
Chopstick Lessons

Felicia Hardy was in her element. She had been given free rein by SHIELD to take care of the hostiles the way she deemed fit, and there was no better way to enjoy the fight than by spilling some scummy blood. The thugs she had encountered so far were far from challenging, and she had to wonder just how this ragtag group of hooligans had been deemed dangerous enough for SHIELD to send a group of agents.

She had chosen to work on her own, with the other agents having split up into two other groups. All were instructed to infiltrate the base, and the others were to focus on extracting the stolen Vibranium. Her job was simple – find the missing agent. If she was alive and could be extracted, then she had to rescue her. If not, then she was supposed to aid the other two groups in their mission.

Everything was going well. She was happily putting down any hostile she found, and she found that it came to her easier than ever before.

'It helps when your boyfriend is probably the strongest being in existence,' she thought to herself mirthfully. She would make sure to properly reward her dear Harry for the powers he had given her. She felt more powerful, she felt more agile, and she found she felt little to no pain even after punching a few thugs right in the skull. Normally that would leave her with a throb in the knuckles, but it was nonexistent now.

She quickly sneaked close to another thug and snapped his neck before he could even react, feeling the tattoo right over her cleavage thrum once again. Her boyfriend was indeed going to get some fun once she got back.

The frosty wilderness of Siberia was a challenging environment. It was pitch white as far as the eye could see, and it was only because of the highly advanced boots they were given that helped her conceal her footsteps. She was sure she would have been discovered already if not for them. Stealth was one of her strengths, and if that was compromised, she would be in big trouble. Fortunately, she did not have to worry about it.

"Agent Hardy, you are barely fifty yards from the inner boundary. Ensure you're not spotted. Take care of the guards and get into the main compound. Once you get inside the outer building, flick the blue switches you find on the left of the door. Once you do, you better flick them back again and close the gates within five seconds," the voice of Coulson came from her earpiece.

"Got it," Felicia whispered. She could see the barbed wires in the distance. From her position behind the treeline, she watched the side entrance and saw a camera right over the metal door.

"Let's see how well this one works then," she muttered and quickly aimed. She pressed the trigger and watched as the microchip attached itself to the camera. As she had been told, the light turned from green to blue.

"Thirty seconds, huh?" She muttered and quickly rushed forward, jumping over the metallic fence and crouching down, slowly opening the door and shutting it behind herself.

As instructed, she flicked the blue switches and counted, flicking them back again when five seconds were over.

"Good job. The other two teams are in. Make sure to focus on your end of the mission. Find Agent Carter and rescue her. If it becomes impossible, meet the other teams by crossing the river. You must not be seen, Agent Hardy," Coulson instructed once again, staring at the monitors in front of him.

"I heard you at the briefing, Philly. No need to keep droning out the same shit," Felicia hissed into her earpiece. Pulling the visor of her helmet down, she looked at the heat signatures through the wall. There were two inside the outer building she was in. Easy enough.

Her agility came clutch once again, and before the two guys could react, she had killed both with a bolt through the head each.

"If it goes on like this, I'm going to start thinking I'm Captain America or some shit," she muttered to herself with a chuckle. "Captain Hardy. Has quite a nice ring to it."

"Focus, Agent," Coulson rebuked.

"You focus on your task, you creepy stalker!" Felicia retorted as she got out into the grounds through the back door. She could see dozens of hostiles through the visor, all walking around in the open ground.

"Fuckin' hell, this looks like a party. How the fuck am I supposed to sneak past this lot!?"

Felicia grimaced slightly and hid behind a large metal container, peeking through the little holes that were embedded into them. The group was a large one, and she was sure they were going nowhere. She wondered how she could get past them into the building behind them. Their intel told them that Carter had indeed been captured and was kept inside that building.

Felicia's mind ran amok with ideas. She had half a mind to just go on a rampage but that would potentially put the other two teams in jeopardy.

"Hey Philly, how long for the other two teams to be done with their side of the mission?" She asked urgently.

