
DA : Chapter 32: Coming Together III

( Nico )



"So they're just over that ridge near the creek," Rhea said with a point.

Nico nodded beside her before looking up at the sky. It was still midday and they needed to wait several hours before it would be safe for Nico to shadow travel into the Hunt.

For now though, Rhea had manipulated the mist to hide them from sight with a tiny barrier in case of a god searching their area. It was unlikely though since right now Apollo was somewhere in California looking for him and Jason or on Olympus and Artemis only gets on guard at night.

'My how things have changed in barely 24 hours,' he mused as they settled down in the shade of a sycamore tree and waited out the day. Never would he have thought that he'd be reunited with Percy, by his own missing sister even, and now officially turning his back on Olympus.

Sure, he still had to try and convince his father to either side with them or remain neutral but that in itself could spell a lot of trouble.

For one, if Persephone is involved, would she go straight to Olympus and warn her mother? That could be disastrous if the Olympians realized there was a threat too soon.

For that reason he'd told Nyx that he planned on waiting until after the last day of summer where Persephone would be trapped in the Underworld would be the day he tells his father to run the lowest risk.

With that issue on the standby, now he had to focus on Thalia and how to go about telling her the truth.

He knew things hadn't been easy for her throughout the years since Percy disappeared and then with the death of Phoebe and Andromeda's kidnapping, things in the Hunt have only gotten tenser.

Artemis is even crueler to men now, if it were possible, and even new maidens are looked at with suspicion to the point no new prospects have lasted longer than a week before saying that they didn't want to stay.

That didn't do anything for the mood of the Hunt at all and even a pin dropping could get a violent response out of them. That could work as a double edge for him.

It could be easier to convince Thalia, an already difficult feat for someone who is incredibly loyal, but at the same time if he is discovered there is only fighting and running away, no chance of talking things out.

'Still got to try and hope for the best,' he thought as he allowed his eyes to close as he relaxed. He knew Rhea wouldn't let her guard down when near the Hunt and would react if anything dangerous came by so he felt relatively at ease to get some rest.

His last sight before he passed into the realm of Morpheus was Rhea sitting comfortably against another tree opposite him while weaving some blades of grass.

He didn't know how long he'd slept but when Rhea shook him awake he started slightly before looking around. It was well into the night and the stars were out, creating larger shadows all around as the atmosphere became nice and cool.

He glanced at Rhea to see her looking at the ridge again before she said, "the goddess left for her chariot an hour ago. Use the opening to get to Thalia's tent. I'll cast a silencing spell over it so don't worry about getting loud."

"Okay," he replied softly before willing the shadows to envelop him.

In just a few seconds he materialized near a familiar presence … and a silver knife at his throat. He didn't move as his eyes rolled to the side, meeting a pair of electric blue eyes looking at him intently.

"Hi…?" he said weakly, still feeling the fine edge barely grazing his throat.

Thalia kept staring for a few seconds before she sighed while lowering the knife.

"What are you doing here Nico?" she asked as she plopped down on her bed. Nico would have done the same but knew Thalia was tense … and about to get more so, so he kept his distance for his own safety.

Also, only now did he notice the state of her dress or more like undress. Black panties and overly tight shirt displaying an impressive bosom for a 15 year old, but then again it was him and Thalia didn't usually care if she was seen like this.

He waited for a few tense seconds before trying to break the ice.

"Thalia …" he said softly, making her look up at him. "I need to tell you something … something big."

"What?" Thalia asked curiously as she leaned forward.

"Just … don't freak out and let me finish before you say anything," he started before going on.

He told her everything, from the week Percy disappeared and how his father told him the gods' plans and what they did to Percy's family to finding Piper cheating on Jason with Apollo.

Every detail he knew he covered, giving nothing but the whole truth. When he finally finished several hours had passed, letting himself sit down on the floor after releasing a tired sigh.

He looked at Thalia who was stock still and extremely pale as she looked down at her own trembling hands. He could see the levels of pain and betrayal passing through her eyes with every revelation, especially the painful ones about Artemis.

