
Chapter 106: Realization

[3rd POV]

Sitting behind a desk, Carter and Talia were sat next to one another, PS4 controllers in hand.

"How are you so good?" Carter asked with a frown as they 1v1' 'd each other in COD. Each of them was on separate monitors that Talia had set up, courtesy of a bit of magic, and illusions.

"I've been playing for a lot longer than you, Carter. It's only natural that I'd be better. Plus, these older games are way easier" Talia responded with a smile, as she ruthlessly crushed the younger kid in Black ops 3.

Kara watched on the side with a small smile, noticing that Talia was surprisingly really good with kids.

"You wanna try, Kara?" Talia asked, causing the woman in question to instantly shake her head.

"No, no way. Last time I tried playing I broke a controller. I'm also awful at those types of games. I prefer Mario Kart and Pokemon" Kara said, refusing.

"A woman after my own heart" Talia replied with a smile, as she grew up on Pokemon. It was one of her favorite games of all time, and she had collected the cards for years in her past life, albeit, only when in her older years.

Kara blushed at the response, before James Olsen walked out of Cat's office. Cat was out of town to accept some award, so he was taking her place for the moment.

"Kara, do you have a live..." "Oh, uh, live, plus seven-day ratings for the Midwest satellite stations" Kara said, cutting James off as she grabbed a small stack of papers from her desk, and handed them to him.

"Um, how are you doing?" James asked, glancing at Talia and Carter. Both of them watched the two's conversation.

"Handling, thanks to Talia's help" Kara said, giving Talia a grateful look, as the woman had been a godsend.

"Digital called, sounds like you are, too" Kara added, causing James to just cringe before making his way back into his momentary office.

"That guy knows Superman, right?" Carter asked, causing Kara to smile.

"Yes, he does"

"Do you think he could get Superman to introduce me to Supergirl or Solaris?" Carter asked, causing Talia and Kara to both blink in surprise.

"Definitely Cat's kid" Talia said with a small chuckle.

Kara smiled before her phone rang. Grabbing it she spoke "Yeah, what's up?"

Talia watched as the girls smile faded, and she instantly put the phone down while saying "On my way"

"Oh, I have an..emergency to run. Could you maybe..." "Watch him until your back? Yeah, no problem" Talia said, cutting Kara off, who gave her a thankful look, before running off.

"So...wanna play more Cod?" Talia asked the slightly confused boy, before he shrugged with a small nod.


After a couple of hours of the two gaming, which was surprisingly quite relaxing, a slightly weakened Kara returned.

Looking at her, Talia frowned slightly 'I forgot how much weaker Kryptonians of this universe are, in the beginning at least. She's this weakened and all she did was fall from a pretty high height' Talia thought.

"Carter are you all right? I'm so sorry I was gone" Kara asked, knowing her job was on the line with this one.

Looking to eachother, the two smiled ""We're good""

"Are you hungry for some real food?" Kara asked, causing Carter to nod.

"I'm going to get some lunch" Kara decided, causing Talia to pause the game.

"And I shall be going with you" Talia said, causing Kara to frown.

"Who's going to watch Carter?" Kara asked, causing Talia to grin.

Walking over, she tapped Winn's shoulder "Huh? Oh, hey Talia, whatcha need?"

"Can you watch Carter until we're back? I've got two PS4's set up with some games and-" "No need to say more, I've got you guys" Winn responded with a smile, knowing that this was basically a free ticket out of work, and into gaming.

"Thanks, Finn" Talia replied with a smile, before turning to Kara.

"After you, milady" Talia said, making a exaggerated bow, causing Kara to roll her eyes, and then walk off, Talia trailing behind her.

"So...what'd you want to play?" Winn asked awkwardly, while Carter just shrugged.


[Location: Noonan's]

"So, what happened?" Talia asked, after finishing ordering food, which she insisted on paying for, much to Kara's annoyance.

"Hmm? Oh nothing happened, just had to deal with some-" "Kara" Talia stopped her, simply saying her name, and staring her in the eyes, causing the girl to blink.

"Did you forget that some of my powers are derived from the Sun? I can literally sense that you're weakened, Kara" Talia said, causing Kara to look to the side.

"Okay, so I may or may not have sort of...thrown a bomb into the sky and gotten hit by a bit of it's explosion?" Kara said, flinching at the look Talia was giving her.

"That is...not even the most surprising thing you could have said, honestly" Talia replied with a sigh, as she slowly moved her hand, placing it on Kara's, causing her to blush brightly.

