
Chapter 10: Telepathic Conversation!

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'I can sense something lays on the other side, but I don't think they'll appreciate us blowing up the wall,' murmured Loki. 'I believe there is a ward hiding noise from us, maybe sight too.'

The god had now spent enough time in Harry's head that he had been able to edit the boy's senses, so to speak, so that he could detect magic in the same way that a very small amount of Asgardians could.

'Climb over it,' Loki finally decided. With a moment of hesitation, Harry began to climb the wall.

By this point, Loki had enhanced him beyond the level of a normal human, easily allowing him to lift his own body weight over the wall – even if his strength wasn't anywhere near that of a fully-grown Asgardian.

As he fell to the floor on the other side, colours entered the world, replacing the dull greyness of the previous alleyway and London sky.

As predicted, noise accompanied the new sight, and Harry found himself in another alleyway, though this one was far different. It was bustling with wizards and witches, all dressed in equally obnoxious robes as the ones in the Leaky Cauldron had been.

Shops lined the sides of the street, each selling the most cliché objects possible. From cauldrons to potions. Harry even saw a few people wearing pointed hats. Any thoughts of Loki dressing like a weirdo were instantly wiped from Harry's mind.

'Asgardian magicians are far more normal than this, and that's saying something…. Just focus on getting a what we came for and not letting your illusion fade. We will have time to laugh at them later.'

'Wand first?' Harry asked.

Loki hummed in affirmative and he began to walk forward. Even with Loki ranting about the alley's poor design, Harry eventually found a shop named Ollivanders, a sign atop its door proclaiming it a maker of wands since 382 B.C.

Ignoring the god Harry entered the shop. Suddenly a chill travelled down his spine, and Loki abruptly stopped talking, before whispering. 'I should have known by the sign.'

For the first time, Harry could feel fear coming from Loki. 'Should have known what?' he asked, trying not to panic as for the first time in his life, the being that had always been strong for him displayed weakness.

'Okay Harry,' he began, his tone once again calm. 'Whilst our telepathic conversation is faster than speech, I cannot explain at the moment. You must act like me, pretend to be me, and repeat what I say. The man will not dare do anything if he believes he is conversing with Loki.'

'Wha-' Harry got no further in his enquiry as a man stepped from the shadows on the other side of the room.

"My, my. The aura of an Asgardian – and is that a hint of Jotun? It has been a long time, Loki Odinson. From the ice magic I can sense flowing through your veins I assume you have discovered your true parentage?" the man asked.

"Yes, though why am I not surprised that you already knew?" said Harry, repeating Loki's words and mimicking his tone and arrogant demeanour as he let the illusion disperse. "But that is not what I wish to discuss, Vandr."

"Oh?" Ollivander, who Harry had decided was now whoever Vandr was, raised an eyebrow. "I had thought you had came in the guise of a child for a reason, but now your illusion is gone and I see a child who looks much like you did at that age with Harry Potter's scar upon his forehead-"

Before he could say anything further, Harry interrupted. "What? How do you know of the scar upon my vessel?"

For a moment, Vandr looked surprised, but then his expression smoothed over. "Ah, I suppose news of mortals tends not to reach Asgard. Nonetheless, the body you now dwell within is that of the Boy-Who-Lived, the only mortal to ever survive the killing curse, and something of a messiah to the wizarding world." He paused. "May I inquire as to why you have taken the body of him?"

Harry could feel Loki rushing for an answer that would not alert the man of his weakness. "May I inquire as to why you felt the need to falsify your demise and live on Midgard?"

Vandr tilted back his head and laughed. "Ah, Loki, how I have not missed you and your silver tongue!" he exclaimed. "Now, I suppose you'll be wanting a wand?"

"Yes. How exactly do I go about getting one that matches me?"

Vandr grinned gleefully. "Normally you would have to go through many a box searching for a wand to fit you, but I have just the thing."

As the man disappeared into a back room, Harry began to question Loki. 'Who the hell was that?' he demanded.

'Vandr,' Loki unhelpfully supplied. 'An Asgardian sorcerer I thought long dead. His enchanting skills are unmatched by even my own, and I am not exactly surprised that he has decided to sell wands for a living.'

If Loki was going to say anything else, he was stopped as Vandr returned, now carrying a slim golden box which he presented to Harry, opening the lid.

Inside laid a golden rod around a foot in length that tapered down to a needle-sharp point, a handle wrapped in white leather the only part free of elaborate carvings and runes.

Harry felt Loki start. 'What is it?' he asked.

'I was not expecting him to have Asgardian metals,' Loki murmured. 'I do not detect any traps. Pick it up.'

As Harry lifted the wand into his hand a comfortable coldness shot through his body, his magic reacting to the wand's call. Light began to spill from the runes, a blue and golden glow that illuminated the dimly-lit room.

For a moment, the rest of Harry's world was drowned out by the blissful sensation that was coursing through his body, but then he was nudged back into reality by Loki.

'This feels familiar. Ask him what is inside it.'

"What is inside of it?"


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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