
Miserable Agents

Loki let out a long sigh of relief.

"Good, he hasn't returned. That's good..."

Only a few people knew about Zane's return. Nick Fury was afraid that news of Zane's return would cause panic, so he kept it tightly under wraps.

Hawkeye, who had been stationed in an isolated underground base for the past few days, was unaware that Zane had returned to Earth just yesterday.

This is what they call a perfect miss.

Sometimes, a single piece of information can significantly impact a person's fate.

Unaware that he had been inadvertently misled by Hawkeye, Loki was still relieved that the terrifying Zane was not on Earth.

One couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for him...

Loki's fear of Zane wasn't solely based on Zane's actions in Asgard five years ago. It was also because of what Zane and his group had done in the galaxy over the past five years.

After Loki was knocked off the Bifrost by Thor, he ended up in the chaotic void, landing on a planet in the galaxy. During those five years, he naturally heard about Zane and his group's deeds.

Loki knew very little, but he did know that Zane and his crew had massacred the Kree civilization and its subordinate civilizations. In recent years, they even formed a Death Alliance that suppressed the entire galaxy, becoming a force that all civilizations could only look up to. Even Thanos didn't dare to provoke them easily.

How could Loki not be afraid of such a presence?

"With that man's power and strength, he must be exploring the universe, expanding his territory. Why would he return to such a backward planet?"

"It must be so, it must be so..." Loki, like a madman, kept muttering to himself for reassurance.

It took him a while to shake off the shadow of Zane. Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he began to ponder how to open a portal with the Tesseract on this freak-filled planet.

Finally, the cunning Loki arrived at a solution: to divide them from within.

If these people were united, he knew he wouldn't stand a chance. Even if he successfully opened the portal and brought in the Chitauri army, it would likely be futile.

So, the only way was to break them from within.

He needed to sow distrust and incite them to turn on each other, reaping the benefits from their infighting.

Loki already had a plan to achieve this.

As he refined his scheme in his mind, a signature sinister smile slowly crept onto his face.

Under the glow of the gem on his scepter, Loki's face was half shrouded in shadow, half illuminated by a faint blue light, making him look exceptionally sinister.

At that moment, he truly embodied the essence of the God of Mischief.

Meanwhile, having just finished a shopping trip with his family, Zane was watering flowers in a garden surrounded by blooming fairies. Suddenly, he felt something and turned in the direction of Loki.

"I think I heard someone calling me handsome behind my back!"

A mischievous grin slowly spread across Zane's face...

While Loki was refining his plot based on the information provided by Hawkeye, S.H.I.E.L.D. began to act on the orders given by Nick Fury before he lost consciousness.

Many of Nick Fury's trusted agents were dispatched across the globe to persuade the various superheroes. Only Coulson and a team of agents kept a distant watch over Zane's villa. 

As for close surveillance, that was out of the question. He didn't want to die! So, they maintained a certain distance from Zane, ensuring that anything or anyone who might upset Zane was kept away, avoiding the detonation of this potential ticking time bomb.

In reality, Zane had long since noticed the presence of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents. He didn't even need to extend his senses; Skynet's monitoring system could count every hair on their heads. The agents, however, were blissfully unaware of this.

The irritable Rocket Raccoon, upon learning that they were being followed, immediately pulled out a big gun, intending to turn the agents into minced meat. However, Zane stopped him.

Don't misunderstand, Zane wasn't suddenly overcome with benevolence. He just appreciated that these agents were, without asking for anything in return, silently keeping troublemakers at bay and not overstepping their bounds. They were essentially the best bodyguards in the world, and they were free.

Inside the brightly lit villa, Zane happily gnawed on a piece of braised pork, smacking his lips. Meanwhile, Coulson and his team huddled in the bushes, chewing on compressed biscuits in the cold wind.

"Life is so good!" Zane couldn't help but exclaim. 

What was Zane's secret to daily happiness? His answer was simple: seeing those who annoyed him living miserably made him very happy. In other words, his greatest joy came from building his happiness on the suffering of others. 

You see, men's happiness can be that straightforward and pure.

Hearing Zane's words, Lorna couldn't help but roll her eyes. Her man was perfect in every way, except for his occasional bursts of mischievousness, like a child. But it was also rather endearing. Watching Zane, Lorna unconsciously licked her sausage...

As for how Lorna also noticed Coulson and his team, it was because the human body emits a faint magnetic field. Lorna, constantly attuned to her powers, could sense them clearly. She knew exactly how miserable Coulson and his team were at that moment.

This was a habit she had developed while establishing the Caesar Civilization. Back then, many had attempted to assassinate her. If she had waited to counterattack until after an attack, she wouldn't have survived so many attempts. Wearing a crown isn't for the faint-hearted; it requires managing a kingdom while constantly guarding against external threats.

Time flew by, and soon Loki began to put his plan into action. Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. was making little progress. The superpowered individuals either avoided S.H.I.E.L.D. entirely or engaged them with evasive and ambiguous responses. Some of the more hot-tempered ones even beat up the agents who approached them.

Lying in his hospital bed, now awake, Nick Fury sighed deeply as he reviewed the reports from his subordinates.


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