
Gifting Armour

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Justiciara slowly entered into the atmosphere of Baal, gradually moving through lower atmosphere without any friction affecting the exterior. Deserts and savannas were immediately quenched into shadows under the massive wake of the Justiciara. Space marine aircraft from the Blood Angels quickly approached from the front and began to blare hymns and chants through the speakers as only a single code request was sent.

Luckily for them Justiciara was an amicable sentience and merely sent them the codes, maintaining her orders to reach the Temple Fortress of Baal. The codes were instantly received by the Interceptor craft and the singular Thunder-hawk transport, all of them slipping in beside us as we continued, guiding us through. It wasn't needed but the gesture was cute nonetheless, well as nice as eight-foot tall transhumans could be.

As we got closer I took out Sanguinius's armour and polished it with my magic, ensuring that all elements of its magical powers and enhancements were in place. They were but I did start to notice that the magic was coming from the warp... Not necessarily a negative but dangerous. With this development I began to secure off any connection the armour could possibly have with Chaos infested parts of the warp. The only connection I left was the one within the God Emperor's part of the warp, to him personally.

The Justiciara stopped several hundred metres away from the fortress and unleashed the boarding ramp allowing me to step out. Teleporting down to the ramp and walking down I was met with the utterly mesmerising beauty of my sister. Sanguinius looked at me with a large smile, her mood happy as she saw me. I transformed to the same height as her and made my armour expand over me and take the form of a Primarch-like armour; almost exactly like her own. Stepping forwards we met in a hug, her strength half of what I could achieve but it was definitely rather emotional. It seemed that she really appreciated my saving of her so she could have control over her future from now on.

"Sister. It is good to see you once more. I wasn't sure you'd come back so soon..."

"I promised you some armour, of course I'd come and give it to you! Also, I still have yet to save some of your brothers."

"They are your brothers technically now too..."

I rolled my eyes and saw some small sarcastic side to the morally upright and brave Sanguinius. Chuckling at the statement I sighed and facepalmed... My own family had been shit with only my younger sister being okay, even then she didn't wish to interact with us much due to me being in the lime light so much. It was understandable. 

"I hate that you are correct. I've joined an absolute mess of a family with so many dysfunctional members... If your father had only been able to explain why he kept information away from his sons..."

"Hmmm, I know some of what you speak, but not all... What does father know in comparison to us?"

"If he didn't cause the Horus Heresy, going by the normal course of events that was likely to happen, he would have become the fifth Chaos god, the Tyrant. All of Humanity would have been slaves to the Ruinous powers and subjugated under him without any of what makes humans, humans..."

Her eyes opened wide and grabbed my shoulders, staring into my eyes and searching for truth or falsity in my words. She saw none naturally as I wasn't lying. Taking several steps backwards Sanguinius seemed to be hit hard by the facts and also took his past death into account.

"I died to stop the rise of the fifth Chaos God... Father himself... D-does this mean that the burning of Prospero, the constant ignorance of some of our kin's ailments and the indifference to Angron was all but a piece upon a chessboard?"

"I am sorry to say, but yes. All of it was needed and lead to the current chance that Humanity has. If he did not do all of that something much worse would have happened, his fall to chaos."

Sanguinius tightened her jaw as she simply stared off into the distance with her crimson eyes, her wings lightly stretching in response to strong emotion. Frowning I gave her a hug once again before walking up beside her and placing my right hand on her left shoulder.

"Come, I'll show you your armour. The Emperor's actions are irrelevant as of now, due to my presence."

"Heh, you make it seem that my sacrifice was all in vain now... The pain of my sons and humanity all just a flippant cord within the tapestry of reality."

"Sister, I would never degrade you or your sons like that. All i merely meant was that other aspects have started to influence the events within this galaxy. My foe has enhanced the power of this Multiverse and this will lead to the eventual unleashing of the Chaos Gods and all of the pure craze of the Warp. Your sacrifice allowed everyone to be here now, for this chance... I have merely come in and expanded the chess board from a second dimensional format to a fourth dimensional, in a manner of speaking."

"This foe. He sounds like an enemy of Humanity..."

"He is an enemy to everyone within him. He is the one that forged the entirety of this Omniverse and is striving to bury us all for his next evolution. I am putting my foot in the proverbial ground and pointing my sword at his throat... Although currently the sword is more akin to a toothpick."