"Wha-" Kara was about to ask what she was doing, only to stop as she felt solar radiation begin to flow into her body, all through Talia's growingly useful concept around the Sun. The more she used it, the more she realized how helpful the thing is, in her current universe, and the more she developed it.

Blushing slightly at the contact, Talia kept her hand over Kara's smaller one "Nex time this sort of thing happens, just tell me and I'll help you, Kara" Talia softly said, causing Kara to look into her eyes, blushing slightly before giving a small nod.

"Good girl" Talia replied with a smirk, causing Kara's blush to deepen.

"Kara, right?" A voice sounded out, causing Kara to shake off her blush, and turn to the voice, belonging to a rather attractive woman.

"Yes, hey!" Kara responded, slightly uncomfortable.

"Lucy Lane" The woman said, introducing herself. She was Lucy Lane, aka, Lois Lane's little sister.

"Yes, yes you are. You must really like the food here" Kara responded awkwardly, having seen the woman at Noonan's before, having a talk with James. The two were ex's, so that was a bit of an...awkward conversation, especially considering James was very obviously attracted to Kara, who, wasn't really feeling the same after a certain someone came into the picture.

"Well, I left my phone here yesterday. I've been a bit, frazzled" Lucy said, sitting on the opposite side of Kara, openly ignoring Talia, who glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You? Uh, you do not seem like the kind of person who gets frazzled" Kara responded, as the food was finally finished, the bag was handed to Talia, while Kara held the drinks.

"Just because I look a certain way on the outside, everyone assumes it matches the way I feel on the inside" Lucy said, causing Kara to turn to her.

Talia, realizing that Lucy was going to continue ignoring her, just groaned softly, deciding that this conversation was not really any of her business, nor did she care, as it was obvious Lucy was just there to ask if James was available or not.

The rest of the conversation was basically just Lucy trying to gauge whether or not Kara and James was a thing, which was...awkward.

After the two finally left Noona's, Talia finally spoke "She completely and utterly ignored me, didn't she?"

"Yeah...she did" Kara replied with a small frown, not liking the fact that Lucy acted pretty rudely to Talia, ignoring that she and Kara were having a conversation before she but in.

"I already don't like her" Talia said, causing Kara to giggle.

"Don't say that" Kara said outwardly, but inwardly, her thoughts were different 'I don't think I like her either'

"So, I'm assuming you're going to the train launch?" Talia asked, causing Kara to nod.

"I've got to be there in case the bomber tries to bomb it like he tried with Lord"

"And what if he puts two?" Talia asked with a raised eyebrow, causing Kara to blink several times.

"Well...um, I guess I could use your help then?" Kara asked, causing Talia to chuckle.

"I'd love to help. Plus, I'm sure Winn can watch Carter" Talia said with a shrug.

'Carter is 100% still going to be on that train, like he was in canon' Talia thought inwardly.



The train launch was already underway, with panic already arising at news that a bomb had been planted within an airport nearby.

Looking over the beeping bomb, was two individuals, a dark skinned man, and a shorter woman.

This was Hank Henshaw, real name J'onn J'onnz, and Alex Danvers, Kara's adoptive sister.

"Signal is jammed. I can't see inside it. There's no way to disarm it" Alex said, trying to use a device that would allow her to figure out the deactivation code.

"Get yourself cl-" "Not necessary" A voice sounded out, causing Alex to jump, pulling her firearm out, only to go wide eyed at Talia, aka Solaris, standing there.

"Solaris...what do you mean, "Not Necessary"? There's no way of disarm-" Alex couldn't utter another peep, as Talia walked forward, gripped the bomb, and deactivated it, all within literal seconds.

"....Nevermind then" Alex muttered, as she looked at the very deactivated bomb, that was no longer about to go off.

"How did you-" "Not telling you. Now, if you'll let me, I'm going to go and help Kara" Talia said, before flashing off, grinning inwardly as they both went wide eyed, realizing she knew Supergirls real identity.


Inside the train, as Kara was speaking to Carter, who managed to sneak on, they were cut off as a soft pop filled the room, followed by a flash of light.

"The other bombs been taken care of, Supergirl" Talia said, causing Kara's eyes to widen but nod.

Carter looked between the two with wide eyes, seeing his two favorite superheroes in the same place. Grinning inwardly, Talia silently teleported a small paper into his pocket, her Solaris signature written neatly inside, alongside a small bracelet. She liked the kid, so she thought "Why not give him something?" Plus, the bracelet would create a magical barrier around him to protect him, should anything bad happen.

