night what happened to you?" "I just needed a break all alone thats all I needed" "Besides who was that man, is he really your friend he seems kind of cute" Belle asked "Yeah he is a friend of mine" Tine answered with a smile on her face. "Make sure you introduce us next time" Caroline said "I have an idea, why don't you invite him over for dinner tonight?" Belle said staring at Caroline. "What do you mean for dinner tonight?" "At our house you, me him, and Caroline what do you say?" "I don't think if it's possible but I'll try my very best to talk to him" "Then we will get things ready" Sometimes later Tine went to the place where she left Milan whistle as Milan instructed her, Milan showed up two minutes later.

"Hi Milan we meet again" Tine seems happy everytime seeing Milan. "We saw eachother this morning" "Yeah, well I am here to invite you for dinner tonight, If that's okay with you?" "Dinner?" "Yeah we have this gatheres along with my sisters and they insisted to invite you for dinner tonight what do you say about that" "It's just half untill tonight right? You should go home I will come" Tine seems happy hearing that. "Thank you then see you later" Tine walks away slowly Milan was staring. Tine returned back home as she saw Belle and Caroline were prepearing some nice meals she joined in with them, he door was opened Harry walked inside the house he was smellong some good dishes as he walks directly to the kitchen and saw his sisters coocking. "Wow whats the occasion?" "We have some friends coming over for dinner" Caroline answered as Harry set his eyes on Tine but she stayed quiet didn't want to talk to her brother. "Okay then don't let my presence ruin your beautiful night" Harry wanted to walk away. "What will you be doing tonight?" Belle asks as Harry stares at Tine he saw her staring at him too waiting for him to give answer. "I will just be doing my business" Harry walked away. Later on the same day the door was knocked Belle went to open tge door as she saw Milan she was shocked to see a handsome man infront of him. Milan walked inside without his mask nor his gear. Belle welcomed him on the dining table, there were lots of foods. "Welcome" Tine went to hug her Belle and Caroline were staring they sat down but there were five chairs one didn't have a person. "Come on guys lets start eating" Caroline said "No I have one more person I invited my best friend too, he should be here any moment now" Belle speaks as Caroline and Tine didn't expect. The door was knocked Belle went to open the door they were all shocked seeing Jason. Jason was invited to sit down, he was sitting right infront of Milan facing eachother. "Hello everyone, thank you for inviting me" "It's okay come on lets eat anyway" The moment they started eating Harry was passing by going outside he saw Milan and Jason as he was aware that Jason is a hunter, Jason was aware that Harry is a hunter. But none of them knows about Milan as Milan knows all about them being hunters Harry was standing staring at Jason for two minuteS.

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