
Chapter 25: Graduation and New Beginnings

(Time - May - 9 Years Before Ash's Journey)

Time slowly passed with Tyson returning to his day-to-day training and study. With the addition of Trapinch to his team, Tyson was more confident in journeying to Coronet Academy. The enrollment date was set for September 15th, with graduation at the Trainer School just a month away. This meant Tyson had two and a half months to journey from Celestic to Coronet Academy, reachable only by lifts near Eterna City, Greenstation Town, and Hearthome City. With the travel time at his disposal, Tyson chose the lengthier southern route, which would take him through several towns and notable places. Additionally, this path offered him the opportunity to take the Breeders test in Hearthome City, keeping his promise to Shane that he would also become a Pokemon Breeder alongside his goal of becoming a well-known Ground and Rock Type Specialist 

Today, Tyson stood in the backyard alongside Bertha, watching a revolving dome of sand and stone. The dome was modest, spanning only five feet in diameter. A smile graced Tyson's face as he said, "That's enough for now, buddy. I think we've got the hang of it," just as the dome began to dissipate, revealing Pupitar, who was also excited about their progress. "With this, your training in sandstorm control can be put on hold until we're on the road. Your current control should allow you to block attacks using the sandstorm, though you may struggle depending on the attack's power. Let's call this technique the Sand Barrier. How does that sound?" Pupitar responded with an enthusiastic "Tar!" [Sounds good].

Beside them, the earth split open, revealing a small hole. Out of it, Trapinch emerged and ambled towards Tyson. "It seems you've finished your practice for the day as well," Tyson remarked, to which he received an affirmative "Trap" from Trapinch. Nearby, Gligar approached with a smile on her face. Noticing this, Tyson inquired, "Have you finally mastered your moves?" Gligar responded with a nod. Thanks to Pupitar's assistance, Trapinch had learned and perfected Rock Slide, providing both him and Gligar with a mid-range battle option. Consequently, Tyson had spent the past few months having Trapinch and Gligar refine their move usage. 

Although Pupitar hadn't acquired any new moves, its control over Sandstorm had significantly improved. Now, it could manipulate the Sandstorm with much more precision. Therefore, Tyson had started to implement his plan to develop unique moves for Pupitar, using Sandstorm as the foundation, the first of which involved utilizing the swirling Sandstorm as a shield. Given its current strength, Pupitar could effortlessly deflect Trapinch's Rock Slide with its Sand Shield, and with practice, its mastery of the Sand Shield and overall power are bound to increase. 

"Seems like your preparation is complete," Bertha observed from the sidelines. Today, she was supervising Tyson's practice and lessons. Tyson nodded in acknowledgment and said, "Yes, for the time left, I intend to focus on basic practice with Gligar and Trapinch. Pupitar will be resting in preparation for graduation." "So, you're planning to use Pupitar in the graduation battle?" inquired Bertha. The Trainer School's graduation process for those aspiring to become active trainers differs from that for prospective breeders or researchers. Students must not only take a written exam but also undergo a practical test of their battle skills. "No, for the exam, I'll be using this little one," Tyson said as he knelt to pat Trapinch's snout. The ant Pokémon smiled in response, pleased that Tyson had placed his trust in it for the graduation battle. With a smile, Bertha said, "Well then, I have nothing to worry about. You've learned everything I could teach you this year, and in terms of handling ground-type Pokémon, I'd say you're good enough," as she went back inside.

"Good enough? Then what would be considered great?" Tyson mused, shaking his head with a smile. After a year of study, he had come to understand the habits of numerous Pokémon, their natural habitats, and diets. His grandmother, it seemed, did not want him to rest on his head, believing there was always more to learn about Ground-type Pokémon. She wanted to avoid him becoming overconfident in his knowledge. Looking to his team Tyson recalled them individually before returning inside. It was time for him to take things easy for the next month. 'It would be wise to visit Professor Carolina before the exam, especially since I intend to depart a few days later' Tyson thought.

The next day Tyson made his way to Professor Carolina's lab for the first time after Cynthia's departure. Arriving at the front door Tyson felt a bit guilty as he thought 'Despite my promise to visit, it did take me some time to get here'. As he knocked, a voice from inside immediately inquired, "Who is it?" Hesitating slightly, Tyson replied, "It's me, Grandma Carolina, it's Tyson," anticipating the elderly woman's answer. Shortly after Tyson spoke, the door opened to reveal Professor Carolina, who stared at Tyson with a frown and said, "Well, you did remember to stop by... though you're a few months late. I'll forgive it this once; come on in," as she ushered him inside. As the two walked inside Tyson looked at the familiar sights and paused on the picture of Carolina and Cynthia that was hung in her living room. 

