
Tyranids Vanquished

Battles were intensely fought in the few remaining pockets of Xenos resistance as space bombardments rained along a distant mountain that was being used as a base for the Tyranids' activities.

Stray rounds of bolters flittered across the swampy terrain of the plane as the cracking-boom of railguns blistered into the weakened and slowed bodies of the Tyranids; the effectiveness of their adaptability suffering immensely from a lack of Hive Mind control on the planet. Gunships and nanite fighters blitzed across the skies raining hell fire and energy weaponry onto obvious targets as an Imperial Knight shot massive rounds into a half-baked bio titan. The creature was still powerful despite its incomplete nature as it ran through hundreds and thousands of guardsmen, rushing into melee with the Imperial Knight. The keening sounds of nanite fighters soared through the skies before crashing directly into the Bio titan, the behemoth screaming outwards in pain as it tripped and started to slide towards the Imperial Knight.

Raising its chain-arm the Imperial Knight prepared to slice into the bio titan as i slid through the sloppy slickened mud of the swamp. Sounds of screams and the fowl stench of bog gas created a horrific scene. What added to this further was the acrid green and red blood of the Tyranid Bio titan as it collapsed into the large chain-arm and was grinded into like a body going through a wood chipper.

Meat flew everywhere as entire units of Veritas and Imperial soldiers were drenched in the fowl smelling and acidic blood of the Bio titan. The Veritas troops were fine with the acidity as it did very little to them but this couldn't be said for the Imperial Guard who started to curdle out screams of sheer horror as skin and bone melted in even proportion.

Attempts to aid them began but for most it was too late, the sheer amount of blood and acidity over them leading into a grizzly death. Many marines within the Veritas squads threw up as the sentinels covered them as stray groups of apex predators tried to sneak up on them. The entire planet was dripping blood as the last remnants of the Xenos force were being slowly eradicated from the surface. Life in Warhammer was bloodshed, sacrifice and death, Emelia's troops were quickly finding that out. Training was one thing but the actual reality of it was gruelling and gut-wrenching. 

The attack continued whilst this went down, hundreds of units and divisions of Veritas troops and Imperial Guard storming forwards through cover under cover fire from Artillery and Air power. Stray rounds could be heard throughout the field but for most of their advance it was eerie silence and the scattered sounds of skittering.

One of the Veritas soldiers unloaded his railgun into a nearby Tyranid as it tried to take out one of the sentinels that was covering the backs of his squad. A lictor fell down into a puddle of ooze as he turned back to the front, an orbital bombardment obliterating another mountain in the distance as the life signs lowered by half. This battle was continent reshaping and map re-making. Understanding of this fact creeped into the troops as many of them were shaking with nerves, wondering when the next wave will come.


In the Dark Justiciar Emelia sat on her captain seat.

"Justiciara, report on the planet?"

"Mistress, it seems that most Tyranid life has been vanquished... Clean up operations have now commenced. A bio titan was taken down by the sacrifice of two nanite fighters and the valiant strike of an Imperial Knight."

My eyes glowed in excitement at that as I called on the skein to see the recent fight, my powers sufficient to look into the matter. What i saw was a full realisation of my imaginings, the Warhammer 40k universe in its gory, bloody and deadly glory. 

'Hehehehe! This shit is epic! Maybe I should create this as a propaganda video for my Empire, showing our troops working hand in hand with the Imperium to vanquish threats to the greater peace of both Imperium...'

I mentally noted it as I re-focused on the battle before me, noticing the state of my troops. PTSD was a serious thing before Humans evolved into High Humans, now it was most likely the only thing that could effect High Humans. Whilst the evolution cured all mental diseases and physical diseases, maladies, etc... It doesn't get rid of PTSD and Anxiety, not entirely. The conditions were heavily subdued in relation to past Human conditions but it was still there and i seemed my soldiers were experiencing something very stimulating; in a bad way.

"Justiciara, please remind me to get counselling for all of the military... It needs to be mandatory and paid for by the Government."

"Noted mistress. Is there anything you wish for me to do currently mistress?"

"No, you are free to do as you wish. Please be ready to aid me though, I may need you for the talks with Guilliman and the Governor of Redna."

"Understood mistress. I will be in the core if you need me." she disappeared in a flash of white light as soon the core of the ship began to hum and light flashing continued throughout the deeper floors of the Dark Justiciar.

'Huuu... Diplomacy, War, resource management, why can't things just be simple? I miss when i was able to solo things.' My mind wandered as Guilliman's ship drifted in front of our fleet, the Chaplain's vessel following close behind. Supposedly more Imperial Forces were coming soon, Guilliman had merely accelerated his journey's pace because of my appearance.

The din of the bridge continued onwards as I opened the latest episode of Reincarnated as a Slime. 'Yeah i should definitely take a vacation there at some stage...'


I have another Fan Fic called: A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord, please check it out here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-new-life-beyond-realms-tensura-x-overlord_29310820600463405

Thanks for all of the power stones and support! 

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Special thanks to all the guard who loyaly gave me power stones!

- Smaher

- Aeon_Id


- Anthony_Ellement

- Wizardlyllc

- GoldenLeafGrass

- DaoistEFggoU

- Leah_montez

- Teial

- E_J_6947

- Soran2174

- Ishan_Bhati_4213

- ngmDragon

- Dr_Paradox9898

- DaoistFD8lxH

- Ioan_Adrian_Mihai

- DaoistRDGh4f

- OnNa_MuSha

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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