
Chapter 2 


Esther (still in Cassie's body) lit candles while she prepared a breakfast in the greenhouse. A starling chirped in a cage nearby while Esther began cracking eggs into a bowl, mixing berries and herbs, and writing an invitation in fine calligraphy. She smiled as she looked at her work, and put the invitation onto a silver platter with a lid 

Mikaelson Compound 

In the courtyard, Hayley is munching on an array of fruit and other breakfast food when Klaus came down the stairs to join her "So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?" she asked 

"It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this..." Klaus said as he gestured to the food on the table for emphasis 

"Hmm. Well, then, I guess we have Elijah to thank?" Hayley said just as Elijah joined them in the courtyard, and looked confused when he heard their conversation and noticed the breakfast spread in front of them 

"This wasn't my doing..." Elijah said 

Everyone looked at each other "Father!" Klaus shouted as Naruto walked into the room, putting on his black tanktop "Do you have to yell?" he asked 

"Did you do this?" Klaus asked as Naruto walked to the table and picked up a strawberry 

"I only got back an hour ago, I had nothing to do with this." Naruto said 

Hayley frowned "Then, where did this all come from?" she asked 

The silver lid on the platter suddenly began to rattle, which startled Hayley causing her to jump in fright for a moment. Klaus looked uneasy and lifted the platter, which released two starlings that flew up toward the ceiling, causing the three younger immortals to reflexively duck to avoid being hit, while Naruto looked up at the birds, as the others looked puzzled and nervous 

"What the hell was that?" Hayley asked 

Klaus reached for the invitation and opened it, "Dinner, Your Home, 8PM" " An invitation from our mother." Klaus said looking to Elijah as the two shared an look of concern 


Inside the Mikaelson cottage, Esther (in her original body) ladle out food for her children in the kitchen, who were all very young gathered around the table for breakfast "Now, children, it's very hot! Rebekah, Kol, be careful!" 

Finn joined them at the table as they all sat down "Where's Niklaus?" Esther asked only for all the children to stay silent. Elijah gave Finn a knowing look, but Finn looked as though he was dying to speak with their mother noticed "Elijah? Finn? Where's your brother?" 

Finn hesitated for a moment before finally confessing what he knew "He's in the woods, Mother. Hiding." Finn said causing Elijah to glare at him 

Moments Later 

Esther walked out into the woods, where she found Klaus hiding behind a tree "What are you doing here?" 

"Father says he's to take me hunting later. But I'm no good. Not with him. He gets angry at me." Klaus said looking down 

Esther looked at him with sympathy and knelt so she could look him in the eye "I understand. Do you know what I do when I'm afraid? I listen to the starlings." 

In the background, Finn can be seen eavesdropping on them, 

"When I was a little girl, your grandfather taught one of them a tune. And, since they mimic each others' songs, it spread, until every starling in the forest sang it." Esther said as Klaus looked up at the birds in the trees, who were chattering loudly "When we made this our home, I brought these same birds to these woods. Whenever you hear one sing, Niklaus, remember I'm with you. Always and forever." 

Esther took Klaus' hand and pulled him to his feet, as Finn continued to watch from afar and gulped sadly 

"When will grandfather return from his travels?" Klaus asked missing Naruto 

"He says he will be returning very soon." Esther said with a smile 

Klaus stared at the invitation while he stood on the balcony overlooking the French Quarter, eventually he turned his head back into his bedroom, where Hayley was laying flat on his bed "It is times like this I'm really glad I never knew my mother." she said 

Klaus sighed and turned to her "We have enough enemies here. And now, the war for our home is to be fought against my own family." 

Hayley sat up and looked at him "Your wretched mother and her disciples tried to put a carving knife through our baby's heart. I will happily add to the body count." 

Klaus smiled at Hayley as Elijah entered the room "You will do no such thing." he said getting their attention "Esther's a master in the 

art of possession. We know whose body she currently inhabits. We must decipher her intentions before she finds a new host." 

"Well, her last invitation was an assassination attempt on all her children and her own father. I think we can assume her intentions are decidedly foul." Klaus replied 

Elijah shrugged "Well, then. We have-" checking his watch Elijah continued "- this afternoon to prepare for the worst." he said before he walked away while Hayley rolled her eyes as Klaus walked toward the door with an amused smile 

"The bloom is off the rose, I see." Klaus said causing Hayley to roll her eyes in annoyance before flopping back onto the bed] 

"Shut up." With Naruto California 

Naruto appeared in a flash at an Mansion in Bel Air, California walking to the foyer he saw who he was looking for with her back turned to him, looking through a large book, Naruto approached the woman and wrapped his arms around her waist, and began to lay kisses on her neck 

"Your late." The woman said 

"Sorry, but I had to find out some things." Naruto said before he turned the woman around to face him, this was Ravenna one of the two viking queen witch sisters "Did you finish?" 

"Yes, and your not going to like it." Ravenna said holding up an antique bracelet, while Naruto frowned 


Klaus was in the dining room, where he was making arrangements for the evening's dinner with a group of compelled caterers. One of the caterers brought him a choice of two different bottles of wine "Skip the salad course. Let's not make this dreadful evening any longer than it needs to be." Klaus said as he chose a wine and dismissed the caterer just as Hayley entered the dining room 

"So, I guess letting Oliver live paid off. He just informed me your mother has a partner-in-crime... another witch." Hayley said 

Klaus sighed "Building alliances in her quest to destroy us, I imagine." 

