
Chapter 9

Shiroi watched with a dazed expression of love, and affection for Naruto as he devoured his bowl of Ramen at a steady but still slightly fast pace with a childish smile on his face. That childish smile made him seem so cute in her eyes.

Yesterday after their meeting with the Female Hokage, both her and Naruto immediately went towards their newly 'purchased' house. During their walk through the village to reach their new home, seeing as it was was near the clan district of Konoha. The villagers once again gave them looks.

Some gave friendly waves, some of the females looked at Naruto in a bit of lust and they licked their lips hungrily. One quick burst of killing intent, and a dark glare from Shiroi made them think twice about looking at Naruto like that again. The same could be said for Shiroi as males were giving her lustful stares, and glared a Naruto in envy.

One was even brave enough to try and walk up to Shiroi. One look of pure killing intent mixed with a bit of Kyuubi's Chakra from Naruto, however, was enough for him to pale and nearly lose control of his bladder.

When they finally reached their new home, they immediately unlocked and entered it. The house in Shiroi's opinion was more than big enough. It was simply both beautiful and amazing, to think that Naruto's own father built this large home. He must have created it in the event that he would be expecting a large family.

An image of a chibi Yondaime running around and building this house all on his own, and failing multiple times, ran through Naruto's head. He snorted at the very thought.

After they reached their new home, the blonde and his wife-to-be. Set out to unsealing all of the furniture they obtained through in their travels. Stuff like couches, chairs, shelves, cases, a fridge, and various other things they had while they were traveling the nations.

After unsealing all of that, they got to work, with the help of a couple Shadow clones on placing everything in order, and what not.

Though when Shiroi pulled out a scroll labeled 'IF dolls' Naruto immediately paled in fear, the Kyuubi if possible, paled as well when he witnessed the scroll. The two immediately began praying to Kami that she wouldn't open the scroll. All while Altair could at all possible sweat-dropped.

Why were the two of them so damn terrified of a couple of dolls you may ask? Well the reason was oh so simple, and a bit strange if you think about it.

You see, when Shiroi is extremely bored, and she has nothing to occupy her time, she has a habit of... Creating dolls. Not just any dolls mind you. These dolls were 'special' per say. She would first create her dolls with a vast assortment of things she had, and get to the complex and difficult process of creating the dolls.

Than after she was done creating the dolls, she would place a bit of her Youki into them, thus making them jerk to life... TO LIFE! Both Kyuubi and Naruto were fascinated with the little doll that had come to life... That is until it lunged at them at speeds only rivaled by the best of Jonins.

The doll than, latched onto his face, and proceeded to try and choke the blonde to death. Not to mention that it was extremely difficult trying to retch the damn thing off of him. The damn thing had the strength of grown man! For crying out loud! And with Shiroi's Youki running through it's veins... Yeah you get the picture.

It took the blonde at least several minutes get the thing off, and Shiroi's laughs were not helping at all. Even the Kyuubi was panicking at the thought of his container dying... To a FUCKING DOLL! (Not to mention, if Naruto died. HE would die.)

So the Kyuubi, much to Naruto's shock, was cheering for the blonde to beat the shit out of the demon doll.

Naruto wasn't one to disappoint, so with the help of SenJutsu Chakra (even if it was a bit overkill) managed to rip the doll off of him. However the doll proved to be a worthy opponent, as it managed to slip out of the blondes grip and run towards his Kunai pouch.

Naruto exclaimed a WHAT THE FUCK!? With the Kyuubi agreeing with him, before he ran around the area screaming like a little girl, while the doll chased him around with a gleeful expression. All while Shiroi was laughing her ass off, as Naruto played with her 'harmless' doll.

By some miracle, a tree branch broke, and fell right on top of the dolls head. Naruto, not one to pass up on the opportunity, immediately grabbed the branch, and began to pound away at the little doll. All while saying things like, 'You do NOT fuck with UZUMAKI NAMIKAZE NARUTO BITCH!' The ever famous 'YOU LIKE THAT!?' And finally my favorite 'WHO THE BITCH NOW MOTHERFUCKER!? DATTEBAYO!'

Of course had the blonde been paying attention, he would have noticed the doll's silent screams of pain, as the blonde repeatedly bashed with the branch, their were even tears coming from the dolls eyes. It was kinda pitiful really. Wait... Since when did dolls cry?... Oh well, this is anime. Anything is possible.

Anyway, you can understand Kyuubi's and Naruto's reluctance to have any of her dolls more than 10 feet away from them... Have any of them unsealed for that matter.