"She recently asked about you," Carolina said, capturing Tyson's attention. "Really? Where is she now?" Tyson inquired with enthusiasm, prompting a chuckle from Carolina. "Like grandfather, like grandson. Did you come to visit me or to inquire about my granddaughter's whereabouts?" With a sheepish scratch of his head, Tyson apologized, "Sorry, Grandma Carolina. I was so curious about how Cynthia has been doing that I forgot why I came. How have you been?" Carolina responded, "I've been as I always am. But I can't blame you; after all, you're her friend. As for Cynthia, she's currently exploring Sinnoh. The last update I got, she was participating in the finals of a Rookie Tournament held in Jubilife City."

"A Rookie Tournament?" Tyson asked. It was well-known that the Pokemon League held tournaments, contests, and various events to promote and display the skills of both unknown and prominent trainers. "Yes, and if I'm correct, she should have won. So far, not a single challenger has been able to defeat her Gabite," Carolina remarked with a touch of pride. 'So Gible evolved as well, it's to be expected' Tyson thought with a smile on his face. "Now then as for you, I'm glad you stopped by because I wanted to talk to you about Coronet Academy" Carolina spoke. "The Academy? I have been curious about it" Tyson commented as he was truly curious about the internal structure of the academy. 

"The academy operates on a point system instead of money, enabling students to chase their dreams, obtaining items that normally would be impossible to obtain for those born without a silver or gold spoon like you and young Cynthia. Though this sounds great on paper, over the years heavy competition has erupted in the academy" Carolina elucidated, prompting a puzzled expression from Tyson as he replied, "I've heard about the intense competition from Hogan, the daycare owner, but he didn't elaborate on it." "That's understandable; bad memories often lead to that. You see, the point system wasn't the only thing implemented over the past twenty years. The faculty also created a ranking system to foster competition among the students," Carolina explained.

Upon hearing Carolina's explanation, Tyson gained some insight. "So, there's a ranking system as well? That's not too surprising, considering it's one of the three great academies. But how could a simple ranking system lead to all this trouble?" he asked which made Carolina chuckle before replying "Thats just it, it didn't cause any troubles at first and the competition among students although fierce was understandable. However, one group of students got together and created what the school calls a Pseudo Pokemon Team. Due to those students combine efforts they quickly rose through the ranks. Seeing this the other students began to follow suit creating many different teams among old and new students" Carolina spoke. "I can see why that would be a problem" Tyson spoke, understanding why things became so hectic at the academy.

"While Trainer Teams continue to operate at the academy, the principal and faculty have established a student council that oversees and governs these teams. The council is composed of the four most outstanding students, who possess the authority to disband and direct teams according to their ranking and points. Together with the faculty, they have instituted numerous rules to manage and oversee the diverse teams within the academy. This causes the creation of Pseudo Guilds of various sizes as well with each working alongside a different council member" Carolina concluded. "I see, so these four students essentially control the teams in the school, but how does that have anything to do with me. If I avoid joining a team, I should be fine" Tyson spoke which cause Carolina to frown. 

"That's not possible, Tyson. Once you join the academy, the four members of the student council, along with the top teams and guilds, will begin to investigate your background. Many will extend invitations to join them, while others may threaten or pressure you by withholding points by monopolizing missions," Carolina explained, making Tyson flinch. "Doesn't that seem excessive? Why don't the faculty members intervene?" he inquired. "There are several reasons, but mainly, this competition nurtures the development of powerful trainers and team leaders for various organizations and businesses. Among researchers, a select few have even joined the ranks of the world's most esteemed professors over the years. Competition reveals the best and worst in people, Tyson. That's why I must ask you once more if you truly wish to attend the academy. Given your background and family, I'm certain Shane and Bertha would be willing to sponsor your journey as a trainer" Carolina spoke.

"My grandparents have been my support throughout my life, even before the tragic loss of my mother and father. They continue to teach and guide me daily, as I aspire to become a Type Specialist. Although I am grateful for their care and support, I don't want to depend on it indefinitely. I'm confident they would gladly cover my expenses if I decided to travel the region. However, I aim to grow strong on my own, not just through their help. Many trainers lack the opportunities I have, and while I plan to utilize them, I don't intend to do so for my entire life. I want to confront the world's challenges on my own, without falling back on my grandparents to resolve my problems. I know it might sound selfish and foolish but—" Tyson was interrupted as Carolina burst into laughter, taking him by surprise. "You really take after your grandparents," she said, holding her stomach as she laughed.

