
Lord Zane

Even more deviously, Loki's arrival was deliberately set near the battlefield between Zane and the Frost Giants.

Finally, Heimdall's perpetually constipated face, for the first time ever, showed a hint of "kindness" with a smile.

He even made a slight gesture of invitation towards Loki.

Although Loki sensed that something was off with Heimdall, he only thought it was because Heimdall felt aggrieved by his command and didn't think much of it.

Casually stepping into the dimensional gateway, what Loki didn't notice was the relieved smile on Heimdall's face behind him.

When Loki stepped out of the pillar of light on the Bifrost, what greeted his eyes was such a scene.

Countless Frost Giants' mutilated corpses piled up into a towering mountain of corpses, with countless lifeless eyes staring blood-red into the sky.

It was as if they were roaring in defiance to the heavens.

The intense visual impact made Loki instinctively hold his breath.

At the top of the pile of corpses, Loki vaguely saw a proud figure, slightly weary, sitting on a throne.

And in that figure's right hand was the struggling Frost Giant King, Laufey, responsible for most of Zane's injuries.

It had to be said that Laufey, this king, still had some skill; several well-timed ambushes nearly killed Zane.

But in the end, as the number of Frost Giants decreased, this King was finally captured by Zane.

Zane wasn't just showing off now; he was genuinely feeling tired. So, he casually took out his magnificent throne from the treasury and sat directly on top of the pile of corpses.

At this moment, he was contemplating his gains from the battle with the Frost Giants. Firstly, the conversion speed of the Power of Death had greatly increased.

Then, he had somewhat compensated for his poor close combat skills. Although Zane's close combat skills were still not great, he was no longer a liability.

Moreover, [Realm of Deatd] had gained tens of millions more followers.

However, the greatest gain was that Zane's combat intuition had fully awakened!

As Zane closed his eyes to summarize his gains, he sensed Loki's magical gaze.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked down towards Loki's direction.

In an instant, the lingering murderous intent in Zane's eyes almost destabilized Loki's mind, causing his magic to falter.

At the moment when Loki made eye contact with Zane, cold sweat soaked his back in shock.

He forced out a slightly embarrassed yet polite smile and greeted Zane.

Meanwhile, Zane casually choked Laufey, who was still struggling, to death and teleported to Loki's side.

Seeing Zane suddenly appear in front of him, Loki instinctively took two steps back, his nerves on edge, ready to flee at any moment.

Although he knew that Zane was an ally of Asgard, the current appearance of Zane was just too terrifying.

Seeing the mountain of corpses and rivers of blood behind him, it was evident that this monster had almost wiped out the Frost Giant race.

Even the Frost Giant king had been choked to death by Zane like a chick, which understandably frightened Loki.

"Lord Zane, greetings," Loki said tremblingly.

But Zane just smiled brilliantly at him.

Those gleaming teeth, combined with Zane's current appearance, sent shivers down the spine of Loki, the son of a Frost Giant.

Even Loki couldn't help but entertain an absurd thought.

'Is this monster going to eat me?'

Although the thought was absurd, the frightened Loki couldn't stop his mind from wandering.

Loki felt like he was on the verge of tears!

Now Loki understood why Heimdall's smile had seemed so strange before.

That scheming guy must have known what was happening in Jotunheim and clearly wanted to lure him into this big trap.

Shivering with fear, Loki vowed to himself that once he safely returned to Asgard, he would make Heimdall clean the toilets in the palace for the rest of his life.

This guy was just too damn deceptive!

Seeing Loki's frightened appearance, Zane found it somewhat amusing.

He, however, was completely unaware of how terrifying his current appearance, coupled with the gruesome battlefield behind him, was.

"Let's go, Little Loki." Zane said casually.

Little Loki?


I'm 1000+ years old already!!!

Loki instantly noticed the teasing tone in Zane's words, but despite his inner turmoil, he maintained a respectful and submissive demeanor on the surface.

You're the boss, you're awesome!

"Lord Zane, where are we going?" Loki asked, puzzled.

And Zane gave him a look that seemed to say, "Are you stupid?"

"Of course, we're going back to Asgard! I need to take a bath and get a good night's sleep."

"The weather in Jotunheim is really awful, it's been depressing my mood quite a bit, and I've ended up doing some excessive things unintentionally."

Zane said with a thick disdain on his face.


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