
Worth It

Then she walked over to Zane, affectionately rubbing her head against Zane's body.

"My dearest master, I'm fine now, no need to go back," Bastis said, acting cute.

"Oh really? I think you should still go back for a while," Zane said, grinning mischievously.

Whimper whimper whimper...

Bastis saw the smirk on Zane's face and knew she was being toyed with by this quirky master again.

But Bastis didn't dare blame her master; she could only turn her gaze to Lorna, who was laughing in Zane's arms.

Blame this wicked woman; the master used to shower her with love.

And when Lorna noticed the hostile gaze from Bastis, she also began a silent eye battle with her.

In the end, it was Zane who pulled out a dozen salmon from the treasure trove to calm down the situation.

Two people, one with a skeletal frame and a living panther that looked like a cat, just watched the beauty of Asgard together.

At this moment, it seemed like time had slowed down, unwilling to disturb this peaceful and harmonious atmosphere...

But there are always some people with poor timing who appear when they shouldn't.

Odin, carrying his Spear, silently walked to Zane's side.

He didn't care about his appearance and directly imitated Zane's posture, sitting on the edge of the observation platform.

Obviously, Odin had already dealt with the invasion of the frost giants into the treasure trove.

As for the appearance of Bastis and Little Bone, Odin was not surprised.

The universe is too vast, and in Odin's thousands of years of life, he has seen too many strange life forms.

What's a fiery skeleton frame and a cat-like panther emitting the power of faith?

Odin has even seen intelligent plant life forms and a giant whose skull alone is the size of a planet.

"How is it? Beautiful, isn't it?" Odin said somewhat proudly.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," Zane nodded honestly.

"But the more beautiful something is, the more people desire to destroy it, from ancient times to the present, isn't it?" Zane continued.

After hearing Zane's words, Odin sighed almost imperceptibly.

He didn't deny Zane's words but tacitly agreed.

Yes, the more beautiful something is, the more troubles it attracts.

In the universe, there is a legend that Asgard is a paradise on Earth.

But who knows how much blood Odin's ancestors paid to build and maintain this place over the millennia.

In the hundreds of thousands of years of Asgard's history, it has experienced countless crises of destruction, but it has always survived.

"Odin, have you thought about it? Is it worth it to start a war between two civilizations to teach your son a lesson?" Zane turned to look at Odin, who was already shrouded in gloom, and asked seriously.

After hearing Zane's words, emotions flickered constantly in Odin's remaining eye, finally turning into a firm determination like a mountain.

"Worth it!" Odin said firmly.

He doesn't have much time left, so he can only resort to such a nurturing method.

Odin believes that his son can bear the weight of these two civilizations combined.

And it's time for him to grow up...

Zane nodded without continuing to delve deeper.

After all, this is Odin's family matter, and Zane shouldn't interfere too much.

"Stinky kid, how come I sensed a death aura here just now?" Odin casually asked.

Heimdall could detect Zane's hidden death god power because of his eyes that can see through the Nine Realms.

Odin didn't have such abilities, only when Zane showed his power could he detect it.

After hearing Odin's words, Zane also realized that it was when he pretended to throw Bastis into the [Realm of Dead] that Odin noticed.

But since it's been noticed, it's no big deal anyway, and Zane didn't intend to hide it.

But Zane wouldn't show the [Realm of Dead] to Odin, after all, that's the foundation of his path to godhood.

Unless absolutely necessary, Zane wouldn't easily let others know about the [Realm of Dead].

So Zane directly mobilized a strand of death god power to display it in front of Odin.

After carefully examining the strand of death god power floating in Zane's palm, Odin's single eye suddenly contracted.

Through Zane's death god power, he thought of his eldest daughter, Hela.

The power of the two is almost identical, except that Hela's power tends more towards a combination of death and destruction.

While Zane's is pure death, pure enough to be terrifying!

Even Odin could see his own demise through this strand of death god power.

Although he knew it was just an illusion, he could still feel the terrifying aspect of Zane's power.

If Hela's power is like violent pushing...

Then Zane's death god power is like a silent rain, subtly luring people into the embrace of death.

A person's tolerance for pain may be endless, as long as the mind is firm, pain will only make them stronger.

But even the most resolute minds cannot resist the temptation of beauty...

This is the terrifying aspect of Zane's death god power.

You know you will die, but you can feel the infinite tranquility and peace after death.

At that moment, even Odin was eager for Zane to kill him.

What a revelation!

In an instant, Odin's mind was filled with myriad thoughts, and finally, he stared intently at Zane.

"Stinky kid, you must remember, it's you who controls the power, not the other way around!" His eldest daughter Hela fell into ruin because her power grew too much, indulging in war and bloodshed, and finally perished.

Odin didn't want his ally to repeat the same mistakes, which would ultimately harm Asgard.

Seeing Odin suddenly becoming so serious, Zane's mouth twitched slightly.

He understood what Odin said a long time ago!

Otherwise, he would have slaughtered the Earth long ago, for the belief of billions of souls on Earth.

Zane could ignite the divine fire at any moment, stepping into the realm of gods with ease.

Even after beating a bunch of superheroes and leaving, even if Doctor Strange resurrected them later, Zane didn't care.

Zane had already passed the stage of blindly pursuing power when he first arrived in the Marvel Universe.

Now Zane just wants to explore the Marvel Universe; he has seen enough of the glory of Earth.

Staying there would mean waiting for another decade or so to see the flourishing scene.

Zane didn't have that patience; it's better to enjoy the scenery of this vast universe.


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