"Even a toothpick can kill if placed and struck true enough. Hmm, well, we must get my brothers. The Chaos Infested and the Loyal both."

"Magnus will be the most likely to turn away from Chaos. Soon I will venture into the Warp to gather him from Tzeentch's clutches, his entire legion has been turned to dust and sacrificed to Tzeentch."

We were walking through the halls of the fortress as of this moment, Sanguinius taking in my words as several Astartes bowed in reverence to their Primarch. The momentary flickers of the Astartes reminded me of my idea to heal the Black Rage infested marines, a present to my sister aside from the armour.

"If you go for Magnus than I shall search for Lion El'Jonson, once we have him back then we shall have a formidable force to push away the darkness."

"He should be coming back soon anyway... Forget him as of this moment, you should focus on confirming whether Rogal Dorn is alive or not and find him. Vulcan is currently asking for a treasure hunt of sorts for him to come back and the rest are within the warp or Webway..."

"Mmm, if you are certain?"

"I assure you I will hunt down every one of our brothers and capture them, even if I have to bash them over the head and drag them back."

"Hahaha, how very like our family!"

"Now show me this armour."


Several hours later after explaining each adaptation I added to her armour Sanguinius was training with said armour and finding herself enjoying the simple act of destroying every son of hers that met her in a friendly spar. She never killed them but they were certainly incapable of touching her or her armour... At one stage I thought I'd made the armour for no reason. So skilled was Sanguinius that even I would be worried to meet her in sword combat or martial combat without access to my magic. Whilst she didn't notice I healed all of her black-rage affected troops, all of them returning to sanity to the shock and surprise of the Psykers that oversaw them. Before they told Sanguinius I went back up and said my goodbyes.

Confirming that she was going to fight off all of the forces around Baal and the Xenos around before restoring the space to a shining jewel of the Imperium I Hugged her once more. I departed and set off back into my ship soon after to head back to my Terra where I had a youtuber to meet with, an old promise having been incomplete. The doors closed behind me as I shrunk down to normal human size, my eyes watching as the entire chapter of Blood Angels activated all at once and began to set off. With my sister back their chapter could easily go back to their previous numbers.

Justiciara set off immediately, the engines roaring as a Wormhole consumed the entire vessel propelling us through the Multiversal barriers back towards the Star Wars Multiverse, or more specifically to my Terra. Minutes passed as I considered the next moves I needed to make... So many things to do... Time was needed. Time couldn't be fucked with in Warhammer 40k, it was impossible for me at my current power... I needed more power but also needed more allies. The Veritas Imperium was churning away at progress quickly but it needed to expand its power and ideas, needed to brim with unfiltered creativity. I sighed as I thought of entering more Multiverses but that would just lead to mass confusion and I hadn't even exploited all of the possibilities within the Multiverses I had travelled to.

Halo... I needed to get them onboard and fully cooperative. Star Wars, I needed to expand the Veritas Reach to the entire galaxy and exploit unique resources. Naruto, I needed to free the goddess in the moon and also get some especially powerful people on my side, exploiting the natural resources would be good as well. DC... Was complicated... It was especially powerful and had numerous beneficial things but it also had some of the most frightening powers. The Batman that Laughs, Evil superman, the Gods and Goddesses, the creator of DC, the Creator's daughters and sons... It was just a lot and honestly it all depended on what Comics I entered and wished to exploit, etc... It would take a long time. I mean, even the aspects of Harry Potter on Terra weren't fully exploited!

I was tired just thinking about it all.

"Mistress we have entered the Fortress Ascendant. Do you wish to disembark?"

"Sure. Could you contact a youtuber that goes by the name-"

"Already done mistress... She has answered and said that you may come over at any time. She was quite excited!"

"Arrange my guar-"


"Thanks, I guess."

"No problem mistress, do you wish me to continue working on Titans and Spacecraft or is there something else you would like me to reach for?"

"Focus on Titans and Spacecraft for now... After the next designs switch to Power Armour designs and portable energy shields for soldiers."

"Got it!"

I whisked myself away from the bridge and collapsed onto my bed in the French Palace, my head being buried in the stunningly soft pillows. There was a small squeak from a maid that had been working in the room but she quickly left as she noticed it was me. I didn't care, i just wanted to sleep by myself for a while.

'I am so fucking tired...!'


Hope you enjoyed! Sorry about the amount of time I have spent away from this. I have been getting writers block and RL has been mad for a while now.

Have a good day/night anyway!

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