

With the passage of time, the highly efficient magnetic robots were like diligent ants, gradually disassembling the massive Necrocraft into individual components and transporting them to the Ark, enriching its resource reserves.

While the magnetic robots were busy dismantling the ship, Zane watched Star-Lord with great interest. Previously, Zane hadn't interacted with him because he was eager to get the Power Stone. Zane was very curious about this guy who could save the world with awkward dancing—what kind of person he really was.

"You, come over here," Zane said, pointing at Star-Lord.

Given the circumstances, Star-Lord, not daring to defy Zane's orders, nervously walked up to him.

"Don't be afraid; we're both from Earth. I won't kill you," Zane said with a faint smile.

However, Star-Lord didn't dare to relax at all. He had seen from remote monitoring that this casually dressed man had killed everyone on the Necrocraft with that eerie smile and those creepy skeletons.

Even when he beheaded Ronan, this terrifying man's expression didn't change at all. It was as if... it was as if he had done something trivial.

The more Star-Lord thought about it, the more frightened he became, but he glanced back at Gamora, who was looking at him with concern. Finally, he met Zane's gaze head-on.

He wanted to live and wanted Gamora to live too!

"Sir, what do you need from me?"

"Nothing much, I just want you to dance. I want to see it," Zane said with a mischievous smile, pulling out a high-end portable speaker from his treasury and playing some upbeat dance music.

Star-Lord was dumbfounded by Zane's request.

What the hell! He wanted him, a grown man, to dance!

"What's the matter, you don't want to?" A hint of coldness flashed in Zane's eyes.

Suddenly, under Zane's overwhelming killing intent, Star-Lord felt like he was falling into an abyss. Instinctively, he started moving his body stiffly to the beat of the music. His movements were awkward and clumsy, turning the energetic dance music into a mournful spectacle. His expression was almost tearful.

"Come on, smile. What's with the funeral face?" Zane said.

Star-Lord forced the corners of his mouth up, resulting in a twisted expression somewhere between crying and laughing. Zane's smile grew even more malicious.

Gamora couldn't stand watching Zane toy with her new boyfriend any longer. She stepped forward and turned off the speaker. Amused by Star-Lord's antics, Zane didn't stop her and instead looked at her with interest.

"What exactly do you want?" Gamora asked coldly.

"Don't get me wrong. I said I wouldn't kill you, and I won't. I was just having some fun."

"Now that the fun's over, I should get going!" Zane said, shrugging uninterestedly and standing up to leave.

Gamora, looking at Zane, suddenly felt a surge of anger and impulsively asked, "Do you remember how many people you've killed? Don't you have nightmares at night?"

Zane paused for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Do you remember how many grains of rice were in the bowl you ate?"

With that, Zane teleported back to the Ark, leaving Gamora and Star-Lord feeling cold and desolate, staring blankly in the now-empty cockpit.

By now, the magnetic robots had dismantled the Necrocraft to the point where only a small cockpit remained, a sealed metal shell with just a life-support function and nothing else.

After Zane and his crew left on the Ark without looking back, Star-Lord and Gamora were left to drift alone in space, unable even to send a distress signal. They could only hope a passing ship would find them; otherwise, they would either die from lack of oxygen or starve to death.

Zane didn't have time to deal with them. Sparing their lives was already a favor. It was obvious why they were on Ronan's ship—Gamora must have revealed that he had the Orb.

Zane didn't have the high moral ground to repay grievances with virtue. He preferred to crush anyone who offended him, leaving no chance for future trouble. Whether Star-Lord and Gamora survived next depended on their luck.

Zane was more concerned with decrypting the information from the Necrocraft. He needed to learn which civilizations were affiliated with the Kree and where their bases were on other planets.

In just 20 minutes, Skynet, with its nearly infinite computational power, decrypted all the information.

"Boss, the Kree civilization has six affiliated civilizations with bases on 132 planets. What are your next orders?"

"We'll handle the Kree civilization personally. Send fleets to annihilate the others."

"My only demand is to leave no one alive!" Zane said coldly, his voice freezing the air.

"Understood, boss!"

Upon receiving the order, Skynet's green data streams flowed rapidly. The various large and small cannons surrounding the Ark detached and transformed into medium and small-sized spacecraft through impressive mechanical changes.

In no time, the vast Ark seemed to have "slimmed down" considerably, with only the largest star-destroying cannon remaining on the Ark. The rest of the cannons had turned into independent warships.

But that wasn't all. Inside the Ark, countless magnetic robots armed themselves and marched into transport ships in neat steps. The warships and transport ships then dispersed based on the interstellar coordinates decrypted from the Necrocraft, setting off to find their targets.

The Ark also began heading toward Kree-Lar. After several space jumps, a yellow-hued planet appeared before Zane.

"Skynet, blow it up!" Zane said casually.

"Alright, boss. Charging the star-destroying cannon."

"Countdown 5 minutes, starting countdown..."

In space, the massive barrel of the star-destroying cannon began to glow with intertwining blue and purple energy beams. As time passed, the cannon's barrel grew brighter, and the energy reaction became more intense.

The people on Kree-Lar suddenly felt as if an additional star had appeared in the sky, though its color was strange—blue and purple. It looked quite beautiful at first glance, but no one took it seriously. They simply glanced at it and continued with their activities, unaware that it was meant to destroy their civilization.

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss!

The increasingly powerful energy reaction of the star-destroying cannon finally triggered Kree-Lar's remote guard system.


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