
The Choice

We were now sat inside this isolated bubble of time as the two Organas began to ask questions about their situation and the choices available to them.

"What choices do we have Emelia?" (Breha)

"Indeed, what choice do we have other than save our people?" (Bail)

Their points were spot on and very intelligent as they seemed to be in their element with the current stress and severity of the situation. I steepled my hands and watched them both for a moment or two, my silence making them gulp slightly.

"You have three choices as I see it... Choice one: You agree to me saving your people from their deaths and become a part of my Imperium, as rulers of a nation on a world called Terra Nova." They seemed to be pained by the first option but were considering it. I continued...

"Second Choice: You do not agree and stubbornly insist that you will not die and neither will your people, you die." They gulped at that and looked at each other, their emotions transmitting to each other as the consideration was dropped for that choice.

"Third choice: We wait until they are micro seconds away from ending your planet, I save your planet by transporting it to the universe in which I reside and cover up the transportation with a massive explosion."

"Why wouldn't we take the third option?" (Bail)

"That is for you to decide... The third option may sound good and all, but my universe already has an Alderaan and it is a past version of it. Specifically, we are several thousand years behind this time period. Not in technology mind you, just in historical terms. They both froze at that prospect and looked at me as if I was a talking fish.

"W-wow... What would be the repercussions of bringing our Alderaan to that universe?" (Breha)

"Maybe some slight inquiry from the Sith Empire and The Republic of the time, honestly not much, but it is there and would be difficult to keep secret or hidden. Some people may even become greedy for your technology or your futuristic inventions..."

Once again they stared at each other before coming to a decision.

"We will choose the third option. But... I want to know if you intend to let Leia and Luke visit us." (Bail)

Breha looked at her husband and smiled like i did when I thought of my own kids, she appeared to be a very motherly woman. Bail was looking at me, staring me down if i were to be honest, he did not like the idea of abandoning Leia to her fate and not being there to help her. I considered the issue and ultimately decided to do my usual shenanigans, meaning, I'll fuck up the 'canon' and just got with what I felt was right.

"If you wish, i could create a gateway for vessels to travel through that would allow you to contact this time period and this exact universe. To do this though I would wish for you to officially become a part of the Veritas Imperium, my empire so to speak."

They looked reluctant hearing about another Empire that they would be forced to join. I rolled my eyes and started to create illusions to show them the Veritas Empire and the citizens. I showed them the state of the planet and then the previous level of society and the evils of the elite, it all appalled them, so much so that they agreed to become a part of the Veritas Imperium but wanted to be part of our senate system, or equivalent. Funnily enough there was actually a senate of the Veritas Imperium now, consisting of the heads of the states and me. My word was law for the most part but could be overruled by a full agreeance of the senate or a large enough petition from the people of Terra and Terra Nova. technically we were a republic of sorts, but we had a lot of Empire-like policies so it was a blurry zone of definition, thus we had the name be something like an Empire would have and the system be like a republic. There was of course less corruption in our system due to my wives and the sheer technological strength of Atlantis's systems, computer and AI... It was almost impossible for people to hide illicit or illegal actions within the internet anymore.

Taking their acceptance with grace I quickly nodded and started to remove the time bubble. Normalcy reclaimed the space around us as time returned to it regular flow. The handmaidens were a bit perturbed by the sudden and unexplainable shift of their mistress's and Master's positions but they took it in stride and just ignored it for now. The two leaders of Alderaan looked at me in determination and watched as I disappeared from their room.


Ten to twenty minutes later the Death Star's main particle beam weapon lit up and the green light coagulated in several focusing arrays around the main firing dish. Green lightning crackled from the dish as finally a massive piercing lance of energy shot out towards Alderaan, the glow from the energy submerging most of people's views on the planet.

My eyes flashed and I slowed down time so that a single beat of a midge's insectoid wings would take an hour straight. I was of course immune to this. I slowly floated above the atmosphere before extending my hand outward and storing the entire planet at that exact rate of time, until I could get them settled in the Sol System.

'At this rate I will need to expand the size of the sol system to account for all of the planets...'

Slowly the planet disappeared from vision until the space around it was all empty space, the lance of energy minutely crackling in the distance. Using this time I quickly created a planet that looked exactly the same as Alderaan. I also took the second planet in the Alderaan solar system Delaya and replaced it as well. Also, i then gathered all of the 60,000 outside Alderaanians and transported them to Alderaan in my Multiversal inventory.

I then looked up at the Death Star, my heart pumping in excitement as I considered saving Leia, teleporting the death star blueprints to Luke and Obi Wan and then just leaving, without explaining anything.


'My eldritch being is coming out a little bit too much.'

I coughed to stop my embarrassment and quickly whisked myself into the Death Star. When I emerged I saw Leia crying out in pain and agony at the destruction of her family and her people. Darth Vader was looking on and I could feel a deep sadness emitting from his soul whilst a certain aspect of him, hated himself.

'Do i want to save Anakin? Ughhh... Fuck it... I'll do it, cause why not? I am the motherfucking empress.'

I returned time to normal and stood there in my Jedi robes, my hood down, and looking at Leia. She was beautiful and had a unique hairstyle that showcased her cultural literacy and eloquence, her eyes were defiant even in the face of misery and devastation. Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes wetting her perfectly milky-white complexion. 

The soldiers around the room all turned to me and started to pull out weapons, i flicked my right hand up with two of my fingers extended and watched as the weapons all ripped into hundreds of pieces. Vader turned towards me, his iconic breathing noise descending into the space around us as his daughter cried out in pain, as if showing the true feelings of Anakin.

"You, are a being, I have not seen before..."

"Anakin, you sure did a good job of fucking up your daughter didn't you?"

Leia was immediately enraged as Anakin went completely silent, even the breathing ceasing for a while. The entire room went silent as the soldiers attempted to come up behind me and leap on me, i just flicked them away with my Force powers and watched Anakin's feelings churn and bubble into absolute shame and hatred for himself.

'This is going to be a hell of a time...'


Sorry for the late upload!

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