"Your grandfather predicted you'd react this way, and Bertha also believed you wouldn't seek their assistance with the academy. Bertha even suggested you would have chosen the academy regardless of Cynthia's mention," Carolina remarked, catching Tyson off guard. 'Grandma and Grandpa anticipated I'd decline their help?' Tyson pondered, astonished that his grandparents had intuited his desire to forge his own path in the world. "Don't be taken aback, Tyson; we elders have witnessed a lot in life. Discerning the intentions of our grandchildren isn't difficult. Cynthia acted similarly when I offered to sponsor her journey. She gathered her savings and set off. She'd occasionally phone to provide updates or request a favor, but that was the extent of it. Once children reach a certain age, they seek to assert their independence by facing a challenge or two, so your decision to attend the academy isn't unexpected. Since I can't sway you, I'll leave you with this... go and show those arrogant academy students what you're made of," Carolina said, smiling broadly.

With a grin, Tyson said, "Sure thing, Grandma Carolina." After leaving the lab, he got both Carolina's and Cynthia's numbers and headed home to rest. With a month left, he wanted to ensure that Trapinch was ready for the exam and that he had everything needed for his journey to Hearthome and, subsequently, to Coronet Academy.

(Time - June - 9 Years Before Ash's Journey)

- Trainer School - Morning

Tyson, seated in the classroom, observed the tense expressions on his classmates' faces, including Eric, who was anxiously rifling through old notes. 'Eric probably spent the last month gaming again,' Tyson thought with a mental sigh, turning his attention to the door as it swung open to reveal Mr. Mathews and two other faculty members entering. "Alright, everyone, today is the final exam day. I hope you're all well-prepared," Mr. Mathews announced, scanning the room. Some students seemed to grow more anxious at his words, but Tyson remained composed. Having diligently studied the material throughout the year, he felt assured of not just passing but possibly achieving one of the highest scores on the written exam.

"For those who aren't prepared, all I can offer is good luck. You have one hour to complete the written exam," Mr. Mathews announced as two faculty members began distributing the exam papers. "You will start when I say so," he concluded. After a brief pause, he commanded, "Begin," and the final exam commenced. The exam, as Tyson had anticipated, encompassed Sinnoh History, Pokemon League regulations, and Trainer Laws. The content was tailored to each student's major; trainers received questions on Pokemon League topics, including rules, regulations, and battle strategies, while coordinators were tested on Pokemon Studies and League History. The trainer school aimed to lay a solid foundation for every student's future career. For Tyson, however, this was merely the beginning of his extensive journey.

- Trainer School - Afternoon

After the written exam ended, the students were granted a recess before the start of the practical exams. In the lunchroom, Tyson and Eric were joined by Sophia, who had also completed her second-year written tests. "So, Tyson, how well do you think you did?" Sophia inquired. Tyson responded, "Not sure, but I definitely passed," prompting a groan of disappointment from Eric, who was sitting beside them. Having spent the past few weeks playing Poke Legends again, Eric felt confident about passing at best. Aiming for a high score on the exam was, for him, an unattainable dream. The participants of the practical exam would have their final score determined by averaging their written and practical exam scores.

As Eric groaned, Sophia seized the opportunity to tease him, "Perhaps if someone dedicated more time to studying instead of gaming, his scores might have been higher," she said with a smirk. Recoiling from her remark, Eric retorted, "Hey, a true gamer can ace any exam, study or no study!" This made Tyson, who was observing the exchange, laugh at Eric's confident claim. Tyson mused to himself, 'In my old world, if that were true, 'Gamers' would not only have passed their exams but would have been top scorers.' Watching his two friends' bicker was both amusing and bittersweet for Tyson, knowing that after this final month together, graduation would mark the end of their shared time. While the three were conversing, a faculty member approached the group and addressed Tyson, "Excuse me, Mr. Tyson Ryuuzaki, the practical exam is about to start. Please follow me to the gym grounds for your examination." Upon hearing this, Tyson turned to his friends, who wished him good luck with smiles, and then he followed the faculty member to the gym grounds.

