
Family Meeting

An hour passed as I waited with Margulis and Solara, Elijah and Corrin finishing their food as they watched Reincarnated as a slime. Solara was enjoying a small tour through the apartment as she went from one country to another, eventually ending up within a castle that I had purchased in former Austria. She was enjoying all of the views and unique aspects of architecture and technology, there wasn't much of that within her solar system, i think she was gaining ideas.

Margulis was following along with us as she just enjoyed my company and commented on some small spatial magics she noticed. Finishing up the tour we got back to the living room, all of my kids now assembled in front of the couch, playing some games, as my wives lounged around the room. Just as i noticed them they too noticed me. All their heads flicked in my direction and beamed brightly at me as all of them pretty much tackled me, some of them piling on top of their 'sisters'. Margulis chuckled as she witnessed this, joining in as she hugged Selene and Blink who were at the edge of the cuddle-fest.

"Honey! It's so good to see you! How did it go?" Illyana was the first to call out as my women all gave varying levels of similar questions, the atmosphere of the room was very lovey-dovey. 

"Hahaha, no issue, I brought back another sister for you all and a daughter." At the mention of a new addition to the family Illyana's face lit up and she teleported behind Margulis, turning her around and inspecting her. 

"Emelia, where is our new daughter?" Jean was the first to ask this question as Idun, Sol, Oceana and Hel all followed up with similar questions. I pointed off towards Solara who had since gone to the side of the room, hoping to dodge the overly 'huggy' atmosphere. That attempt was blasted away in an instant as Jean and Hel rushed off over to her and began to introduce themselves, making sure to make a good impression on their new daughter.

"Emelia... You've been gone too long..."

"Yeah, I was starting to think you didn't care anymore..."

Emma and Hela were very clingy as they snuggled into my breasts, their body heat and soft smooth skin transmitting to the small gap in my dress that ran between my breasts. I grabbed their asses and moved my head closer to their ears.

"I'll teach you that I'll never be over you...!" My words were a whisper but this spread to all my women and I felt a significant increase in the amount sexual arousal and tension in the room. Luckily my children were still too young to pick up on these things...

Solara had begun a smooth conversation with Sol, Hel and now Idun as she shared stories of her time in Duviri and the fights she had been in, which were extensive. Sol, Hel and Idun had naturally heard what I had said but contained their excitement whilst talking to their daughter, who hadn't heard. Selene stood back up and brushed her hair back into place as some small bits of red radiated through her cheeks.

"Ahem! Everyone! Let's all sit down and have a feast!" She clapped her hands and most of my women started to get back up, the emotion of guilt coming out somewhat as they were guilty about ambushing me and their lack of tact. I rolled my eyes and stood, wrapping my hands around Hela and Emma who were the most guilty, their emotions flaring with love and care.

"Yes Selene is right, let's all eat! My little fairies and warriors? Would you like some food?"

"""YES!!!""" They all jumped up and down in excitement except for Corrin who was a little shy, Aurora was smiling but holding her book to her chest whilst the rest of my daughters were high fiving and running around... My boys were the main initiators of the jumping.

"Very well, let me get some food, i'll be back in a few minutes."


(Illyana's Perspective)

Emelia seemed much more assured now that a bond had been formed with us... As if something that she was missing had been found and placed there again. I could tell she loved us before but was still searching for something, the fact that she was travelling all the time making it all the more evident.

I couldn't help but feel more in love with her than ever, something was missing in our relationship and now it was there... I could feel it pumping in my chest, an indescribable sense of kinship from my 'sisters' and an irresistible pull towards Emelia. Not only a pull though, it was more like a constant feeling of security and assurance that she was alive and she loved me.

Turning towards my sisters i could see them all enjoying their time and feeling the same as me. I smiled wider than i ever had before, the link replacing the damage Limbo had done to me... Life was much easier now, and it was all thanks to Emelia.

'We have to let her enjoy herself tonight... 😏'


(Jean's Perspective)

I should be mad, but I'm not. When i got into this relationship I thought that I'd hate sharing with other women. This had changed since I had been with her, her thoughts, her power, her sparks of wisdom and intelligence that sometimes appeared... It made her intoxicating for me, it was something that I had not fully ever experienced before her. She had saved us all so many times, risked and sacrificed so much for us and still she stood in front of us against everything that we may not even fully comprehend. My heart was beating in absolute love, despite the jealousy and anger that always slowly circulated through my system due to my dragon nature... I felt free.

As I sat next to Margulis, my new sister, I could tell the emotions of others in the room the phoenix within me cawing slightly as it was bound to my soul... It seemed that The Phoenix Force was alive, just reviving through the powers of my lovely wife.

'Calm down Phoenix... She'll come back soon.'


(Idun's Perspective)

My love was off to gather food for the feast we were going to have. I felt a little saddened by her departure but this only continued until I felt a warmth, like a hug on a cold winter's day, surround me and submerge me in love. It reminded me of the times i would spend in my grove, tending my apples within Asgard except more all-consuming and submerging.