"They have taken care of the hostiles on their end and are already in and in the middle of extraction," Coulson replied, staring at the screen that showed the two teams slowly picking the ore and placing it in secured containers. Most of the thugs were tied up, with a few even dead. The cameras were all glowing blue, showing the previous footage on replay.

"Can you give me a definite time, man?" She muttered.

"Fifteen minutes," Coulson replied after a small pause.

"And how long will it take for the hostiles here to get there if they are spooked?"

"Not more than ten minutes," came Coulson's reply.

"Alright," Felicia nodded. "Tell them to make it in less than fifteen."

"What are you planning to do, Agent?"

Felicia smirked. "A gamble, one I'm very hopeful will pay off."

"SHIELD will prefer if you are not a casualty on your first mission, Agent Hardy," Coulson warned.

"You mean SHIELD will prefer it if Harry didn't get mad because something happened to me," she replied with a chuckle. Coulson went silent at hearing Harry's name. "Don't worry, Philly. I have a plan."

The sound of approaching footsteps alerted her and she looked through the hole. A man was coming toward her container, and she racked her brain, trying to come up with something. Suddenly, she had an idea. She just hoped the man didn't jump the gun.


Silas Popov was a petty thief before he was recruited by this lot to guard their facility. It was nice, but it could be better. He got enough food and the pay was nice, even though he had to spend all his time in the middle of other losers like him in the hellhole that this end of the world was. He missed his hometown sometimes. The slight warmth aside, it had been months since he'd felt the touch of a woman, and he couldn't wait for his break to come. They were allowed one every six months during which they could go back for a week. Even though it was for only two days, he cherished the time he spent with a whore or two. Their voices still rang through his ears, and he could do nothing but imagine them as he stroked himself when he was here.

It was for this very reason that he was surprised when he heard the unmistakable moan of a woman as he walked around the grounds. His eyes bugged out. There was no woman here apart from that woman they had captured some time ago, but she had been declared to be off-limits. Even if that had not been the case, she was in no condition to do anything either. He still remembered how her arms and legs had both been tied up despite her injuries before she was thrown into that room. He knew why she was off limits though. Petrov wanted that bitch for himself, even though she was in no condition. He was truly a fucked-up lecher.

Another moan brought him out of his musings and he looked around. Once he saw that no one was nearby, he walked closer. Peeking past the door with his rifle trained forward, he stared in shock at the sight of a blonde woman pleasuring herself. She was sitting with her back against the wall of the container, one hand squeezing her bust while the other was buried inside her pants, moving around. Her head shot toward him at once, and Silas aimed his rifle at her. However, instead of getting scared, she winked at him and gave him a saucy grin.

"Are you going to just stand there or will you join me?" She whispered sultrily in perfect Russian, and he felt his pants tighten. Her voice was full of promises. Slowly, he walked in, looking over at the woman. She had no weapon on her person, and he didn't spot any pockets either. Once he was sure she was clean, he put the rifle away and watched as she kept playing with herself. His eyes fell on her exposed tit, a perfect handful and so white. She had the prettiest pink nipples he had ever seen, and he could barely hold himself back.

"I can see you want me so bad," she whispered with a sultry smirk as she pushed herself off the wall and walked toward him. Silas' eyes were focused on how that tit jiggled with her steps.

"Oh bitch you have no idea," he replied as he walked toward her, his lust overtaking him.

Felicia looked at the loser and smirked. She had indeed been right. Being trapped in his hellhole for months had created a group of very suppressed men, and one sight of a woman pleasuring herself was enough to make their knees weaken.

She stepped toward the man and trapped him between the wall and her body. Leaning up, she whispered in her ear, "I've been observing you in particular for so long today. You have no idea how much I was hoping for you to just come over and take me with you."

Silas breathed her scent, and he immediately went slack. Felicia pulled back with a smirk, watching as the man started convulsing erratically. Slowly she lowered him to the ground and watched as his movements slowed down until he stopped entirely, dead.

"Sorry for that. The poison only works when you take a good whiff," she smirked and sprayed the antidote on her skin. The throbbing receded entirely. "Now, time for infiltration."