Sally had been like the mother none of them had when they visited with Percy and the news of her death had been especially hard for Thalia.

He knew she'd tried her best to turn a blind eye to the cruelty of the Hunt in their treatment of men.

To try and fit in to a family that had changed from what it was when she originally joined … or maybe it always was that way and she didn't fully realize it. Like Jason, he knew Thalia wouldn't be able to make a decision right now so he slowly got up and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I know this is a lot to take in right now Thals so don't try to decide anything, just sleep on it," he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar black marble.

He placed it in one of her hands before slowly closing it, his hands cupping hers together.

"If you do decide you want to leave, crush the marble and it will take you to us," he instructed before taking a step back.

"Are … you leaving now?" she asked weakly as she looked at him with trembling eyes.

"You know I would love to stay but it's too dangerous for me or any male here," he returned while giving her a sad smile.

"But you know I'm never that far and your family, your real family will always have your back even if you don't want to fight. It's merely up to you."

With those final words he dissolved into the shadows, leaving his cousin to settle her own thoughts. He knew if anyone could get through this, it would be her.

She had the resilience for it and would always come back stronger but in the end, she needed to decide on her own for herself. Fight for the side of the Olympians full hypocrisy and deceit or turn traitor and fight with the family that has actually been there by her side.


A soft breeze passed through a large island, the trees swaying slightly with it as the night sky remained clear. On a sandy beach the shadows writhed and crawled to one point before condensing into one figure, soon dispersing to reveal Percy.

He glanced around before sighting as he stretched his back, earning some satisfying cracks making him groan.

"Man, took forever to find this damn island," he grumbled as he looked up at the beach and towards a path leading into the island's forest. "Well, hopefully the little archers aren't monitoring the island right now even if the moon is up."

He was on Delos, one of the fabled lost islands of Greek mythology. Unlike Ogygia, which had a curse meant to only deter mortals from finding it and prevent heroes from ever visiting more than once, Delos could only be reached by a god who's set foot there before.

Otherwise they have to search for it the old fashioned way … like Percy had for several hours, and the clincher, the damn island moved! He'd practically covered every inch of the Mare Nostrum while trying to feel out the strong magical presence of Delos.

Turns out this time it was parked out near the Turkish peninsula.

Percy quickly went up to the forest and walked through the dirt path, letting him observe the lush forest filled with the sounds of insects and some game.

It took him a few minutes until he arrived to a clearing in the island and looked across it.

He spotted two figures sitting near a fire speaking to each other softly while sipping what looked like tea. He quietly walked to them, his hood pulled up to hide his features even though neither of these two knew him personally.

Soon enough he was close enough that he stopped and cleared his throat to get their attention.

They both snapped their heads to look at him in surprise, jumping up while one of the woman drew a dagger from her waist while the other stepped back. He raised his hands while speaking softly.

"Peace. I've only come to talk."

Neither looked particularly at ease with that but he shrugged it off as he lowered his arms while taking in their appearances.

One was fair skinned with auburn hair and dark blue eyes, dressed in a Greek chiton that reached just past her knees.

The other one with the knife had black hair and strikingly amber eyes, her nearly mocha skin adding even more contrast to her eyes.

She was dressed slightly more modern, with a green, spaghetti strap dress and casual sandals. One was Leto, Titaness of Motherhood, and mother of the twins. The other with the dagger was the original Phoebe, Titaness of Bright Intellect and Prophecy.

"Who are you?" Phoebe asked suspiciously while aiming her dagger at him.

"One who comes with an offer … and a warning," Percy replied gravely while his eyes glowed brightly under his hood making both titans shuffle nervously.

Percy let the silence hang around for a moment before speaking softly. "Phoebe, I come with an offer for you. I am in need of someone who has a link to foresight and not allied with the gods."