"Let's go" Maxwell Lord said, as the passengers began to move to the back of the train.

"He's two train cars ahead. If we wait until he gets to the front of the train, I can stop him from making any mistakes" Talia said, causing Kara to nod.

As the two moveed closer to the front, they made sure to tell all of the passengers to move to the back of the train, in case the bomb that was strapped to the bomber, went off.

As they got to the front, Kara pulled the sealed door open, revealing Ethan Nox, the bomber, holding a switch and a bomb vest attatched to his chest.

"This bomb is rigged with an altimeter. You try to move me off the train, it goes off instantly" Ethan said, causing Talia to stare at the man, before speaking.

"You've got a daughter, right Ethan?" Talia said, causing the man to look to her.

"And you're doing this for her, aren't you?" Talia added, causing the mans eyes to widen.

"How did you-" "I did some research into the doctor who is helping your daughter, and the connection he has to Maxwell Lord. I know that this was all some sick test to see what Supergirl and I can do. And I know you're doing all of this for your daughter, because she's sick, and you think he's the only one who can help her, right?" Talia said, causing Kara's eyes to go wide, while Ethan went silent.

"I can heal her, Ethan. Look" Talia said, before forming a blade of pure solar energy, and cutting her hand clean off. Kara let out a yell, only to blink as it regenerated in seconds, with a soft golden glow.

"I've got more than just Sun based powers Ethan. And if you let me, I can get that bomb off of you, and I will your daughter. Don't you want to see her grow up? I can make it happen, I swear" Talia said, not wanting a little girl to lose her father. Talia remembered her past life, and her own experiences with losing a parent, and she didn't wish it upon a little girl, or anyone really.

"You-You swear you can heal her?" Ethan said, as he began to slowly lower the switch.

"Of course. I don't lie about these sort of things Ethan. And while it will take a while to get you out of prison, I'm sure I can do it. After all, you're doing all of this because of Maxwell Lord" Talia said, causing the man to breathe in.

"Okay, get it off of me, please. I-I don't want to leave my daughter, if you can heal her" Ethan said, causing Talia to smile.

"I'm glad you made the right decision, Ethan. And I'm sure your daughter will too" Talia said softly, as the bomb vest and switch glowed, before disappearing. Far off in the ocean aways from National City, a boom sounded out, as the bomb went off, far from any living human.

"Ethan, you have to make sure not to tell anyone about Lord, not until I've got the proper evidence against him, okay? If you do it too early, he will find a way out of it" Talia said, causing the softly crying man to nod, crying both out of sadness and happiness, for he would live to see his daughter grow, even if part of it would be behind bars.

Kara looked at Talia, a wide smile on her face, and heart blooming more than ever before, as she inwardly realized something, that caused a small dusting of pink to coat her cheeks.

'I-I'm in love with Talia'

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That's the end of the chapter!

We got more hero Talia moments. While she won't be a fullblown hero (far from it), she'll still save people, and kill those that deserve it. Mainly because of the quest, but also because she will genuinely come to enjoy doing it, and, because she gains more power in her concept of the Sun through it.

More of her background from her past life has been revealed, as it's been barely talked about, and I think it deserves to be fleshed out a bit more. She lost a parent in her past life that mattered a lot to her, which one do you think it was? I don't think I've talked about her past life much (if I did then..ignore it lol), but it'll be coming up a bit more in this universe, as I want to actually give her more...depth.

Kara has realized her feelings for Talia, which happened pretty quickly, but won't be followed through on, for a little while. Considering she had a thing for James in season 1 episode 1, after the guy literally just appeared, I think this is fine, lol.

I've also been getting a lot of comments on Lena Luthor, which is...tempted, to be honest. But, I shall stand strong, and remain with only 5 mates. Instead, she will be Talia's first close friend, and even a potential addition to their travels. I've got a couple ideas in regards to love interests for her, so that might be interesting.

Anyways, next chapter will probably be a bit shorter, and will be her getting some levels, as her dungeon prestige dungeon will have finally awoken by then. Which means new classes! I'm not sure which one to go with next, main class wise, and for subclass...I'm even more unsure lol.

Give me some Main Class and Subclass ideas, please. Subclasses are usually weaker, and related to some sort of species from a fictional world. So like Werewolf, Werecoyote, Kitsune, etc.

Also, how do you guys like the new cover for the fic? I thought it was high time I changed it, and several people asked if I could.

Anyways, have a good day!

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(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

ArtoriaPendragon_creators' thoughts
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