
Conquering the Galaxy

I had gone to the republic and informed them of my moves and the fact that I would be taking over the galaxy. There was some disagreements where a few Jedi tried to attack me but I easily dropped them into a coma for a month and moved on. 

Thousands of Terran ships flooded into the galaxy as all conflicts were stopped or put on hold as my ships aimed at both sides. We had received messages from the Republic Senate and the Sith High council and I decided to use the most efficient way possible, teleporting them all, forcibly, into the same room where I tell them their options and present them with the ability of choice. If they didn't accept, they would be eradicated. If they did accept, I would become a the ruler of the entire galaxy.

At this point in time I had gone to one of the 'holo-decks' of the Arcadia and used hard light technology to create a rather opulent and grandiose meeting room. All of the furniture was in golds and blacks with white breaking up the monotone colour scheme in places. Floating crystals and statues adorned the space with famous figures from Terra's History, including a statue of myself that was the largest of all and was the main-piece of the room.

The lighting was made up of several hundred different lumen-orbs, light sources made from Hard Light technology. The chairs and the tables was made of a white material that had golden caps on the edges, filigree and different etchings a common sight throughout the gold detailing. I naturally moved to my seat at the head of the meeting table. The throne I had given myself was one of pure white, with obsidian touches to the spikes that came from the back of it... Honestly it looked pretty game of thrones and in fact suited me well, in my opinion.

I clapped my hands and summoned all of the relevant people from across the galaxy, including the Father, Sister and Brother. The brother looked as if he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and tried to hide behind his sister, unfortunately for him I understood his game and his end goal... The rest of the people emerged as well, Satele Shan, Arca Jeth, Kao Cen Darach, Meetra Surik, Darth Revan, Vitiate, Darth Nihilus, Darth Malgus, Darth Malak, Exar Kun and Darth Jadus. All of them immediately tried to light up their lightsabers or pull on the force but I disabled their connections to the force and momentarily deactivated the kyber crystals in their lightsabers.

"WHO DARE-" before he could finish I looked at him and dropped him on his ass. It was Darth Jadus who had started to exclaim like a bad chinese novel villain. There were some snickers from the other sith lords and a resounding lack of reactions from the Jedi as they all looked at me in worry and large amounts of fear, all of their powers stripped from them. The only one that seemed calm was Revan, who was calmly watching me and the others assembled, his gaze specifically on a certain man, Vitiate.

Vitiate himself was oddly calm, same as Revan but he was eyeing me with plain to see greed and desire, he wanted my power. I didn't care for their stupidity though as I quickly motioned for them all to sit. Most agreed and sat down, the only one not accepting being Darth Nihilus who was stubbornly holding onto his small amount of pride. I blinked a single time and he was now sitting down where I wanted him to, his face pale beneath his mask from my actions. The father looked at me and asked what i intended, i responded and wanted him to introduce me and themselves. At the edge of the room, as this was all going down, there were hundreds of soldiers decked out in powerful power armour and weaponry, the weapons being particle beam railguns; a new invention of Oceana.

"Greetings everyone... My name is Father, I have been chosen to introduce the Supreme Being." He looked in my direction, his eyes and senses trying to detect my happiness and acceptance of his starting statement. Feeling like giving him a shot at chilling out I nodded and he smiled whilst turning back to the other beings in the room.

"Everybody, please bow your heads in respect for the Primordial of Luck, Primordial of Emotion, Master of Worlds and She who ascends, Emelia Lionheart." As he finished I released my aura into the room and let it bathe everyone in its pure intent, power and will. I refined my killing intent into it as well so that anyone who had ill intent would feel as if they were bathing in a galaxy of blood.

In seconds the first occurrence of this happened as Darth Nihilus and Darth Jadus dropped to the floor, their masks gone, throwing up the contents of their stomachs. Everyone else was confused but made the judgement not to piss me off. 'Smart!'

Pleased with The Father's actions I calmed down my aura and made the room more hospitable with countless hard light constructs walking into the meeting room with actual food and drinks, some sourced from the restaurant in Coruscant. 

"Please, do not be alarmed by my display, i had to do this to show what level of power I am on and you are not... Now that this is done, I have one topic to bring to everyone." Quietness was the most popular thing amongst this crowd as the next biggest was apparently the orange juice. Slurps and quiet drinking ensued as they followed my every word.