"You're against Olympus!?" Phoebe asked in surprise while Leto narrowed her eyes. "A mere demigod with an eye trick? Ha! You might as well either turn yourself in already or crawl back into whatever pit you came from."

'Oh the irony.'

"What makes you any different than my foolish siblings or the Giants? They've already failed again and probably won't get any more chances in the next millennia. Face it, the Olympians are here to stay," Phoebe finished bitterly.

"Oh I wouldn't be too sure of that," Percy replied with a slight chuckle. "They're losing heroes left and right by their own doings and it will only be a matter of time."

"Who are you?" Leto asked this time as she eyed him intensely.

"Hmm … if by chance you meet your daughter, tell her Umbra says hi," he replied but then noticed that Leto winced slightly.

"My children … don't really visit anymore," she murmured softly while tugging at her chiton.

"But aren't you free?" Percy asked with a frown. He was sure that he specified Leto during his request since he learned more about her when their quest stopped near the old temple of Delphi and he got more familiar with the history of the twins.

"I am," she replied softly. "But … Olympus has changed much and just because we were freed thanks to that Jackson boy didn't mean we were treated any better.

Most of the few freed Titans and their children usually returned to the very places they were kept or moved somewhere away from Olympus. I returned here along with Phoebe."

"And your children?" Percy asked with a deepening frown.

"I guess they grew up too much to need their mother and her constant nagging," Leto said with a smile devoid of warmth.

"Nagging as in you've been telling them to be more faithful or simply stop whoring around for your son, especially given he's no longer single, and trying to be more lenient with men for your daughter," Percy stated, seeing Leto slouch slightly confirming it for him.

"Artemis actually snapped at me for the first time about three years after I was freed and now she's so angry," Leto said softly as tears gathered in her eyes.

"Apollo stopped wanting to spend any time with me after the first few months until his visits stopped altogether just over a year ago," she said as she sniffed slightly.

"They've changed so much from my two babies that I birthed and raised here. Now they're just … their father's children."

By now Leto was crying softly as Phoebe gave her a comforting hug. Percy watched the pair sadly, shaking his head softly in disappointment.

He knew the Olympians had fallen far with their pride filled with 'their' victories and godly superiority being the anchors but this was just low.

To shrug off their freshly released mother, who cared and nurtured them while risking the wrath of the queen of the gods, was sad. Hell, he was pretty sure that aside from Hestia and possibly Hades, the remainder of the elder Olympians hadn't thought about their own mother in centuries.

He sighed at the sight before him before clearing his throat to get their attention. Once he had it he spoke again.

"I can understand how you are feeling Leto but I must ask, would their treatment for you mean that you're willing to go against them?" he asked.

Leto looked unsurely at him but he could see the hesitance to fight her own children while Phoebe narrowed her eyes.

He nodded before continuing, "I expected as much. Then I offer you a chance at neutrality for the coming war and even refuge should the Olympians try to bring you into their forces.

As for Phoebe, I have an offer that I would discuss somewhere more secure and know that, should you decide it, I will return you here and leave you alone. I swear it on the Styx."

Thunder boomed, signaling the sealing of the oath as both Titans glanced at each other. Then Phoebe spoke hesitantly.

"If I were to join you … what of my husband?" she asked wearily.

"Koios correct? Titan of Intellect and Axis of Heavenly Bodies," Percy said, getting a nod from Phoebe.

"If I recall correctly he was neutral the first Titan War and then sided with Kronos in the second and was defeated in Mount Othrys with Krios by the romans.

Well, should he chose in the coming war, I would offer him neutrality or even a place among my forces. His domain is powerful and he could be an indispensable tactician."

"But he's in Tartarus right now and won't reform for centuries at least," Phoebe shot back.

"I wouldn't count on that," Percy said in a low tone. "I said war is coming … but never that it was only two sides …"

Both Leto and Phoebe's eyes widened as they looked at him, their thoughts racing with the implications of his words.

"So," he started while raising an open hand for them to take.

"Are you coming or what…?"


Don't forget to throw some power Stones, to keep the story going.


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