
Chapter 15: Caught in 4K!

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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They skidded to a halt and then all began to cast spells, bolts of light that Harry thought were probably non-lethal from the fact they were firing into the crowd around him again.

Nonetheless, he began to dodge around them with superhuman speed, reflexes and agility as he readily backed away.

One spell almost hit him, but it was deflected as Harry summoned a shield of ice into existence.

Rounding a corner and bursting through a door into a corridor, he concentrated for a moment, coating it in ice.

When the Russians blasted it down a few seconds later, the ice only extending their time of entry for a few moments, they charged through to only find an empty corridor but for a terrified-looking businessman cowering in the corner and a smashed window leading to the concrete a few dozen feet below.

The apparent leader swore. "Obliviate him!" he ordered to one of the group, pointing at the man in the corner as they took off at a sprint to capture their intruder before he escaped.

The man who had been instructed to oblivate the muggle strode over to him, pointing his wand at the rather short man in the shabby brown suit.

"Oblivi-" was all he managed to say before the man shot up and punched him in the stomach and then grabbed him by his collar and smashed his head into the wall.

The Russian's unconscious body fell to the floor, and the brown-suited man flickered out of existence, Harry resuming his blond-haired form.

As soon as he had realized that being in a crowd severely limited the options of the Russians, he had decided that he would be able to forgo using his wand in combat against them in favour of keeping it concealed in his other hand, weaving an illusion.

Going into a firefight in an area as crowded as this would have undoubtedly been foolish on his part too.

As soon as he accidentally killed a muggle they would probably begin to use lethal methods as well, and Harry wasn't prepared to risk fighting five highly-trained wizards at once.

He re-holstered his wand at his left wrist and touched it with his right hand, channelling his power through it as he prepared to wrap an illusion around himself once again.

Suddenly the door burst open and a man holding a pistol burst through. After one look at Harry standing over and unconscious body, he began to yell. "Get on the ground! Put your-"

He was stopped from getting any further as Harry swept his hands sideways and a winter wind whipped into the corridor, slamming into the man's side.

The gun roared twice as Harry surged forward, its wielder blinded as wind buffeted his eyes. He did, however, manage to shoot Harry and the boy hit the floor with a scream.

The man let out a similar noise as an icicle pierced straight through his arm and impaled him to the wall.

'Am I going to die?' Harry asked morbidly. For a moment he had felt a burning hot pain, but then everything had went numb.

'Are you stupid?' Loki demanded. 'You got hit in the shoulder...'

Harry was slightly confused. 'Oh, I thought it would be more painful, because they always say that it goes numb and stuff when you're dying-'

Loki sighed. 'Who says that, movies? Are you trusting films to provide you with facts?! I am the one negating the pain so that you can escape without breaking down into tears. Now get up. I will begin to heal the wound.'

Harry complied and climbed to his feet with a glance at his now bloodstained clothes, absently noting that the illusion of blondness had dispersed a while ago.

Putting it back on, he walked over to the shattered window and made sure the path was clear before dropping to the concrete around seven meters below and rolling to his feet.

No one noticed him as he sprinted towards the airport's perimeter at world record speeds. No one but the security cameras.


The Russian Minister of Magic, was angry, severely so. He took security very seriously. So much so, in fact, that all portkey and apparation traffic inside Moscow was carefully monitored and controlled.

He had even placed ten of their agents in each of the muggle airports inside the city in order to ensure that no wizards slipped in without notice.

Apparently a child had managed to outwit five fully-trained wizards and escape into the city. Surveying the CCTV footage had revealed that the boy hadn't even been using a wand to do his magic.

The child – if that hadn't just been one of his other disguises – had shown prowess with wandless, wordless magic that only the likes of magical titans such as Albus Dumbledore possessed.

There was also the fact that his magic had been unlike anything he had ever seen. Hell, had it even been magic? The boy had seen to control minds, create ice, shapeshift, and have levels of strength that he didn't look as though he should have had.

The Minister was well aware that the magic wards in place could detect forms of energy inhuman other than magic.

Before becoming the Minister, he had been the ambassador between the previous Minister of Magic and the Russian president.

This had given him certain contacts in the muggle world. Perhaps this was something best left to them.

As much as he hated letting them operate in his country, he was aware that they would probably do it anyway when they saw the security footage. This way the boy – or whatever he was – would be tracked down sooner this way.

With a sigh, the Minister got to his feet and started to move towards the exit of the Ministry that would lead out into the muggle world. He didn't think that SHIELD had a Floo address, but he did know their phone number.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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