
Showdown 2

Then, a huge orange laser beam shot out from his chest, heading straight for Zane's still composed face.

However, just as the laser was about to hit Zane's face, his idle hand directly pushed against the laser, reversing its flow.

This laser, which could pierce through a building, couldn't even break through Zane's skin defense. It merely singed a couple of his hair follicles.

After continuous strengthening from the [Magic Furnace] and the enhancement from the Death God's power, Zane could may not be able match the Base form of Hulk with his body now.

But dismantling Tony's armor bare-handed was still easy for Zane.

With unstoppable momentum, Zane's left hand thrust directly into the chest of Tony's armor.

Amidst a grating metallic sound, Zane forcibly detached the small Arc Reactor from Tony's armor with his bare hands.

Instantly, all the indicator lights on Tony's armor went out. The previously invincible Iron Man armor had turned into an immobilized husk.

But Zane wasn't finished. He had already said he wouldn't show mercy to them.

With a slight exertion of his left hand, Zane crushed the small Arc Reactor into pieces.

Then, with a punch, he shattered Tony's steel mask, accompanied by the mask's fragmentation and blood bursting out.

Tony seemed to have been struck by a meteor and crashed to the ground, leaving a deep pit.

There was no movement from Tony inside the armor. It was unclear whether he was alive or dead.

This scene lasted only a few seconds. The others were still reeling from Zane's energy blasts just now, not yet recovering.

Finally, Phoenix, in a hurry, added a buffering layer under Tony's falling body using telekinesis. It was up to Tony to survive.

Seeing the remaining people, Zane suddenly grinned wickedly, then snapped his fingers in front of everyone.

"Skynet, come out and greet these rude guests."

"Yes, boss!"

With Zane's command, a huge sky fortress slowly squeezed out from a massive golden portal in the sky above the battlefield.

The mechanical voice of Skynet attracted the attention of all the heroes to the enormous war fortress emerging from [King's Treasury].

The war fortress occupied half of the sky over New York City, its immense size exuding unparalleled pressure.

Zane, who believed in the Doctrine of Many Turrets, had Skynet add countless energy cannons to this sky fortress. The sight of the densely packed cannon barrels made everyone's scalp tingle.

Nick Fury, who survived, nearly popped his remaining eye out of its socket.

How could this be possible? How could Earth's technology produce such a thing!

Everyone stared dumbfoundedly at the fierce aerial fortress, some heroes even dropping their weapons into the magma without realizing it.

A series of huge blows had already dampened their fighting spirit.

This was too much of a bully, wasn't it? What happened to the superpowered showdown?

Summoning a war fortress at will wasn't fair at all.

Looking at those cannon barrels, each as thick as a building, one blast from them would probably wipe out New York City.

This was unfair. They were just waiting to die!

Everyone fell into despair.

In fact, Magneto had tried to manipulate the fortress the moment it emerged.

But he suddenly found that his abilities couldn't sense the fortress's existence, let alone control it.

If the fortress hadn't been right in front of him, Magneto, whose skill points were all in magnetic manipulation, wouldn't even have discovered its appearance in the sky with his eyes closed.

Zane hadn't been unprepared these days. He had already teleported to Wakanda and stored this behemoth in [King's Treasury].

Skynet hadn't been idle during those five years in Wakanda. In just three years, it had excavated the entire surface layer of vibranium ore, which had remained untouched for thousands of years in Wakanda, turning it upside down.

Then, it used all of Wakanda's vibranium reserves to build this spacecraft, which could be called the most expensive in the universe.

This spacecraft wasn't just about its surface cannon platforms. It was, without exaggeration, a small city.

Inside, there was a simulated ecosystem with various animals and plants collected by Zane from around the world.

There were also laboratories equipped with various high-end instruments, and even an amusement park.

It could be said that everything available on Earth could be found in this vibranium-made spacecraft, and it even had things Earth didn't.

On the day it was completed, Zane gave it a very fitting name—Ark!

As for how the Ark was powered, it was simple. After Zane stored it in [King's Treasury], the infinite energy from the [Magic Furnance] could directly supply it, ensuring there would never be any worries about power.

However, Zane didn't summon the Ark, this behemoth, just to obliterate the remaining heroes.

Although that would wipe them all out, along with half of North America, it would be too boring.

Zane's goal was to release the millions of magnetic energy robots transformed at Wakanda and show these people that gang fights weren't their monopoly.

Although Zane had slaughtered all of Wakanda's citizens back then, he had merely used the army of undead from the [Realm od Dead] to take their souls away. Their bodies were basically intact.

Following the principle of not wasting anything, Skynet, after Zane left, produced a large number of molecular magnetic energy robots, all of which converted these bodies into free labor.

That was how such an feat was accomplished within five years.

Otherwise, with such a large amount of work, if Skynet had to do it alone, who knows which year it would have been completed.

Now, the Ark, suspended in the sky with antigravity technology, suddenly opened a door the size of a football field.

Immediately after, countless tiny black dots jumped out of the open hatch like dumplings.

If someone were to count, they would find nearly 10,000 people jumping out.

Most of the remaining magnetic energy robots were distributed throughout the corners of the Ark, each performing their own tasks.

This behemoth Ark couldn't be perfectly driven by Skynet alone...

But these 10,000 magnetic energy robots were enough to crush Earth's forces under Zane's command, especially when dealing with those few super heroes who had been intimidated by Zane!

Countless magnetic energy robots saw their skin surface change, transforming into tight-fitting battle suits.

Then, they leaped directly from several kilometers high in the sky, without any intention of decelerating.

They accurately smashed into the ground in front of those super heroes, creating large craters and raising clouds of dust.

It was as if the sky was raining meteorites.

During this time, Storm also sensed the danger and hurriedly manipulated hurricanes to disperse the densely packed molecular magnetic energy robots still descending in mid-air.

But it was futile. Faced with the gale, the molecular magnetic energy robots' backs directly deployed flying devices to correct their descent trajectories.

They still landed precisely on the ground.


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