- Train School - Gym Grounds

Upon arriving at the gym grounds, Tyson noticed four other kids already there. 'I figured I wouldn't be the only one taking the trainer's exam this year,' he thought to himself. The practical exam at the trainer's school served a dual purpose: not only did it test skills, but it also granted trainer licenses to those who passed. If Tyson were to pass, he would earn his license and become an official Pokemon Trainer, which would allow him to legally register any Pokemon he caught under his name. At the moment, his Gligar and Trapinch were registered under his grandfather Shane's name, but they would be transferred to Tyson once he graduated.

As Tyson approached, the other students glanced at him briefly before turning their attention forward. At the front stood a tall man clad in a blue tracksuit, his scruffy beard and unkempt black hair identifying him as Mr. Kuram, the gym teacher. Gym classes were a standard part of the curriculum until the second year, after which they became optional for third-year students. Mr. Kuram, addressing the youths before him, announced, "Okay, today you five will participate in the practical exam. Good. I will be your opponent in a one-on-one Pokemon battle with no substitutions or items allowed. Using items will result in disqualification. Is that understood?" The students all nodded in agreement.

Watching the battles from the side Tyson noted that the Pokemon Mr. Kuram would use were provided by the school and were changed every round to avoid the students planning ahead. As, such out of the five students, so far only two had passed and one had failed with Tyson up next. Walking up to the designated challengers box Tyson pulled out Trapinch's ball as he stared at Mr. Kuram. Looking at Tyson, Mr. Kuram spoke "Well Tyson, I've heard about you from Mr. Mathews. Good grades and great dedication but let's see how well you battle" as he tossed a new Pokeball forward. In a flash of light, a Pokemon took shape. The Pokemon had a humanoid shape with catlike traits. It had antennae with bulbous tips where its ears should be, two long tufts of fur on top of its head, small eyes, and two large fangs in its upper jaw. 'Electabuzz? now that's a rare Pokemon, not normally seen outside of Kanto' Tyson thought as he looked at Electabuzz. 

Mr. Kuram, eyeing Tyson intently, said, "Now it's your turn; show us which Pokémon you've chosen." In response, Tyson casually threw Trapinch's Pokéball, and with a burst of light, the diminutive ant Pokémon began to materialize. Mr. Kuram looked on in surprise; he had often seen Trapinch around the school, but this time it was noticeably different, indeed larger. Previously, Trapinch had measured two feet three inches, but after training with Pupitar and Gligar, it now stood at an impressive two feet eight inches, reaching up to Tyson's waist.

Upon seeing Trapinch, Mr. Kuram remarked, "Oh? A Ground-type, a good choice," as he observed the ant-like Pokémon. Tyson responded, "Well, I would have chosen Trapinch regardless of today's matchup. I made this decision last month." Mr. Kuram paused, giving Tyson a thoughtful look before smiling and saying, "I'm not sure if you're being overconfident or if you really trust your Pokémon." Tyson replied with a grin, "Can't it be both?" Meanwhile, the faculty member interjected, "I'll explain the rules once more. This will be a one-on-one Pokémon battle with no substitutions, and items are also forbidden. Are both trainers ready?" Both parties nodded in agreement. "Then begin!" the faculty member announced, initiating the match.

"Electabuzz, screech!" Mr. Kuram commanded, and Electabuzz responded with a piercing yell. The sound forced Tyson to cover his ears and caused Trapinch to flinch. Seizing the moment, Electabuzz closed the distance to Trapinch. "We'll end this in one go—Ice Punch!" Mr. Kuram ordered. Electabuzz's fists began to emanate a light blue glow, and a chill air wafted from them. As the attack approached, Tyson yelled, "Trapinch, dig quick!" The ant-like creature swiftly burrowed underground, evading Electabuzz's punch just in time. "Good reaction, quick thinking. But if you believe I'm unprepared for 'dig,' you're mistaken. Bulk Up and get ready to counter," Mr. Kuram instructed, while Electabuzz's roared as its size increased, and its muscles bulged.

Tyson removed his arms from his ears, smiling confidently. "Oh, that's fine, but I'm sure you won't be able to counter this. Time to test our new move, Trapinch, use Sand Trap!" Mr. Kuram, puzzled, repeated, "Sand Trap?" He was unaware of any move by that name. Suddenly, the ground beneath Electabuzz began to tremble, the dirt dissolving and breaking away to form a sand pit. "What the—" Mr. Kuram gasped in shock at the transformation of the terrain. But more was yet to come; as the sand engulfed Electabuzz's feet, it started sinking deeper into the pit. "Electabuzz, use Ice Punch to break free!" Mr. Kuram ordered, determined to stop this. But before Electabuzz could muster the energy for Ice Punch, a sharp pain shot through its back, eliciting a pained cry. "Damn it, Electabuzz, are you okay?" Mr. Kuram asked in a panic.

