

A man approaches the guard in a restaurant.

He spoke something to the man in hushed tones.

Normally, a guard will lead the customer to their seat, but this time the guard took him deeper into the restaurant.

The guard leads him into a tiny room and hands him over to the two guards who are now guarding the room.

They let him in, and there is a blue-haired man.

Despite his appearance, this man is a woman, as evidenced by her large chest protruding from behind her garments.

"Did you make it?"

According to the woman.

"Although we failed to infiltrate the Academy, we were able to put the seed to a surprising person."

Said the man.

"Who is this individual?"

"Su Family's Protégé, Kevin Su."

Kaiser Kurogane and her are currently on the second floor of the Facility, following Catherine Suzaku.

He is astonished to see so many people in the conference room.

The Academy headmaster, Hecate Choi, and several other authorized individuals are seated in the center of the table.

He notices a blonde man next to her seat with a dazzling aura that conveys his authority.

This is Hailhit Suzaku, Catherine's father.

"I appreciate you taking him, Ms. Catherine. You may now depart."

Kaiser Kurogane didn't see her go and only heard the door close behind him.

Nothing went wrong here since he was questioned by one of Hailhit's subordinates rather than Hailhit himself in the adjacent room.

They inquired about the Homusubi infiltration.

Since Kara Lin indicated that he had defeated them, they assumed he would have any information that could lead to the penetrator.

Unfortunately, he too has no idea, so they let him leave with disappointment.

He has information, but it will change the plot, so he hasn't told anyone.

He decided to leave the room and head to the Academy.

He hasn't left the Academy in a long time, so he's looking forward to it.

He wants to eat something different because the food and beverages here at the Academy are something he eats every day.

He didn't expect to see a familiar face as he arrived at the school gate.

"What are you doing here, Mother?""

Emily Kurogane was about to get into her car in front of him.

When she sees her son, she runs to hug him.

"I miss you, Kaiser."

"Me too."

Even though it's only been a few days since they last saw one other, Emily Kurogane feels like it's been a year.

Emily Kurogane was about to kiss him when he stopped her.

"You're an Earl, mother. If people are aware of our relationship—"

"Sorry about that. I just... miss you terribly."

When he saw her sad expression, he hugged her again and they got into their car.

They converse in the car as it moves.

"So, Emily, what brings you here?""

He addresses her by name now that they are in the car.

For the driver, the backseat of the car has an anti-noise spell that can be switched off, and it is currently turned on, so the driver can't hear what they are saying.

"I just make an opening speech to the battle arena but I become bored so I decided to go home."

"I see. So, do you want to eat with me?"

"I'm your woman. No matter what you order me, I'm gonna follow you. So do you want me to go with you?"

"You and you're mouth. That's why I love you, we're gonna go to a hotel restaurant. I think I need some dessert after our lunch."

She blushed immediately upon hearing his comments, yet she did not dismiss his suggestion.

In the conference room.

"I see. Unfortunately, we couldn't get any information to that kid."

Sighing, Hailhit Suzaku muttered.

"The Homusubi's are in move now. We need to know their plan before something will happened."

Hecate Choi stated firmly.

"Suzaku, continue the investigation while the other teams will continue the search and rescue."

Hailhit Suzaku stood up and stated, "I understand."

"Our meeting has been adjourned!""

After Hecate Choi said that, the rest of the attendees stood up and exited the meeting room.

She didn't depart, however, since she appeared to be contemplating about something.









Author's Note:

If Usernamemustbe3_18 is very early on his/her vote, I may do two chapters.

Anyway, Voting Time!






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