In the end, she truly did not need to create a ruckus. Donning the grunt's clothes, she pulled the hood over her face and walked as normally as she could. Although stealth was sneaking past your adversary, hiding in plain sight was also a big component of it, and she believed she did it admirably.

The massive complex in front of her was locked, but one swipe of the grunt's card allowed her access.

"Good work, Agent Hardy. You should check the lower levels. That is where the cells are located," Coulson instructed. "The other two teams are also almost done."

"Didn't ask," she replied, chuckling when Coulson shut up. "You're too easy sometimes, Philly."

She found the stairs leading to the lower levels easily, and once she took care of the cameras, she dashed forward and began climbing down. She reached her destination and saw there were a dozen cells and all were vacant apart from one. However, what surprised her was the open door. Slowly, she sneaked closer until a man's whispering made its way to her. As expected, he was also speaking in Russian.

"Sorry for the rough treatment, girl. But no worries. You're still alive, and even if you won't be for long, I'll still get what I want," the man said amusingly. Felicia's eyes widened and she pulled out a mirror. She tilted it, staring at what was going on in the reflection. Her eyes widened at the sight.

A blonde woman was on the floor, but what was shocking about her was the extent of her injuries. She was bleeding all over, and it truly seemed as if she was barely clinging to life. She was naked apart from her undergarments, and she saw the man standing over her with his hands working on his belt.

Without even bothering to think, she dashed over, and before the man even knew she was there, she hit him with a karate chop, the force of the strike sending her hand right through his neck, beheading him.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Harry will be able to do something," she whispered as she went over and held the woman's hand. The woman looked at her with bleary eyes before the world exploded around her in a swirl of golden sparks as Felicia teleported back to Harry.


As agreed previously, Harry arrived at Helen's apartment on time and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Helen's shout came from inside, and Harry waited with an expectant smile on his face. He heard the approaching footsteps before the door swung open.


That was all Harry could make out as he stared at the vision that the Korean woman was. She had gone for a silvery white silk dress that hugged all her curves alluringly. The dress had a slightly plunging neckline that showed the swell of her breasts in a way that teased him but didn't look too revealing and it was held up with thin straps over her shoulder which climbed upward to wrap around her neck in the form of a two-finger thick round collar. Looking down, he saw the dress reached the middle of her thigh and she was wearing stockings underneath.

"I'm almost done. Would you mind waiting for five minutes please?" She asked with a little blush at the way he reacted to her. For him who already had three beautiful women to react to her like that felt very flattering to her.

"I'll wait for five hours if I can be treated to this lovely vision every time," he replied as he came inside her apartment. Helen walked over to where he assumed her bedroom was and Harry waited near the door, looking around.

It was a very homely apartment. Everything was neatly arranged and he saw the walls decorated with designs that must remind her of home. Spotting a few photo frames, he walked over and smiled as he looked at them. The photos showed Helen from her childhood to adulthood, and most of them had an older couple with her who Harry assumed must be her parents. He had to admit that Helen had been a cute child.

"And finally I'm done," Helen walked out with a smile, and Harry noticed she had done her hair very nicely. She had brushed it and let it flow down her back in waves where they reached the middle of her back. Harry smiled.

"You look beautiful," he gave her a genuine smile, earning a small smirk in return from the woman.

"You look pretty handsome, if I'm being honest," she complimented, watching his black suit and white shirt underneath. He had kept the top two buttons open which showed a slight glimpse of his chest muscles. His face had a little stubble which he had kept as is which gave him a very masculine look.

"I try," he smirked back and walked over, taking her hand gently. "Should we get going then?"

Helen nodded and before Harry could take a step back, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. Surprised, it took Harry only a few seconds before he started kissing her back.

When they parted a minute later, Helen's face was flushed and she quickly took out her lip gloss from her bag and reapplied it in the mirror. Harry stared at her, amused.

"That was to take away any awkwardness from the date," she replied as she put the lip gloss away. "You know, the usual How will this end? or Can I kiss her? Now you know where we stand."

Harry let out a small laugh at that.