[Custom Moves: These are techniques that are created by merging two existing moves or by incorporating the properties of multiple moves to form a new one. Typically, this is only done by trainers who have earned at least two to three badges or who possess substantial experience in nurturing and coaching Pokemon for high-level competitions or tournaments]

Tyson's smile lingered as he declared, "Too late coach, the trap has been set." The Sand Trap move, devised by him and Trapinch, was their strategy against swifter foes. By combining Dig and Sand Tomb, Trapinch would form a quicksand pit beneath the adversary, restraining them sufficiently for a potent Crunch on their blind spot. Tyson thought "It must have been a critical hit and with Trapinch's Sheer Force that's got to sting' as Mr. Kuram started to panic. "Electabuzz, escape now!" Mr. Kuram ordered, but Electabuzz was already too deep, the sand reaching its waist and rendering it immobile. Observing this, Tyson instructed, "No need for further display, Trapinch, emerge with Dig!" as the sand around Electabuzz stirred.

"Oh no, Electabuzz, wait for Trapinch to appear, then Ice Punch!" Mr. Kuram commanded. However, with the sands shifting on all sides, it was difficult for Electabuzz to predict where Trapinch would emerge. Observing this, Tyson explained, "Sand isn't like dirt or stone; the tremors from dig are hard to follow, and even with your best efforts, guessing the right spot won't be easy. The purpose of this move is not just to trap opponents but also to make it harder for experienced trainers to counter Dig." Almost as if on cue at the end of Tyson's explanation, Trapinch burst forward from beneath Electabuzz, launching it upwards and out of the sand. The impact sent Electabuzz hurtling back towards Mr. Kuram, and with a loud thud, Electabuzz fell before Mr. Kuram, unconscious.

On the sidelines, the faculty member announced, "Electabuzz is unable to battle; the winners are Tyson and Trapinch," gesturing towards Tyson. As Trapinch waddled over, Tyson said, "Good job, buddy, that was perfect," making the ant beam with pride and chirp confidently, "Trap, Trap" [Thanks, your commands were great]. After returning Electabuzz, Mr. Kuram addressed Tyson, "With that, you've passed the practical exam. You may stay to observe the remaining tests or leave. The exam results will be posted at the end of the week, though your outcome seems clear." Tyson nodded, recalled Trapinch to its ball, and went back inside to meet Eric and Sophia, who awaited his battle results. As Tyson walked back inside, Mr. Kuram thought to himself, "He's already creating combo moves, quick to respond to attacks, and can devise countermeasures on the fly. This kid is going to go far as a trainer." 

As Tyson entered the lunchroom, he saw Eric and Sophia waiting for him. He gave them a peace sign, which made Sophia laugh with delight, while Eric nodded in agreement, remarking, "I told you there was nothing to worry about." "Yeah, yeah, you were right," Sophia added as they started heading to the school's entrance. Upon leaving the school, Shane, who had come to pick up Tyson, greeted them. "Hey kiddo, how was the exam?" he inquired. Tyson just smiled and responded, "Easy," prompting a chuckle from Shane who proudly said, "That's my boy," as they all departed from the school.

(One Week Later)

A week had passed since the final exam and Tyson awaiting the results. Seated in the living room with Shane and Bertha Tyson had borrowed Shane's laptop to view the results alongside his grandparents. Checking the school website he quickly made his way to the exam page which featured the exam results and test rankings. At the top of the ranks was Tyson with a near perfect score. Seeing this Bertha spoke "Good job, that's exactly what I expect after all your hard work" prompting Shane to chime in "I'll say". The family celebrated with Bertha preparing dinner for the family as Tyson's trainer school life was coming to an end. 

In the following days Tyson returned to the school to collect his trainer license which was handed to him by the school principal. Apparently of the five students who applied only three had passed the assessment. There was even a rumor that Mr. Kuram had used one of his own Pokemon in the exam but with no proof nothing came out of it. Returning home with his graduation certificate Tyson began gathering items for his journey. He was set to leave the village in two weeks at the very end of June and he wanted to be ready. With his Tyranitar spatial backpack storing items was easy and with Shane's advice the two went to the shopping area over the weeks collecting supplies for the trip. With how much they had purchased Tyson was worried about the expenses, however both Shane and Bertha insisted on providing their grandson with the best start for his trip. 