Thankfully Shiroi didn't unseal the blasted dolls, something both Kyuubi and Naruto repeatedly thanked Kami for.

After that both Naruto and Shiroi quickly finished up with their furniture and shortly went to bed.

The next morning they got up, took a shower together, got dressed, ate breakfast comprising of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and orange juice... Hmm, orange juice.

After that, with nothing to do, Shiroi asked to have a tour of the entire village. Naruto happily complied, seeing as he wanted to show his mate around his home, and promptly showed her around the village to the best of his ability. He showed her the memorial stone, the Hokage mountain, a couple of famous restaurants in the village.

However Shiroi quickly lost whatever interest she had in the village. It wasn't that she didn't like the village... It's just that she had no type of interest in learning about the place that mentally, and physically harmed her lover. In a way, she was neutral to the village. However should the village do something that she deemed as a threat to Naruto... Than she would destroy them utterly.

Naruto seeing Shiroi lose interest in Konoha, thought about what he could show her that would be of at least some interest to her. Though when he looked up, to his surprise it was already noon. And by coincidence they were in front of Ichiraku's ramen.

The blonde immediately exclaimed that it was ramen time! And grabbed Shiroi's hand and he seemed to teleport right towards the shop. That was something that shocked the villagers, seeing as it reminded them of the yellow flash. But they dismissed the thought of Naruto being the son of the Yondaime... It just wasn't possible... Right?

When they entered the shop, Naruto loudly greeted the two owners of the shop. Ichiraku Ayame, and her father Ichiraku Tuechi.

Both Ichiraku's were happy to see the blonde after such a long time, and eagerly returned the blonde's greeting. The blonde introduced Shiroi to the both of them, though both Ichiraku's were shocked to learn that both Shiroi and Naruto were engaged, they were nonetheless happy for the blonde, and expressed their happiness for the blonde by making them both a bowl of ramen on the house.

"Naruto-kun you slow down a little more." Shiroi scolded, though only amusement was in her tone.

Naruto turned to look at Shiroi with the dreaded puppy eyes "B-But Shiroi-chan... It's ramen." He whimpered.

Shiroi stared blankly at her blonde lover, before she lightly shook her head. "And it will still be there, so you don't have to eat so fast. And besides... Don't you want to savor it?" She said, giving the blonde an amused look when she saw him freeze.

"Shiroi-chan... YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! RAMEN LIKE THIS SHOULD BE SAVORED!" The blonde loudly exclaimed before he began to eat his ramen at a much slower rate.

Shiroi gave a smile, before she turned back to her bowl of ramen. She rose an eyebrow when she saw the shocked expressions on both Ayame's, and her father's faces. "Something wrong?" She asked.

"I-Impossible. You managed to get Naruto to slow down on eating ramen... H-How?" Tuechi uttered, his brain to shocked to believe the sight before him.

"Shiroi rose a delicate eyebrow before she spoke in a slight superior tone "Whatever do you mean Ichiraku-san?" She questioned, taking an elegant bite of her own noodles.

Ayame spoke up, seeing as her father was still in a shocked state. "Well, me and tou-san have been trying to get Naruto to slow down on his eating habits but we could never get him to. It was really frustrating for us, as it was extremely difficult to teach him mannerisms." Ayame explained.

This Shiroi did not bother to hide the superior tone in her voice as she spoke "Well, I'm proud to say that I know how Naruto thinks. As such, it would make this, that I would know what it takes for the blonde to listen." The pride, and a tiny bit of arrogance in her tone wasn't missed by Ayame, who slightly twitched at the girl's small arrogance.

"Even so. It has always been a challenge to teach Naruto things, seeing as he had such a short attention span." Ayame responded, her tone taking on a challenging glint to them.

Shiroi's eyes slightly narrowed "Well I can assure that for someone such as I. It was remarkably easy to teach Naruto some manners even if he was a bit of a brute back than." The silvery white haired girl replied, her chin proudly held high.

"Oh is that so?" Ayame began. "Well I imagine it must have been a bit difficult for you. Seeing as Naruto never really payed attention to me when I tried to teach him." She stated.

"Well, obviously you weren't doing a very good job. After all while I was teaching him, he was paying attention to me, ore than I even imagined." Shiroi asserted.

While both Shiroi, and Ayame were having their argument, Naruto, Tuechi, Kyuubi, and even Altair all watched, and promptly sweat-dropped. Seriously the two were almost acting like rivals, or something of the sort.

"Naruto... You girlfriend isn't afraid to speak her mind is she?" Tuechi commented, and he gave a cold shiver when he saw her glance at him sharply. Damn she had ears!

