
Saving The Soldiers

I stood in front of Master Chief his yellow visor staring towards me. I couldn't exactly read his expression or anything because of the helmet, i didn't want to invade his privacy, but i could feel his emotions go from allured to weary.

'Ah, my Charisma...'

"Sorry about that, Sometimes I don't realise I emit this." My Charisma settled down enough for them to talk to me normally.

" You spoke of your mission being to meet us and our government?" Master Chief's voice was slightly electronic and muffled as he spoke, his gear trying its best to distort his voice a little. His companions were also weary but calmed down as they noticed I was not hostile. They hadn't calmed down to the point of laxness.

"Mhm, I am here to gather technology from those you call Forerunners and to meet your people." They exchanged looks, their visors covering their faces still as the different coloured armours really made me think each of them was unique.

"Forerunners... Okay, we will take you to command, please allow us to complete our mission. Once that is done we will come back and retrieve you."

"What is your mission?"

He stayed still for a few moments, some communications spreading between the two members around him. One of them was injured and I wanted to heal him to make a better impression. I waited for Master Chief though, just in case he didn't want to tell me.

"Our mission is to save the military personnel on this planet before it is glassed." His tone, despite the crackling of it from the helmet, conveyed all I needed to know about his opinion on the practice. The other two Spartans were a little reserved now and had their weapons clung to quite tightly. It was funny and cute seeing them try so hard to maintain their guard.

"If it was just that you could have asked me..." I snapped my fingers and aported everyone from across the planet that served under the UNSC to this current location, including any powerful objects, information, servers, there were a lot of things. But they were all ready for transport. The Spartans were blown away as their sniper friend also showed up, her armour a desert pattern with grey and yellow mixed in, in darker shades. She was surprised by the sudden teleportation and so were the remaining forces. They all eventually turned to me, the ten foot tall godly looking woman that I am. Some of them raised their weapons and were prepared to fire, only to be stopped by one of the Spartans who shouted at them to all calm down.

"W-what are you?" That question came from one of the Spartans, specifically the woman who was carrying the large Gatling gun looking thing. The other Spartans weren't much better, except Chief who was very calm, oddly calm.

"I am what your Forerunners could call an ascendant being. You could call me a God, or an Entity... Or simply you could call me by my titles: Luck, Magic, Enigma." Some of the soldiers who heard that blanched, some kneeling in prayer whilst others just cocked their firearms. The Spartans weren't particularly moved.

"Then why has there been no evidence of you activities throughout the ages?" This was a reasonable question coming from the Sniper lady as Chief just seemed to be listening at this stage. Some soldiers were listening in deeply to this conversation as well.

"I am what you would describe as, far away from home. I teleported here, to this multiverse, just a few minutes before you fought those shielded creatures. Elites I believed you called them." 'Acting skill for the win!'

"So you are not originally a being of our multiverse?"

"Correct... Now, you have your troops and completed your mission, let's finish yes?" They were still hesitant but acquiesced to my question/request. A lot of the soldiers were wounded and suffering, some near the edge of death as their partners cried over them. It was all sad, so i decided to do the one logical thing, heal them.

I closed my eyes as a bright green glow suffused the air and transmitted to all of the wounded and injured, including the Spartan. In a matter of nano-seconds their wounds were healed and they were all safe, even the ones close to death returning to peak health. There was even a person who had been missing a limb for a long time who had gained it back, his eyes bugging out like he had just witnessed a miracle, which he technically had.

"Sorry for not warning you all, but they looked wounded and hurt... May as well help as I can." They seemed bewildered by my attitude to doing miracles but seemed to shrug it off a little by now as they called down drop ships for the entire planet's worth of troops and supplies. Which, all things considered, was tiny in size. There were only several hundred people and about a five hundred meter area that had been taken up by the important resources.


An hour later I had been brought to a small chamber, Chief and his squad already standing there waiting. The sniper lady was a beautiful blue eyed brown haired woman with a striking jawline and impactful gaze, her very stance seemed to echo her experience in the field as her right hand slightly twitched from her experiences of shooting the sniper.

Gatling Gun lady was a black haired and green eyed woman with a rather soft complexion, the scars that ran through her eyebrows betraying that portrayal of beauty and instead replacing it with a hardened warrior's grace. Her figure was rather lithe from what i could see of it and her face was rather angular. 

Finally we had injured man and looked to be a taciturn man with several scars across his face, his eyes a pallid green colour with small dilations within them making him look sort of like a cat on the hunt. His stance was calm and collected as he made no unnecessary movements. Chief, well he was the same as he usually was, a cool collected man dripping with confidence down to his very marrow. He had not taken off his helmet.

'I am glad this isn't the TV version of him.'

The lights in the room dimmed as the Spartans all came to attention, except Chief who just stood there looking at the holographic display of Fleet Admiral Terrence Hood. He was an old man with wrinkles and scars galore. His eyes were piercing and intense, even over hologram as he scanned the people in the room, including me.

"Good work Blue team, with your timely save we have managed to save some of our most important personnel in that sector and secured Dr.Halsey's project."

"Yes Sir!"

"We weren't the ones to make our mission quick, or easy Admiral, I have here with us an representative of a foreign multiverse. Emelia Lionheart."

The admiral seemed taken aback by the switch of pace but turned to face me nonetheless. He seemed to eye me from head to toe, not in a leering manner but a trained military habit. His eyes gleamed after a while as he smiled a little.

"Very well, Miss Emelia, I must thank you on behalf of the UNSC for your efforts to aid us... But, if i may be so bold? Why have you come to us?"

"Very good question. As with regards to the mission, it is perfectly fine, it was as easy as snapping my fingers." The Spartans looked at me with small smiles, Chief remaining distant and unmoving. The admiral didn't get the hilarity but trusted he would get wind of it soon enough through their reports.

"I have come here to establish a potential alliance between the Humans of this Multiverse and the Humans of my own. You see I am the leader of the Humans in my multiverse, my new multiverse, and we have run into a species with a blue glow surrounding them. This 'glow' comes from an entity that I am directly opposed to. I am seeking allies essentially to help me route out his presence slowly from every Multiverse whilst I gain enough power to beat this entity I speak of."

There was a keen edge of silence on the room as even a pin drop could most likely be heard. I believe out of everything they heard today they did not expect that. Chief was just looking at me, Cortana doing another scan of me to see if I was lying, not that she could tell anyway. Sniper, Gatling Gun and Wounded Spartan all looked at me in surprise and stunned stupor as the Admiral immediately hit several buttons on his end and made the meeting top secret.

"...If what you say is true, are the flood connected to this 'entity' you speak of?" The Spartans seemed mildly confused as they had not run into the flood at this point of their timelines. The Admiral seemed to be speaking about highly classified and codexed documents, meaning that the Spartans just became holders of the secret.

"Yes, i observed the flood... They are indeed tied to the entity, not massively, but enough to make killing them significantly harder than it usually would be. It is no wonder the Forerunners fled to my current Multiverse.

"... I'm sorry... Could you repeat that?"

It was going to be a long day...


Hope you enjoyed.

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