

Mila suddenly pushed him away huffing.

"It was you "she breathed.


"Yes, you bit me "Her hand went to where his bite marks were.

He blinked.

"You remember? ".

She nodded, "It was quite painful but then you hugged me and the pain went away ".

He breathed, Damien didn't have a memory of it but Mila now had.

"Why did you do it?" she asked

He sighed looking down at her.

"To mark you, "he said.

"Mark me, as what?"

"My future wife " he whispered.

"Huh..ahhhh". She yelled.

Mila pushed him off but was the one who cried in pain.

Damien moved back to her, holding her.

"Are you okay? "he asked.

"Mmm, it's just my back " she sniffed.

His hand slid to her back. "Here?" he asked.

"No, lower, "she said.

He went lower reaching her waist, and she nodded. Gently he rubbed it. She leaned onto his shoulder.

"Better "

She smiled shaking her head.

The door opened and Samatha walked in.

"Mila I got you some clothes & food " she came in saying but stopping.

Damien stopped, and they both looked to meet her frozen frame.

"Sam, "said Mila sitting up.

Damien turned back to her, "Careful "he said to her. He laid her back down getting off the bed.

He pulled the covers over her body and leaned down, kissing her forehead.

"I will leave now," he said.

"Okay, will you take long?" she asked.

He smiled. "No, I won't "

He walked past the still Samantha and left.

"Sam" called Mila.

She blinked, "What did I just see?"

Mila fell silent.

Samantha ran to her friend.

"What the hell is going on, Mila"

"Nothing, "she said.

"Huh, nothing. This isn't the first time I have seen you being all lovely with him....and that kiss on the forehead, my god ".

Mila chuckled.

"Just promise not to tell anyone," she said.

"What this is so juicy but yeah I will keep my mouth shut...for now " she let out.

Mila laughed.

"So, just asking are you really dating him?".

Mila sighed.

"Am not sure, I mean my heart has just been hurt I should be so depressed and in tears right now " she muttered, "But with him here, In't seem to even think about it...all I think about is why his so interested in me ".

"He must like you ,your sister told me when I went there for your clothes that he went there again " reported Sam.

"He did?"

"Yes, and said he was the son-in-law, "she said.

"Huh ".

"Exactly, I was stunned too. But then I come here and see you like that with him. I guess I will believe it "

Mila breathed. "What did mom say?".

Samantha's face changed.

"That she doesn't want you anymore,dont dare return to their home or she will kill you "

Mila sighed, "She must hate me now ".

"Mila don't bother worrying, you can come stay with me. Have an extra room " said Sam.

"It's fine, I can find a place. Guess it's time I left them " she said.

"Don't worry your life will be better without them " she said.

She nodded but her eyes had lost the warmth they had when she stepped in.

"Let's eat, I made all your favourite dishes," she said.

Mila smiled and sat up to eat.

"I didn't know you learnt how to cook "

Samantha laughed.

"Been taking classes "she said.


"Did you hear, Rian had an accident "

Samatha heard some of her colleagues say.

"He got into a fight with some group in the bar and got both his arms broken "

"What...now that is terrible ".

"I do feel bad but we all didn't like him. And the way he treated Mila. He kind of deserved a beating " the other said.

They snickered.

"Guess we won't be seeing him for a while "

"Let's go back to work, his mistress is heading this way ".

Samantha turned to see Valeria pass by. She looked terrible.

She told Mila all about it when she went to see her.


"Did you hear what happened to a...a. Rian?" she said.

Damien blinked, "Who is that?".

"The guy who slapped me at work, "she said.

"Mmmm, what happened?"

She told him all about it.

He scoffed, "Guess he needed a beating ".

She sighed. "He did ".

"You leaving the hospital tomorrow " he said.

She nodded.

"Going back to that home?" he asked.

"No, Mom threw me out, guess it's for the best".

"I agree, so where will you stay "

"With Sam, she convinced me to stay with her until I get my place," she said.

Damien pushed her hair away from her face.

"Come stay with me," he said.


"I said I will be responsible for you, so I can't let someone else do it, "he said.

"No, it's super alright, I can stay with Sam ".

He moved closer to her.

"Sorry it's too late to refuse "

"What do you mean?"

"I told her to bring all your things to my place," he said.

Mila gasped

Chapitre suivant