"Yeah... But that's one of the things I love most about Shiroi-chan." The blonde warmly said, making Shiroi who was listening with her sharp hearing unintentionally flush slightly.

Before any of their conversations (and arguments) could go any further. An ANBU phased into existence, and bowed towards Naruto, catching not only the blondes attention, but also Shiroi's and everyone else's.

"Naruto-san, Hokage-sama wishes for you to be in training ground twelve in exactly four minutes." The ANBU stated, before he disappeared in a flutter of leaves.

Everyone felt a little confused on why Tsunade would want to see the blonde, but they chose not to dwell on it, and instead focused on finishing whatever they were doing.

Once Shiroi, and Naruto were done with their ramen, the blonde and his fiance quickly bide the Ichiraku's farewell, before they began to make their way towards training ground twelve. All while wondering what Tsunade wanted.

Unknown to both of them however, Naruto would soon be facing old friend, and teacher to him.

It was time for Naruto's Jonin test. It... Was time for Hatake Kakashi to finally wittiness just how much his former has grown.

It was time for the battle between Kakashi and Naruto.

Naruto and Shiroi arrived in training ground twelve, only to find both Tsunade, and Jiraiya standing in the middle of the field, both having impassive faces.

Naruto shared a glance with Shiroi, before they both moved to stand in front of the two legendary Sannins, with the female Sannin being a Hokage. Once the two of them were in front of the Sannin, it was strangely silent, before Naruto spoke.

"Hey Tsunade-Baachan. What are we here for?" The blonde asked, an eyebrow raised in confusion. Shiroi merely settled for staring at them in curiosity.

"Naruto... Soon your are going to be having a test of sorts to see if you are skilled enough to achieve Jonin rank." Tsunade began.

Naruto, and Shiroi blinked owlishly at that. "Well what's the test Baa-chan." Naruto said, a grin crossing his features.

Before Tsunade could speak however, another voice answered the blonde's question.

"Your test Naruto. Is to defeat me in combat."

Both Naruto and Shiroi spun around... And low and behold the blonde was greeted with the sight of his old teacher. However Kakashi was not wearing the typical Jonin attire.

Instead the masked Jonin now wore, a full black body suit completed with his mask. He wore ANBU issue armor, completed with a tanto strapped to his back. His stance and the way he moved showed that he was going to take this fight seriously. And finally... He did not have his usual Icha Icha book to read.

"Kakashi-Sensei?" Naruto uttered, before a giant and nearly feral grin erupted from his face.

"That's right Naruto. In order to achieve your Jonin rank... You have to beat Kakashi!" Tsunade exclaimed, her eyes narrowing seriously as she gazed at both of her Shinobi. "This match will be begin, shortly after I say it does, the rules are simple... There are none." The female Hokage stated.

"I understand Baa-chan!" Naruto proclaimed, cracking his neck, and knuckles.

"I understand as well Tsunade-sama." Kakashi confirmed, not taking his eyes off the blonde.

"Very well!... BEGIN!" The older blonde exclaimed before She, and Jiraiya blurred out of sight. Shiroi, stayed for a moment longer, and silently wished the blonde luck, before she to blurred out of sight.

The atmosphere was tense and heavy as both Naruto and Kakashi stared each other down. For Kakashi, this was the time to finally see just how truly powerful his former student was. To see if his student has surpassed him.

For Naruto, this was the chance to show Kakashi just how much he had grown, to show just how much he had improved since he left all those years ago. To show Kakashi... That he was no longer a child.

"Where does the time go?... Huh? Naruto? The last time we faced off like this... You were still my pupil." Kakashi mused.

Naruto merely stayed silent, before he slowly moved his hands to grip his robes. Kakashi's visible eye narrowed, before he slowly moved his hand forwards towards his headband.

Naruto removed his robes, revealing his dark orange mesh shirt, black pants, his black boots, and Altair sheathed by his side. The blonde carelessly threw his robes aside, and tightened the sash around his waist, making sure Altair was firmly set at his side.

Kakashi lifted up his headband to reveal his very own... Sharingan. The very thing that allowed him to copy over a thousand techniques. The very thing that earned him the nickname Sharingan no Kakashi.

Both Kakashi and Naruto stared at each other for a single moment... Before they both suddenly blurred. A shock was felt in the middle of the field as both Naruto and Kakashi reappeared their fist firmly pressed against each others trying to overpower the other. Kakashi's eyes narrowed, before he suddenly twisted his body, and allowed the blonde to move forward, than the masked Jonin attempted to kick the blonde in the back.

