
Power of Faith

In the next moment, the teleportation gate connecting the underground space of the palace to the land of the ancestors and Bast's body collapsed into pieces, rushing into Zane's body, and Zane also heard the sound of the system prompt.

[Ding, detected the ingestion of a special soul space and a low-level deity. A-level skill [Son of Death] automatically upgraded to S-level skill [Death Realm]. Please check the attributes of the new skill]

"Huh! Unexpectedly, there's a pleasant surprise."

Zane was surprised for a moment, then quickly opened the system panel to see the changes in this skill.

[S-level skill [Death Realm]: Souls of the lives killed by the user will be controlled by the user until their souls are dispersed. At the same time, the user will also gain a small amount of soul energy to strengthen his own soul. The intelligence of the undead is equivalent to that of a five-year-old child, and the self-contained soul space evolves into a soul world.]

"What the heck! Giving only a five-year-old's intelligence for an S-level skill? It's worse than having no intelligence at all!" Zane complained frantically, but unfortunately, the system, being just a piece of programmed code, couldn't respond to Zane's words.

Helpless, Zane could only suppress his inner disappointment. After all, this skill upgrade was a bonus. He was more curious about how the soul world would be like after the skill upgrade.

Zane submerged his consciousness into the [Death Realm]. At this moment, the self-contained soul space of this skill was no longer pitch black. Multicolored lights scattered in the sky, and countless undead wandered around, curiously exploring this new world, like newborn babies.

In the center of the world, Zane saw Bast, who had just been killed by him, lazily lying on a tree, sleeping. Within hundreds of meters around her, no undead dared to approach.

Out of curiosity, Zane summoned Bast back to the mortal world.


"You can speak?" Zane asked curiously. Previously, Bast communicated through soul transmission, but now she was speaking directly.

"Yes, master, I could always speak!" Bast replied. Then, suddenly, she shrank in size to that of a small cat, affectionately rubbing against Zane's pants leg as if a pet were showing affection to its owner.

Zane looked puzzled at the scene. Just a moment ago, Bast was relentless, and now she had suddenly transformed like this. Even if she was under the control of the [Death Realm], this emotional change was too drastic.

"What's going on with you?" Unable to suppress his curiosity, Zane asked.

Bast tried to jump onto Zane's shoulder, but Zane instinctively dodged, leaving Bast sitting on the ground, looking up at Zane with misty eyes, making Zane feel a bit embarrassed.

"Darn, so cute!"

Indeed, in this world, cuteness is justice, cuteness is truth. Zane, whose hair stood on end under Bast's gaze, eventually relented. He patted his shoulder, signaling her to jump up.

When Bast finally jumped onto Zane's shoulder and happily rubbed her face against his, Zane awkwardly turned his head and asked, "Can you explain now what's going on?"

"Master, I'm not actually Bast. The original Bast is already dead. I am a new life formed by the recombination of Bast's soul fragments!"

"Do you know what happened to Bast then?"

"Yes, I know. I have all of Bast's memories. Bast was originally just a female panther killed by a meteorite. Then, influenced by a strange energy, her soul managed to survive and inhabit a wild fruit.

After accumulating for hundreds of years, she gained the ability to transform her shape. She lured a human and then made a contract with him. The content was that Bast would grant the human great power and assist him in becoming a king, while the human would be devoted to worshiping Bast for generations.

Bast called her power divine power, but it was just the power of faith. After thousands of years of accumulation, Bast has reached her current state, but she's still not your match."

The new "Bast" flattered Zane awkwardly, but Zane's focus wasn't on that.

"Oh, I see. So, the wild fruit you mentioned is Heart shaped plant, right?"

"Yes, master, that's what humans call it. Without the blessing of Bast's power, it's just an ordinary wild fruit, and it's even poisonous."

After listening to this, Zane seemed to suddenly remember something. He grabbed the little cat sitting on his shoulder and asked eagerly, "Since you have all of Bast's memories, you should know how to gather the power of faith, right?"

"I do, master."

"Great, tell me quickly."

As Zane finished speaking, a faint light emitted from the little cat's forehead and shot straight towards Zane's brow. Zane didn't dodge; he let the light enter his brain. He trusted the [Death Realm]'s absolute control over souls.

The next moment, Zane's mind was filled with the method of gathering the power of faith. It was quite simple, actually. Zane had to detach a strand of his own soul and attach it to a statue. Then, he needed to encourage people to worship the statue day and night.

The more devout the worshippers, the greater and purer the power of faith obtained.

After learning the method, Zane immediately commanded the central soil of the [Death Realm]'s Soul World to surge and form a small mountain. At the top of the mountain, a gigantic statue of Zane was created.

Then, Zane detached a strand of his own soul and attached it to the statue. The inanimate statue seemed to come to life instantly, overlooking the souls below from its high perch.

At the same time, Zane commanded the remaining 200,000 souls in the Soul World to worship his statue day and night.

The moment the first soul knelt before the statue, Zane felt a subtle and special energy continuously converging towards his soul. As more and more souls worshipped, this power transformed from a fine thread into a small river, continuously nourishing Zane's soul and forming a golden water pool deep within his soul.


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