"I like this concept a lot," he replied as he took her hand. They started walking and in no time, they were in the parking where Harry had left his car. He opened the door to the passenger's side and helped her in before he walked around and got inside.

"Mind helping me with the seatbelt, Harry?" She asked coyly, and Harry grinned. He leaned over and fastened her seatbelt.

"You're one awesome woman," he said mirthfully and Helen grinned.

"I try," she replied. "Now, you better not have chosen a Korean restaurant for us. It would be too predictable."

Harry looked at her and smirked.

"Don't worry," he replied. "It's Chinese."

"Will do," she nodded.

"That's good," he replied. "Because I've heard they use chopsticks, and I'm pants at them. You'll have to teach me."

Helen's eyes gleamed slightly in interest.

"Well… If I were you, I'll try not to make much of a fool of myself," she replied. Harry looked over at her and chuckled.

"Trust me, I'm sure I'll do just fine," he replied.

It took them a little over fifteen minutes to reach the restaurant. Handing the car keys over to the valet, Harry took her hand and they walked in.

Having made the reservation already, they were led over to their table on the balcony overlooking the Hudson River.

Harry helped her in her chair and made to walk over to take his seat when he felt her grab his hand. He looked at her with a questioning smile.

"I've got to teach you, remember? You better sit with me then," she said with a small grin dancing on her lips. Harry was all too eager to oblige, and he pulled his chair over and aligned it up right beside hers. He sat close to her, and Helen immediately scooted closer, eliminating any distance between them.

"I'll have you know I have very little idea about these dishes, you I'll happily let you take charge," he said quickly looking over the menu.

Helen nodded with a small shake of her head, muttering something that sounded to him like a hopeless idiot which earned her a mock affronted look from him. She couldn't care less though as she simply rolled her eyes.

She called a waiter over and Harry was slightly surprised to hear her speaking in perfect Chinese, or that was what he assumed she was speaking in considering the waiter understood everything perfectly.

Fifteen minutes later, a wide assortment of dishes was laid down on their table, and he was introduced to each of them.

The Crab meat and Sweet Corn soup came with a large spoon which he had no trouble with, but he did run into slight trouble with the spring rolls and the dumplings. Those were meant to be eaten with chopsticks.

Helen smiled and showed him how to hold them, and he tried to mimic her actions.

"No, you're doing it wrong. You've got to hold it like this," she corrected gently and took his hand, pushing the chopstick through the gap between his fingers and making him hold them the way he was supposed to. Harry kept his hand still, skeptical he might let the chopsticks fall with the slightest bit of movement. Helen picked hers up easily once again and showed him how to grab the roll between them.

Harry gingerly reached forward and the moment he did, one of the chopsticks almost slipped from his grasp. He quickly reached forward with his left hand and put it back in place.

"Damn this is hard," he muttered.

"Look at you," she teased with a playful smirk. "Capable of so much unbelievable stuff and a pair of chopsticks stump you."

Harry chuckled. She was not wrong.

"Looks like I'll have to help you," she said and reached over, wrapping her hand around his and helping him hold the chopsticks properly. She was completely leaning over him, and Harry could feel her lovely breasts pressing against his arm. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, only to find a small smile dancing on her lovely lips. Smiling, he turned his eyes away from her and looked at how she was guiding him with the food.

Slowly, Helen made him grab the dumpling with the chopsticks and gently lifted it. Harry snorted when the dumpling fell off and she groaned.

"You are really hopeless," she complained.

"Hey, I'm not even doing anything!" He replied with amusement lacing his tone. Helen shook her head and tried again, and this time it was a success. She sat there with a smug smile on her face as he chewed.

"Nice," he said once he was done.

The process continued. Sometimes the food made its way to his mouth. Sometimes, it fell off. However, they didn't care. It was fun and they were enjoying themselves.

Finally, their final dish arrived – the Peking duck. Contrary to what the name suggested, there was very little duck meat. Instead, the slices were presented with over a dozen different side items ranging from spiced onions to what she called the Tsi Tin Chili and a variety of different sauces, both sweet and bitter but all looked very spicy. Harry asked her what she wanted, and as per her instructions, put the side items on the slice and carefully rolled it up. She went over to pick it up using her chopsticks when Harry gently stopped her.