However the blonde proved he would be a worthy opponent, as he quickly shifted his feet, and blocked Kakashi's incoming kick with his forearm. The blonde than gripped the Jonin's leg tightly, and his other hand shot forwards to the Jonin's chest.

However proved that he deserved the rank of elite Jonin, as he leaned his entire body back, allowing the blonde's hand move over him, before he kicked himself off the ground and spinned in the air. He than propelled a Chakra enhanced kick towards the blonde who held a firm grip on his hand.

The blonde narrowed his eyes, before he let go of the Jonin's leg, and jumped back several feet, however in doing so, he feel right for Kakashi's trap.

Several Shadow clones which Kakashi had created earlier sprang into action, and quickly caught the blonde. One grabbing his legs, another grabbing his left arm, while another grabbed his other arm, and the last one, got him in a fell nelson.

Naruto huffed in annoyance, before he noticed Kakashi charging in a strike. However the blonde was having none of that, and he quickly activated his wind field to destroy the masked Jonin's clones. The blonde was pleased to note the winding of Kakashi's eyes, before the blonde charged in with his elbow already prepared to smash against the Jonin's face.

Kakashi's eyes widen, as the speed he misjudged Naruto's speed, and as such did not have time to prepare for a substitution. The blonde's elbow met with the Jonin's face, with incredible force, making some of the bones in the Jonin's body creak. Before the Jonin could even attempt to even gain some breathing room, the blonde grabbed the Jonin by the fabric of his bodysuit.

And with a Chakra enhanced punched, sent the Jonin flying several meters away. However the blonde was far from finished, and he used his wind field to increased his speed dramatically.

He almost seemed to teleport right to Kakashi's location, before he began to brutally kick the Jonin away for several moments, before he ended it with a final Chakra enhanced kick sending Kakashi propelling all the way across the field, before harshly smashing into a boulder.

The Jonin coughed, as he forcibly removed himself from the now human sized hole in the boulder. The masked Jonin glared at his former student, before he blurred through several hand seals.

"FIRE STYLE: GRAND FIRE BALL!" The Jonin exclaimed, before a massive fire ball shot from his mouth, and towards the blonde's location. Naruto narrowed his eyes, before he to blurred through several hand seals.

"WATER STYLE: WATER PHOENIX!" The blonde exclaimed. And before Kakashi's very eyes water from the atmosphere began to converge around the blonde, before it began to take shape, and form a beautiful and massive phoenix. The phoenix gave off a mighty screech before it propelled itself towards the masked Jonin's fire ball.

The two techniques clashed, and promptly exploded outwards, creating a heavy mist. Kakashi warily kept his ears open, as this mist would become quite the advantage to his blonde student.

However much to his surprise, the mist was fading much faster than he had ever anticipated. When the mist cleared, he was able to see his blonde student calmly observing him. However now that the Jonin actually payed more attention to the blonde with his Sharingan eye... He was able to see wind natured Chakra coating the area around the blonde.

It was than Kakashi realized that this apparent wind field was the reason why his clones from earlier were destroyed, and why the mist was fading faster than normal.

The masked Jonin was distracted from his thoughts on the matter, when he noticed his blonde student reaching for the blade sheathed at his side. When the blonde unsheathed the blade, Kakashi was immediately captivated by the blade. A smooth sliver blade that looked powerful enough to break through even the strongest of metals, eagle wings as the hand guard, an eagles head as the pummel. It was truly a beautiful blade.

"All of the training I ever had.." Naruto began. Kakashi ears perked up in interest when he heard Naruto speak. "All of the techniques I ever learned.. All of the fights i have ever been in... were all very much exciting-" Kakashi's eye's narrowed, just what was his former student getting at?

"-But none of it... EXCITES MY BLOOD MORE THAN WHEN I DRAWING ALTAIR!" The blonde exclaimed, before he suddenly rocketed from his position. The former ANBU's eyes widened, and he barely had enough time to draw his tanto, to block the blonde's vertical strike. The tanto in his clashed with the blonde's blade, and much to Kakashi's shock his tanto began to creak and crack as it clashed with the blonde's blade.

Kakashi's tanto clashed with the blonde's sword once more, before it shortly shattered, much to Kakashi's horror. Kakashi was forced to jump back lest he ave his chest slashed opened, but was a bit to late, and received a deep gash to his right arm for his troubles.

Kakashi immediately channeled Chakara into the wound to stop it from bleeding, but much to his shock, it continued to bleed. The masked Jonin focused his Sharingan eye onto the blonde's sword, and much to his shock he discovered the blade was not only covered with wind Chakra... BUT ALSO THE KYUUBI'S CHAKRA!?