My eyes glazed over as I remembered several nights of being with Emelia and her constant care and attention that she rained down on me and my sisters. I felt my lower body heat up a little, quickly finding myself getting lost in the moment and memories. Life was good for me and my sisters and it was all because of our love, our honey...


(Pixel Perspective)

The dark days of working through paperwork and doing press announcements was over. My body, although impervious to damage and strain of any kind due to my sweetheart's best efforts, felt tired and like lead. I had been mentally strained of late due to the constant work and ever since she went to Warhammer and Warframe I had been worried and tired... This changed somewhat when the link started to form, a warm kiss seemingly enveloping my lips from the one I loved most, my creator, Emelia.

Although she was not there in body, her mind reached out to mine and conveyed her feelings... It put me at ease and allowed me to complete my work. Now she was back i could feel a sort of primal feeling rising from me as I wanted to be enveloped in her arms forever.


(Oceana Perspective)

My former mistress, now wife, was a unique woman and lover. She had flaws, many of them, but constantly worked on them. Therapy was one of the examples of this and she always brought us all with her, as if she was wanting to let us know that she is getting better for us. It was cute and very satisfying, i couldn't help but happily smile at the thought. The link was something new, yet I could feel that it was also always there, just waiting for us to discover it...

That brought comfort to me, it gave substance to all of our feelings to her, and unlike some people would think, it didn't affect our minds and merely enhanced our existing feelings. At this moment i could feel her extreme excitement, happiness oozing also from her at the prospect of tonight's feast and being able to stay with us. She was way too cute... I smiled stupidly as I drank some wine from a wine bottle we had taken out from the alcohol fridge.


(Selene's Perspective)

Through my long life I had many dalliances and loves, wasting my time away through the exuberance of human emotion. In all of those moments and times, love had been bitter sweet and unfulfilling... Never in my life had I had emotions as strong as these, as hard-hitting as these, but they were now there. The tether, a connection through mine, my sisters and my lover's souls, making me feel as if I was forever in the same room with my loving wife and my eccentric but kind sisters. Soothed and calmed I could sense every little fluctuation of my wife's heart as she looked across us and watched us...

This disappeared as she left on the hunt for food. The presence of her soul never dissipated but the feeling of her emotions slipped away like water through my hand as i tried to hold it. It was lonely but not at the same time, warmth submerging my old soul and pleasing it with pure purrs of love.



(Sol's Perspective)

My everything looked at us, me and my sisters, my other love's... A sharp tingle ran through my spine as I could almost feel her fingers sliding down my body towards my lower body. The sensation was almost drug-like, my senses firing off in increased lust.

I shivered in excitement as I could feel my loins stir slightly as she gazed me up and down, sending me a wink. I wanted to moan ever so slightly but clung to my sanity as her eyes moved over towards one of my favourite women to spend time with, Hel.

'Pleaseeee... Continue to loook at mee...!' I almost felt a release but held it back as I collapsed back onto the couch, away from most of the people in the room. The emotions were so much stronger, it was close to torture but a sexy, kinky kind of torture... She disappeared and all went cold, the sensations easing as a warm sensation equivalent to a hug covered my body. I could almost hear my wife speaking to me.

'Calm down love, wait till later tonight...' I nodded slightly as the sensations calmed down.

'I love you...'

'You too...' Her voice was like a whisper within my link with her... I relaxed and felt my body calm.


(Hel's Perspective) 

Solara was very interesting as a daughter... She looked the same physical age as the rest of us but had an almost teenage aspect to her. In my long life of staying with my sisters, Hela and Sol, I had never met a lot of people. Every unique circumstance i found myself in being new and wonderful.

This was such a situation... Emelia's presence in the room was like a drug for me, like ones used by the very few visitors we used to get. Her every move and inflection being a memorable scene in my mind, instantly recallable. Her scent was mind-blowing and attractive as her very looks were mind-bendingly seductive. 

Solara tapped my arm as my eyes started to glaze, her eyes looking on in concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Ahhhmm, yes! Sorry, what did you say? I got distracted..." She smiled and continued speaking on how she found the architecture and the style of our furnishings.


Hela and Emma's thoughts were boggled and completely hazed as they felt the secure and comforting sensation of Emelia's hands on their thighs, lightly gripping into their denim shorts. Heat rose from their bodies as it seemed every single nerve ending with relation to sexual arousal was on fire, in a good way.

This moment seemed to last forever for them, until it wasn't, Emelia leaving for food. A tight squeeze on their asses was the sign of her exit as the heat cooled a little. They both exhaled steamy breaths as Blink merely walked up to them and lightly guided them to the bench. 

All was good within the home of Emelia, the haze of her presence's effect slowly fading as she whisked away to numerous countries and got several, numerous, meals... Roast Chicken and Pork, Mash Potato, Salmon, Cod, Steak, Lamb. Countless dishes were collected and brought back to the Apartment...


Hope you enjoyed! Please, if you feel like it, comment, review and give power stones!

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- David_Ogunmakinde

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- GryphonG7

- jeon_cherry

- emalloway22

- Kuvie92655

- Wizardlyllc

- Christina_Gastia

- Anthony_Ellement

- Latisha_Striblin

- Jenny_Eze

Thanks to you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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