Over the weeks, Tyson received visits from Sophia and Eric, who both promised to see him off on his journey. Even Professor Carolina made an appearance to deliver a gift sent by Cynthia in celebration of Tyson's graduation. The present was a designer green watch. It turns out Cynthia had modeled for the company, earning this as her reward. Tyson couldn't help but wonder, 'Just what is she up to, juggling modeling gigs and trainer tournaments?' while shaking his head. Finally, the day came, and Tyson found himself at the town's edge. Clad in his iconic Tyranitar jacket, brown pants, green shoes, and a matching cap, he stood at the exit, backpack slung over his shoulders and three Pokeballs resting on his waist. Gathered before him were his friends Eric, Sophia, and Hogan, who had stepped away from his duties to bid farewell. His grandparents were present too, with Shane beaming with pride and Bertha, though smiling, had a touch of sadness in her eyes.

Although it had only been a little over a year, Tyson had become a part of the elderly couple's lives during a time of grief. Sending him away was a bittersweet moment of pride and sorrow. As they shared a farewell embrace, Eric was the first to say goodbye, "If you ever find yourself in Alma, don't hesitate to drop by, okay?" Tyson responded, "Alma... perhaps. The future is always uncertain." Sophia chimed in, "And remember to call us; my father gave you the daycare's number," and Tyson acknowledged with a nod. Hogan had handed over his breeding records and proposed the Daycare as a sanctuary for the additional Pokémon Tyson had captured during his time away from Celestic. Tyson agreed, placing his trust in Hogan above anyone else for the care of his Pokémon.

Finally, Shane broke the silence. "Listen up, son, you better call and give us updates every week, or Bertha will come looking for you herself," he said with a chuckle, prompting Bertha to pinch his side causing Shane to flinch in pain. Turning to Tyson, Bertha added, "You've worked so hard, and it's hard to believe a year has passed so quickly. When we got the news that you and your parents were missing, we lost all hope. The Whirlpools in that area made us fear the worst. But just a month later, we got word that you had survived. I can't tell you how overjoyed I was to see you again, safe and sound." Tyson pondered in silence, 'A month? I was lost for a whole month, but how did I survive...how did Larvitar survive?' Bertha's revelation had surprised him, leaving him with many unanswered questions. Yet, he chose not to spoil the moment and remained silent for now.

Resuming her speech, Bertha said, "We have observed you train and learn, even when you could barely walk, and..." Noticing his wife's hesitation, Shane interjected, "And we are proud of you. Remember to take care of yourself and never give up, no matter how difficult things become. We will always be here for you." Tyson smiled at his grandparents, hugged them once more, then turned and started his journey out of the town. As he exited the town his friends and family waved him off, and waving back at them, Tyson walked into the forest and disappeared into the tree line.

Pokémon Team:

Team Rank: 3


Gender: Male

Type: Rock/Ground

Abilities: Shed Skin

Held Item: None

Moves: Rock Throw, Bite, Payback, Leer, Scary Face, Dragon Dance [Inherited], Ancient Power [Inherited], Stomping Tantrum, Sandstorm, Iron Defense, Outrage, Rock Slide

Custom Moves: Sand Shield

Moves Learnt:


Gender: Female

Type: Ground/Flying

Abilities: Hyper Cutter, Sand Veil, Immunity [Undeveloped]

Held Items: None

Moves: Thief, Knock Off, Poison Tail, Quick Attack, Wing Attack [Inherited], Toxic, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Venoshock

Custom Moves: 

Moves Learnt: Rock Slide, Stealth Rock


Gender: Male

Type: Ground

Abilities: Hyper Cutter, Sand Trap [Undeveloped] Sheer Force

Held Items: None

Moves: Astonish, Mud Slap, Sand Attack, Bite, Crunch, Bulldoze, Dig, Sand Tomb, Bug Bite [Inherited]

Moves Learnt: Rock Slide

Custom Moves: Sand Trap

Updates: Monday/Friday

A/N: And that concludes this volume "The Beginning" hope you all enjoyed the volume so far as I enjoyed writing it. Apologies on the late post, this one took quite a while to finish, and a lot of rewrites and checks had to be done. Hope that tip on how long Tyson was lost gave you some hints. There's more than meets the eye with Tyson's lost a sea moment but I'll leave what happened to your imagination. Starting off next volume "The Competition" we will start Tyson's journey to Coronet and the events leading up to and after his enrollment. Leave a comment and review if you like I hope your day goes well "Love you guys ^^"

MugenStrifecreators' thoughts
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