But that wasn't possible! The blonde wasn't using the Kyuubi's Chakra at all! Unless... The blade itself contained some of the Kyuubi's Chakra!

However Kakashi's wasn't allowed to even dwell on that theory as the blonde lunged at the masked Jonin, and attempted to stab the Jonin with Altair. However the Jonin now knew one thing, he absolutely could not allow the blonde to stab him with that sword! So Kakashi with all his might and effort did his very best to dodge most of the blonde's strikes.

However he could not dodge them all, and received several cuts, and slashes as a result. The masked Jonin panted as he took in his situation. He was running low on Chakra... He had a deep gash to his arm that will somewhat stop him from weaving hand signs in the speed he wanted. He was wounded all over, and his opponent..

It was than that Kakashi came to the startling realization that he had not managed to give his opponent a single scratch! The blonde looked fine, even more than that, he looked as if he were taking a stroll in the park!

... WAIT! Kakashi still had that technique as well.

"Naruto... Did you know that the Yondaime was my Sensei?" Kakashi asked, channeling Chakra into his left hand.

Naruto rose a single eyebrow before he spoke "Yeah I knew my tou-san was your Sensei." The blonde placed Altair in it's sheathe, making sure to pat the blade on the pummel for a job well done, making the blade pulse in contentment.

Kakashi eyes widened in shock for a moment. The blonde found out that his Sensei was his son?... If so did that mean that Naruto now know that he was his god brother? Kakashi slightly shook his head... No he failed to protect and be there for the blonde when he was little... He didn't deserve the honor of being Naruto's god brother.

Instead Kakashi chose to focus on the last technique of this fight. "Yes well... Before Minato-Sensei died... He taught me one last Jutsu." Kakashi explained, before he held up his left hand... And there spinning rapidly... Was a... Rasengan.

Naruto's eyes widened for a moment, before he chuckled, and soon his chuckles turned into full blown laughter. Kakashi rose an eyebrow... Did he just break Naruto?

"Kakashi-Sensei! I had no idea you could use the Rasengan! To be honest I kinda hoped you did!" The blonde exclaimed.

"Oh? And why is that Naruto?" The masked Jonin asked.

"Because now I can test this, against an ordinary Rasengan." The blonde said, before a Rasengan appeared in his hand, only it was whiter, and had tiny blades of wind fluttering about it... This was the wind style: Rasengan.

Kakashi's eyes widened in disbelief "Naruto... Is that?" The masked Jonin trailed off.

"Yes... This is the completed version of the Rasengan." The blonde confirmed.

A smile lit the Jonin's face, not that the blonde could see it. In Kakashi's eyes... The ghostly figure of his Sensei appeared behind the blonde, and he gave him a grin. "Let's finish this Naruto... After all... When you win, I have to get ready to congratulate you ne?" Kakashi said, an eye smile working a way onto his face.

"Right Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto exclaimed, right before the two charged right at each other. As their two techniques clashed, Kakashi couldn't help but smile as Naruto's Rasengan ripped through his effortlessly.

'Naruto... You have truly grown... I am proud to have been your Sensei... So thank you Naruto... Thank you... For giving me the chance to know you... For all the good times we shared.' The masked Jonin happily thought, as he held his now damaged hand.

"You win Naruto... You are no longer a Genin... Now you are a full ranked Jonin. do us proud Naruto." Kakashi happily said. Naruto grinned, an embarrassed blush on his face at the praise. However he smiled brightly when Shiroi flung herself at the blonde and trapped him in a iron hug. "Naruto-kun! That fight was amazing!" She exclaimed, rubbing her cheek against his face, making the blonde purr.

And the Kyuubi was grinning like a maniac who had just found out the entire world was his for the taking.

Kakashi meanwhile moved towards the female Hokage and the toad sannin who were watching with smiles on their faces. "Tsunade-sama. Jiraiya-sama." He greeted.

Jiraiya gave a grin at Kakashi, before he spoke "So what do you two think?" He asked, though he already knew.

"I believe that Naruto deserves the rank of Jonin. He has proven to be an excellent Shinobi, and he would be extremely valuable in the field." Kakashi surmised, his trademark eye smile on his face.

Tsunade grinned "I have given him the rank of Jonin regardless of what you would have said Kakashi!." The female Hokage said, releasing a laugh at the sight of Shiroi giving Naruto a kiss. Though both Kakashi and Jiraiya released a perverted giggle...

Right before Tsunade bashed both of their heads in.. Ah yes, life was good was it not?

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