
Chapter 49: Hermione Granger!

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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That was something neither Harry or Loki had any idea of, and, as predicted, the girl didn't seem to either. For a moment, she appeared to be preparing to argue, but then glanced around and saw the amount of people staring at her.

Apparently that combined with the fact that Harry had guessed correctly meant that she didn't particularly want to argue any more, for with a tight nod, she turned and walked away.

Somehow, he guessed that the conversation wasn't over, and made a note to crush any willpower that inspired argument the next time she opposed him.

He also resisted the urge to yell, "Good riddance!" at her. It would probably disrupt the tone of his wise speech, which had indeed been very wise - by wizarding standards, at least.

Turning to Ron, he asked, "Who was she?"

"Hermione Granger, a muggleborn," Ron managed to get out between a few mouthfuls of food. "She's a proper know-it-all - a loner too. She stopped really talking to people after a troll attacked her in the first year, though I suppose her curiosity got the best of her now."

Harry stared at Ron in incredulity. "A troll attack in a school?"

He only shrugged in response and Loki gave a snort of laughter. 'A testament to Hogwarts' incredible health and safety standards. "Best school in the world!" they say.' Loki cackled, and then hummed and said, 'Hermione is most likely useless, though if she has a reputation for being smart, proving that you're smarter than her might be useful.

No need to befriend her though, a muggleborn won't have any political connections, and you shouldn't hire smart henchmen - that's not to mention how annoying she would be.'

'I doubt it can be too much more annoying than having to speak to these other children anyway,' Harry said with a snort. 'And on that note, I think I'm going to leave before they trap me in another conversation.' With that, he got to his feet and headed for the doors of the hall, pretending not to hear Ron's calls asking for where he was going.

Exiting the hall, Harry found himself standing a few meters away from Fleur Delacour, for once without her band of followers. It appeared as though she might have been waiting, and he was immediately on guard.

He had heard the tales of how competitive the tournament had got in the past and wouldn't be all too surprised if she tried to kill him, though doing it in an open corridor wouldn't be advisable.

"Harry," said Fleur, and from the way her accent leaked past the AllSpeak Loki was currently putting up, he guessed that she was exaggerating it.

"I need to talk to you. Alone." Her tone held a supernaturally seductive undertone, and combined with her obviously fake smile, something odd was obviously afoot.

At a prompt from Loki, he decided to go along with it, allowing his eyes to glaze and mouth to water slightly as he followed Fleur.

Though always keeping on guard, he didn't exactly have to fake the way he was staring at her. Even in a rather loosely-fitting robe, her movements were rather...fascinating, to say the least.

It did not take long for them to find a deserted corridor, and then Fleur turned to Harry once again, her expression slightly predatory.

'Oh no!' Harry exclaimed. 'I sincerely hope that she doesn't take it upon herself to steal my innocence! That would be most traumatizing! Especially if some of her friends help!'

'Pay attention,' Loki ordered, prompting Harry to look back at Fleur, who now had her attempt at a fake smile back on her face. That said, he didn't particularly mind paying attention to her face.

She looked up at him innocently, and asked, "So what's the First Task?"

'Well, that was entirely predictable, to be honest.' Loki sounded rather unimpressed, but she was mortal, so that wasn't really much of a surprise.

'Not necessarily,' Harry muttered indignantly. 'I'm very attractive. Like, literally inhumanly attractive! How could she settle for less?!'

'Perhaps when you aren't 14, and maybe you should talk to her?'

'No. I'm appearingly authentically stunned by her beauty.' He had now been silent for a few seconds, and Fleur had taken a step closer, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Tell me, Harry, and I shall see to it that you are appropriately rewarded."

'Seems legit, and I'll bet she's gonna give me her family fortune as well.' That said, for some reason the offer was looking rather tempting.

"I d-don't know," Harry said, a slight stutter entering his voice.

Fleur took a step forward, backing Harry against the wall and leaning over him. Her hot breath washed over his ear as she moved ever closer and murmured, "Really?" His breathing became rapid as she continued, "Please, Harry?"

As her lips brushed against his neck, Harry slumped downwards and mumbled out an answer.

Satisfied, Fleur took a step back, sneered in disgust, and then strode off down the corridor, not sparing a glance back. A few seconds after she had left, a smirk replaced Harry's previous demeanor.

'So,' he began smugly, 'how long do you think it will take her to realize that the first task isn't a broom race?'


As Fleur withdrew her hand from the bag, now holding a miniature dragon, she grew even paler than she had already been. Drawing back her shaking arm, she cast a glare at Harry.

Any effectiveness it might have possessed was taken away by the terror she was clearly in, so he simply continued staring at her, his lips twisted up into a smirk.

After a few seconds, he switched his gaze to the other two champions. Both appeared to have had prior knowledge of the task's events, though as Cedric walked up to collect his dragon, it wasn't hard for Harry to detect the concealed nervousness in his stride. That said, a similar feeling brewed within his own gut.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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