"I will rule the Galaxy." The entire room stopped in movement, my guests were figuratively blown away by my statement and also enraged by the audacity of it... That was until the idea of versing me started to come to their heads and they paled. My show of force was supposedly enough for them to retreat in letting their pig-headed pride get the better of them.

There was no answer except from The Father and Daughter who were eagerly agreeing to the arrangement, the son looking on as if he had just eaten a sour lemon. The rest of the people in the room were speechless and just stared at me in obliviousness to my current state; sitting and waiting. 

'Fucking hurry up will you...? I have some shows to watch with my children, but here I am conquering the fucking galaxy, respond... please.'

Finally, a hair-tearing minute later, Satele Shan blinked and sighed. "I will agree to this, I have seen your governance and your power first hand... Anyone who does not agree must be a special kind of imbecile."

"I DISAGREE!" Darth Nihilus shouted from the opposite side of the room as he wiped off his mouth, his face rather chad-like with glowing yellow and orange eyes.

"See, i told you they'd be an imbecile..."

"Shut your face hole Jedi Scum! I disagree with this blatant abuse of power and ultimately with this entire meeting! Who gave you the right to take us out of our homes and away from our own people? Not to mention this was done during a war!"

I looked through him and felt the time slowly tick outside as my children waited for their mum to come and watch some Dr.Who with them; a new television series I had created to spread knowledge of different concepts within sci-fi. I just blinked at him and watched him fade away into dust as he was eaten by Vorax, my passive. Everyone gawked at that mere act and then began to easily accept my new dominion. Revan and Vitiate being the only ones to stay neutral and completely isolated from the discussion... Both of them staring at me, Vitiate with obvious greed and hunger for power, Revan with intrigue and curiosity.

'Being a primordial is very boring...'


Meanwhile, in the solar system around Alderaan Terran ships slowly decimated some cartel ships and pirate vessels as Sith and Republic ships slowly floated in space, dead. All of the ships' systems knocked out by a graviton beam from a single Terran ship, life support and gravity being the the only things maintaining life on the vessels.

On the bridge of the ship that had knocked them out, the Fortuna, stood a grizzled man with a rather thick beard and a beautifully ironed uniform. He was stunningly dressed and presented as he conferred with the captains of the other ships in the fleet, planning to send out rescue missions for the survivors. 

"Admiral, there are twenty ships coming out of Hyper Space. They are of Ori design."

"Shit. All hands to battle stations, condition Zulu Alpha Romeo three. Prepare all graviton weaponry for immediate firing, launch all fighters and scramble communications."

"YES SIR!" Hundreds of crew members ran off and started to react, many of them taking places in pods designed for weapon firing, their VR headsets aligning with their eyes. The admiral quickly sat down at his captains chair and began to issue the same orders to the other vessels whilst a basic AI took over the automatic deployment of void shielding and the electrified hull plating. 

"Awaiting orders to fire Admiral."

"Fire at will, first chance you get, take it."

"Yes sir!"

Quickly the ship started to lightly rattle as hundreds of main batteries went off, including several thousand secondary weapons controlled by automatons. Ori lasers quickly dissipated and struck the shielding as another twenty dropped out of Hyper space.

Thinking on his feet the admiral contacted the reinforcements of his armada and began to swiftly consolidate his forces into a three dimensional fortress of ships, the void shields merging into a massive combined shield that made 95% of all weapons fire disappear into the realm of souls.

'Fucking bastards took away our original Multiverse and now they are comin again? On my watch? Fuck them, they will suffer!'

Like that a fight that would rage for an entire day ensued, reinforcements and forces building on both sides.


Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters.

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Special Thanks to all these lovely Primordials for their Power stones!:

- Darth_Nihilus_6756

- Al_Folt

- LStar_334

- GBpackers

- Draven_Skyfall

- Glutenous_titan

- Brandon_Beltzer_4762

- Michelle_Dewese

- Pokemon_lover

- DuchessKolslaw

- dagoyaju

- Akisu

- Dr_Paradox9898

- JustLor

- EmphieIsMe

- Patrick_hell

- Leah_montez

- LoneWolf_3000

- GoldenLeafGrass

- Eve_0f_Sin

- DaoistRDGh4f

- Dark_mexican4

- mortuuspanda

- FumiXi

- Wizardlyllc

- Stephen_Maher_4802

- JustLor

- OnNa_MuSha

- Sanobado2_Araya

- Damian_De_Bera_223

- Dr_Paradox9898

- Avendriel

- EmphieIsMe

- Rakshahsa

Thanks to you all and eternal blessings.

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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