

The visits didn't stop from the rabbit but so did the letters from Lucia, she has sent me letters and I replied in kind, I pity the messenger who has to go back and forth.

What did Taehyun call it again? The internet? How I wish that was developed here but I don't have the smarts to do that.

I kept my thoughts to myself as I was laying on the meadows under the shade of the tree's.

"I see why the greatest heroes recorded in history come from lowly backgrounds, this kind of peace, its calming."

I closed my eyes and felt the breeze, I could feel a small body make their way to my chest, I opened my eye and saw it was the same rabbit.

At this point I'm not sure if this rabbit is still being controlled or see's me as its master.

After who knows how long I finally felt another presence.

"Young Master, the reinforcements have arrived"

"Please take care of it Noel"

Noel quickly left and didn't say anything as he knew me best to not disturb the peace I rarely have as the son of a duke.

Of course, Noel wasn't the presence I've noticed if anything he was asking for permission on what to do.

"Just come out already, its quite uncomfortable having to sense someone's gaze not knowing what they'll do to you"

"I'm sorry"

It was the female elf, she had dark hair and blue eyes, she looked around the same age as me but she could also be older than me, her skin was fair and so was her complexion.

She went forward as I sat up straight while the rabbit was sleeping at my legs.

" To what do I owe the pleasure of the visit from the Princess of the Elves? Or do you refer yourselves as something else?"

"How do you know about my identity"

She suddenly looked tense but after taking a deep breathe she regained her composure.

"How obvious was I?"

"You're not the only princess who runs away like this I know someone and that someone is my fiancé"

"What is a fiancé?"

I rolled my eyes as I stared at her.

 "What do you want?"

" I want to express my thanks, after observing you the food that you gave me seems precious to you"

"of course it is but not to the point I wouldn't share it"

"I also have observe you have a good nature and"


She bowed slowly startling me wondering what she would say next.

"It is Seori, my Father and Mother call me Seo"

"Alfred, what is it that you want to ask me Seori?"

"I want to give you something as thanks"

She then took out a pouch and I saw there was just one leaf, it wasn't anything special if you look at it but as someone who had mana I could feel that it was different.

"What is this?"

"Its a leaf from the World Tree, to us its just a normal leaf, but to your kind I heard that it will give you new powers?"

"Is the World Tree really that healthy?"

I asked and wondered, The World Tree of the Elves' is a precious entity for their race, it gives them their power and the reason of their longevity.

"It is very much healthy we even have lots of seeds and have begun planting it in case of emergencies."

As soon as Seori said that my guilt vanished.

"Thank you, but why give me something precious as this?"

"I told you already its not precious to us Elves, and as for why, I already said it earlier, you gave me something that you think is precious and I gave you something that I think you would also consider precious."

She giggled, she then grabbed my hand and gave me the pouch, the rabbit that was asleep suddenly was awake and rushed to her shoulders.

"What should I do with it?"

"We usually use it in our meals or make it into a tea."

"Thank you for this Seori, I'm guessing your time is up?"

As soon as I said that another female elf, one who was dressed in leather and had a sword without a sheathe strapped onto her waist arrived.

"We need to leave now before anyone finds out."

"I understand, see you soon Alfred."

Seori waved goodbye as they ran into to the woods nearby, before Seori entered she waved me goodbye one last time and they were gone.


"Yes Young Master."

I looked at where Noel was, his clothes, looked dirty, I knew it.

"What did you two do."

"Well, we had a simple exchange, too bad our time was cut short, given enough time I would have beaten that woman."

"They were in their element, anyway, prepare tea using this."

I looked at the leaf and the system inspected it.

[ World Tree's Leaf ]

[ Grade : S ]

[ Description : Carefully cultivated by The Elf Seori, permanently increases your mana due to the nature of the Elves and the World Tree's Lifeforce, can be eaten or drank. ]

I then gave it to Noel who nodded and left, I stood up and moved my limbs a bit then followed after him.

Looks like this trip wasn't in vain, I looked at the quest from a few weeks ago.

[ Make Connections with the Elves. ]

[ Scenario completed! ]

[ Plot has been affected! ]

"I wonder what has been affected."

I walked back towards the settlement, when I looked at it, it was now better than before, supplies and food were given to the residents and there were guards protecting it,

As I looked at the newly arrived, there was one familiar figure.

"Arthur was it."

Last time I saw him there was an unfortunate event, could it be there was going to be one here?


I yelled which startled everyone gaining their attention, and immediately Noel appeared and kneeled in front of me.

"Young Master."

"Secure the perimeter, make a scouting group to observe the area surrounding the village."

"As you wish."

Noel immediately went to work as I went to Sir Nicholas house, there he had already strapped his sword on.

"You wouldn't call Noel for no reason would you?"

"Scout the area."

"I'm on it."

Although it was just a hunch but it wouldn't be wrong for us to be warry, I think Arthur is just a bad luck totem in my eyes.

'I'll try and head back to the forest.'

"Aaron, Gale come with me, Tristan you stay here and help just in case something happens."

They were all inside Sir Nicholas house and were ready, they didn't ask me any questions as they followed me, we got on horses and went to the forest nearby.

"Tell me if you see anything"

We were on high alert, time passed and it had already been perhaps about three hours, there was nothing.

"Maybe I am just paranoid, let's go back."

We left and returned to the village, everyone was on high alert, when I arrived I looked at Arthur who looked like he was doing a porters job.

"Noel, keep up the high security until we leave."

"As you wish."

"The tea?"

"I haven't started it, I'll make you one now."

I nodded and left, I guess I am just paranoid because of Arthur's presence.

Chapitre suivant