"Allow me," he said with a smirk and picked it up with his fingers, and carried it over to her mouth. The sauces were leaking slightly, coating almost half of his fingers, and Harry watched as she took a small bite, before taking another, and finally eating the entirety of the first roll. However, much to his pleasure, she gently took his fingers in her mouth and licked the sauces off.

She pulled back with a sexy smirk on her face, and Harry looked at her with a meaningful gaze. Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he gently licked the remaining sauces off his fingers, smirking at the look of intense desire she gave him.

He watched as she did the same for him. As per his instructions, she put the side items on the slice and poured the respective sauces over it before rolling it carefully and bringing it over to his mouth. Harry eagerly ate from her hand, and once he was done, he gently sucked her fingers clean. Helen kept looking at him with that passionate look in her eyes, and Harry smirked. Once he was done sucking her fingers, he took it a step further. Taking a bit of the sauce on his finger, he rubbed it over the back of her hand and her palm before he slowly dragged his tongue all over her skin, licking all the sauce off. The bitter taste didn't even register with him in the face of that lustful stare of hers.

There were a total of ten slices, and they did the same every time. As time passed, the passion between them grew. Her hand had started caressing his thigh while he was stroking either her back or her bare thigh below that sinful dress she was wearing. The atmosphere had slowly grown more intense as they fed each other and there were no doubts in either of their minds as to where the night was heading.

Once they were done, they walked out of the restaurant where the car was already waiting for them. In no time, they were driving through the straight roads of New York toward her apartment. There was utter silence in the car as Harry drove. His eyes were trained straight ahead on the road and so were hers, and none was in a rush to break the tranquility.

Once they reached the apartment building, Harry stopped the car outside the compound. Slowly, he turned to look at Helen who was still staring ahead.

"This is not just a conquest for you, Harry, right?" She asked without turning to look at him.

"I think I made it clear long ago," he replied. "None of the women are conquests to me. We love each other and we share a unique bond."

Helen nodded.

"Would you drop me over to my apartment please?"

Instead of replying, Harry drove forward. The car went past the compound door and he parked it in the same spot he had parked it a few hours ago. He turned the engine off and got out, pulling the door open for her and helping her out. As he shut the door and locked the car, he realized she was still holding his hand. He was perfectly fine with it, and in no time, they were inside the elevator.

He felt her hand squeeze his hand as they traveled up the floors, and he squeezed back reflexively. The door opened on her floor, and they walked out, coming to a stop right in front of the door to her apartment.

Helen walked over and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, she turned around and looked at him.

"Just come on in already," she chuckled, and Harry let out a small laugh as he walked in. She shook her head and shut the door behind her. Turning around, she leaned with her back against the door, smiling at him. Harry walked over close to her and trapped her body between the door and his.

"You've been teasing me all night," he whispered, earning a smirk from the brunette.

"And? What're you gonna do about it?" She asked, her voice equally breathless. Harry smiled and captured her lips. Immediately, Helen wrapped her arms around his neck and Harry grabbed her ass, lifting her. Her legs came to wrap around his waist and Harry started walking toward her bedroom as they kissed furiously. A wave of his hand pushed the bedroom door open and he reached out with his magic to feel where what was. Once he found her bed, he walked over and threw her.

Helen giggled as she bounced on the mattress. Breathless, she looked over and saw him throw his coat to the floor before he started unbuttoning his shirt. She quickly reached forward and bending on her knees, pulled his shirt out of his pants and started working on his belt. She unbuckled it and unbuttoned his pants before she pulled on his zippers just as Harry discarded his shirt. His pants came loose immediately and fell on the floor, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. Helen looked up at him and smirked as she reached forward, grabbing his length right over the fabric.

"I don't like how overdressed you are right now," he said huskily and Helen let him pull her to her knees. Her hands rested on his solid chest as she reached up to kiss him, and she felt his hands slowly working over her dress.

