
Hidden Mission

"If you want to talk about this metaphysical stuff like souls with a scientist who has believed in the scientific worldview for decades, aren't you just asking for trouble?"

"You just need to know that the time is uncertain, that's all."

"Maybe the next second you'll regain the ability to turn into the Hulk, or maybe you'll just be an ordinary person until you die."

After hearing Zane's straightforward words, Banner nodded in understanding.

Actually, what Zane said was almost the same as not saying anything at all.

But in order to make Banner understand, it had to be put that way, considering how he seemed to have just had an epiphany.

"Then, Mr. Zane, if I were to transform into that monster again, could I ask for your help to subdue him? So far, only you have been able to completely suppress the Hulk."

Saying this, Dr. Banner stood up and deeply pleaded to Zane, his eyes filled with earnest plea.

However, Zane coldly rejected Banner's request without a hint of hesitation.

"Dr. Banner, please remember, I am not your nanny, we have no relationship, you are not even considered my friend."

Zane helping to subdue the Hulk this time was just a coincidence; wanting Zane to be Banner's nanny, well, brother, you're thinking too much.

As for what to do if Banner transforms again into the green behemoth and causes widespread casualties?

Zane calmly stated that it had nothing to do with him!

Is the US government raised on shit?

Did they spend our taxpayers' money to raise mistresses?

When the sky falls, if it's not your responsibility to hold it up, just lie there and watch the show.

This has always been Zane's attitude towards life. You could say he's heartless or ruthless.

Zane doesn't care; as long as he's comfortable, that's what matters most.

"Sigh... Sorry for the trouble, Mr. Zane."

With a dim expression, Banner sat back in his seat, sighed, and apologized to Zane with a hint of remorse.

Since the conversation was now over, there was no need for Zane to stay here anymore.

He was planning to go home and give Lorna a good scolding, teaching that girl a lesson in family discipline.

Before leaving, Zane left Banner, who was still sitting on the chair looking worried about his future, with a few words.

"Dr. Banner, the big guy Hulk never wanted to harm you; he's always been protecting you, just like a child protects his own father."

"If it weren't for him, you would have long turned into nothing but an angry beast."

"Everyone else can cheer for Hulk's death, but you can't, you have no right to be happy!"

"Finally, let me leave you with a sentence, how much you understand it depends on you."

"Power itself is not scary; it's the owner of that power."

"As for whether you choose to accept or continue to resist, it's up to you."

With that, Zane left, leaving Banner alone in the office to ponder over Zane's final words.

Banner seemed to grasp something, yet also seemed to understand nothing.

Just as Zane said, how much he comprehended depended on himself.

To be honest, if Banner could fully understand Zane's words and undergo some training over time, maintaining consciousness while transforming into the Hulk would no longer be an unattainable dream.

Zane also expressed that he was feeling quite content now.

Indeed, those big shots in the movies always speak halfway, and vaguely at that, but it's not without reason.

Zane felt that just now, his mysterious and profound demeanor was incredibly cool.

And at that moment, his intelligence perfectly surpassed Banner the academic genius.

Looking at Banner's continuously puzzled face, Zane felt a sense of triumph, like a serf singing after rising from oppression.

That felt nice!

After Zane left, Banner was once again taken to house arrest in a secluded room.

And after handling all matters, Nick Fury also arrived at a secret meeting room, where several members of the United Nations Security Council were waiting for him.

The topic of their conversation this time was the monitoring and management of supernatural powers.

No one knew the specific details of their conversation, only that after Nick Fury came out, his face looked grim and unpleasant.

"Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival, arrogance is. You will regret this!" Nick Fury muttered softly.

It seems that those lofty members of the Security Council did not heed Nick Fury's advice as the person involved.

Instead, they made some decisions they considered correct.

As for whether they would face a catastrophe or continue to hold high positions, it would only be known as events unfolded.

The power structure of human society now seems utterly bizarre to other civilizations in the universe.

Those in high positions are actually a bunch of conspiracy theorists who only know how to manipulate public opinion.

Instead of those with real power or those with principles.

Many civilizations have gone through the Earth's process, but there are always one or two geniuses who unify the entire civilization, and then the entire race sets out to achieve their ambitions.

Starting the technological explosion and conquering the universe within a few decades of leaving their cradle.

Although most of these civilizations were wiped out by more powerful ones within a few hundred years, at least they stepped out of their mother planet's cradle.

Unlike Earth now, human history has been around for 3 million years, and yet the entire Earth is still in a fragmented state.

It's hard for any other civilization to imagine such a chaotic and bloated civilization.

But that's the current state of Earth, and it's estimated that if there's no external stimuli, this situation will be maintained for hundreds of years.

Zane now has the ability to unify Earth's civilization, but to be honest, with that time, Zane would have already rushed into the universe to conquer unknown civilizations!

Returning home, Zane also received an unexpected surprise.

After the video of the battle between superheroes and the green behemoth went viral in a short period of time, Zane instantly became a household name across the United States.

The speed of this fame was due to the vigorous promotion by the American media on one hand, and perhaps also because Americans inherently admire individual heroism.

This widespread fame also brought substantial benefits to Zane.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission 'World Renowned' and obtaining one B-level skill lottery.]

[Does the host wish to proceed with the draw?]

"Oh, another unexpected surprise, not bad, not bad."

Zane said with a slight delight, but didn't react too much. After all, with his current strength, a B-level skill isn't really useful.

"Let's dra... wait!"

Just as Zane was about to let the system draw, he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly stopped the system.

Then he ran into the bathroom, lit some incense, took a bath, and changed into a new outfit bought by Lorna, before solemnly saying: 

"Let's begin the draw!"


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the B-level active skill [Rat Charm Spell].]

Zane quickly opened the system panel to check the specific effects of this skill.

[B-level active skill [Rat Talisman], from the world of "Adventures of Jackie Chan," bestows the power of life to inanimate objects, transforming them into independent life forms.]

[Special Note: This skill can only transform one object into life, and the life transformed is completely under the control of the host.]


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