He tried to find where the hooks, buttons, or zippers were, but he failed after trying for a few seconds.

"Fuck it," he muttered against her lips and Helen's eyes widened when her dress vanished from her body, leaving her in nothing but a lavender tube bra and matching knickers.

"I almost forgot you could use magic for a moment," she whispered against his lips before she felt him pull back. Opening her eyes, she took him in, just as his eyes raked over her almost naked figure. Helen's lips tingled at the look of pure desire in those turquoise orbs of his.

"Fuck you're beautiful," he whispered as he pulled her firmly against himself and kissed her furiously, and Helen could only hum in contentment as her arms went under his and wrapped around his shoulders. She pressed herself against him, rubbing her bra-clad tits against his solid chest when he whispered against her lips once again, "You're still one more ahead."

Helen felt his fingers unclasp her bra behind her and she pulled back, letting it drop. She didn't remain idle for long and the moment the bra fell, she pressed her now naked tits against his chest. The feeling of his skin against hers sent a tingle of pleasure up her spine, and Helen moaned.

Harry felt her lovely tits mash against his chest and her nipples hardening slightly. He felt them poke his skin and he smiled into the kiss. Dragging his hands downward, he caressed her hips over her lace knickers and pushed his hands through the waistband, cupping her supple rear. He caressed her soft skin, squeezing her ass as their tongues caressed each other inside her mouth. Helen's hands were rubbing his chest, stroking his nipples and tweaking them as his hands kept squeezing her ass under her knickers. Her lower lips were teasing his manhood as she rubbed her pelvis against his, trapping his erection between their bodies.

They continued to kiss and fondle each other when Helen slowly reached down. Her hands grabbed the waistband of his boxers and she worked them down, freeing up his manhood. He felt it spring free of its confines and hit her right on the stomach. She was in no mood to waste time, and her hands quickly wrapped around his girth, fingers circling the thick shaft as she gave it a soft stroke. Harry kissed her firmly and squeezed her ass once again.

"Your magic helps you sexually as well, doesn't it?" She asked once she pulled away, eyes widening when she looked at his length. "It certainly does. So that's why you don't tire out even with so many women."

Harry smiled.

"It's a blessing as well as a curse," he replied.

"Well," she smirked. "I'm not complaining, and it's most certainly a blessing, for you, and for us as well."

Harry chuckled and kissed her once again. Pulling away, he looked down at her almost naked figure and took in the heavenly vision that she was. Her perfect tits were almost the size of his palm, and he reached forward, giving them a nice squeeze as he looked at her. She simply smiled. Her nipples were a shade of dark pink, with similar areola around them, and with a wink, Harry leaned down and sucked them one by one, making her hum in pleasure. Her belly was flat and showed signs of the workout she undoubtedly did, and he gently caressed her.

Leaning close, he whispered in her ear, "And once again, you're overdressed."

Helen smirked and took his hands, placing them on her hips right over the waistband of her knickers. Looking up at him, she whispered erotically, "Why don't you do something about it then?"

Harry caressed her sides softly before his fingers hooked under the waistband of her knickers and he gently pulled them over her supple round rear and down her thighs. He smirked at her before he pushed her over, and Helen squealed when she fell on her back. He quickly pulled her knickers down her legs and as she watched, he took a quick sniff. Helen's eyes widened.

"Heavenly," he commented as he got on the bed, and like a predator, he stalked her. Helen watched with bated breath as his face got closer and closer to her womanhood and closed her eyes.

A sudden rustling sound made her eyes shoot open and she looked at Harry who was also looking at her in surprise. As one, they turned to the side.

They saw two women appear in a flash of golden sparks and the sight of them made their eyes widen in shock.


To be continued…

Check out patreon.com/Vedros if you'd like to access chapters early or have a say in what goes. Chapters 23 has already been posted over there.

There are also character artworks for the ladies if you're interested in seeing what they might look like.

I'll be back soon with the next update for this fic. Meanwhile, check out my other fics if you haven't yet. Cheers!

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