"Why does she hate you so much, Klaus? She had six kids- it's not like she doesn't have the maternal gene." Hayley asked curious 

"Seven, actually. And, I think at one time, she loved us very much." Klaus said a little, overwhelmed by the topic of conversation, so he turned away and anxiously began folding napkins on the table before speaking again "One died before I was born." 

Slightly guilty Hayley spoke "I didn't know that." 

"Years later, my brother Henrik was killed by the werewolves in our village. The loss of another child pushed my mother over the edge. So, she used her magic to turn us into immortals. I think that's when she loved us the most. But, it was her undoing. It triggered a sequence of events that led to the reveal of her one of her long-held secret. My mother's lover was the werewolf whose pack killed my little brother." Niklaus said causing Hayley to look at him in sympathy "Instead of coming clean about the truth of my parentage, she told Mikael that her lover was my birth father, of course, when Mikael found out, he murdered him, and so, my mother lost her lover, too." 

"Wow." Hayley said stunned "No wonder she's crazy. I'm out of my mind having just given away Hope... I can't imagine if she'd actually died." 

Klaus teary-eyed turned turned to her while looking down and said "You know, my siblings used to tell each other she didn't hate us, she hated herself for what we've become. I think they believed that even after she tried to kill us all." 

"What did you believe?" Hayley asked quietly 

Klaus looked up to his baby momma "I don't know. I just knew I wanted her dead." he said causing the two to stare at each other for a long moment 

"Well, every good story needs a wicked witch." Hayley said with a wink, and small smile to cheer him up "It'll be all the more satisfying when we melt her." 

Klaus reassured by this and smiled at her appreciatively, while she smiled back at him affectionately 


Naruto appeared in the mansion with a cold look on his face, "Father is everything alright?" Klaus asked walking up behind him along with Elijah 

"No it isn't." Naruto said as Klaus and Elijah looked at him in confusion "We'll get into it later, but here is something you both need to understand, and I know it may be slightly difficult. But Esther is no longer your mother, she has forfeited that right, long ago. Any sliver of love you have for that woman you need to bury it deep down." Klaus and Elijah shared a look, before Hayley walked in 

"Marcel's witch is being held captive in the Quarter." Hayley said getting their attention 

"Oh, perfect. Mother's a step ahead, as usual." Klaus said as they all turned to face her 

"Oliver's with her. I'll go, and I'll get her to do the spell. But, I need the necklace." Hayley said before with a nod Klaus reached into his pocket 

Elijah worried began to speak "I don't like this whatso-" 

"No. You don't get to ignore me for days and then suddenly act like you're concerned, Elijah. Just, for once, please, will you trust me that I'll do something and it will get done?" Hayley interuppted 

Elijah looked as though he was about to speak, but shut his mouth at the last moment. Klaus sighed and held the necklace out to her 

"Thank you." Hayley said taking the necklace and walking away before Elijah stopped her 

"Wait." he said

Annoyed Hayley turned to him "I don't car-" 

"No, there's something else. A disciple of Marcel's was instructed to fetch another ingredient. Ask for Gia." Elijah said cutting her off 

"... Okay." Hayley nodded before she left, and once she was gone, Klaus walked toward Elijah 

"What's going on with you two?" Klaus asked 

"Nothing." Elijah said tense, while Klaus gave him a look, and he sighed unhappily "She's stronger. That's all that matters." 

Elijah walked away while Klaus looked to Naruto who shrugged 

20 Minutes Later 

Klaus now wearing a suit walked leaned against the back of a chair, with a bored look on his face before he spoke when Elijah walked in "Are these outfits really necessary?" he asked 

"Appearance is a way of showing respect, Niklaus. Mother will be more likely to surrender her true intentions." Elijah said 

"Well, I doubt her guard will drop just 'cause I'm dressed like a bloody lawyer." Klaus replied 

Elijah lit a candles and said "We need every advantage we can get, Niklaus." 

"You always did excel in diplomacy. Just know, if she tries anything, I'll tear her new body to pieces." Klaus replied before they looked to the doorway when Vincent/Finn entered the room and laughing dramatically at their conversation 

"You two haven't changed a bit!" Vincent/Finn said before before he looked to Elijah "Linens and silk to disguise your pathetic self- loathing" Elijah raised an eyebrow and looked to Klaus as Finn turned to him as well "And you- despite the arrogant face, your still the same paranoid little boy, full of hate and fear." 

Klaus' face went from amused to offended, while Elijah looked at him in confusion before turning to Vincent/Finn and walking toward him "Forgive me, I don't believe I've had the pleasure." 

Finn feigned being offended "Oh, you mean you don't recognize me? So much for the unbreakable bonds of family, huh? Always and forever indeed." 

Klaus scowled when he realized who was standing before him, but Elijah remained confused and on edge 

"It's been a long time, Finn." Naruto said behind Finn, who tensed and slowly turned to face him, Finn made to speak but Naruto walked toward the table with a wine/blood bottle in hand "Now that the introductions are out of the way, let's eat!" 

Moments Later 

Klaus sat at the head of the table since it was his home, while Naruto sat across from Elijah, each with a glass of blood in front of them while it annoyed Finn as it was a sign of disrespect to his mother, Finn whp was standing being poured a glass of wine, glanced to Naruto who was speaking with another caterer "When did he get in town? Mother's locater spell placed him in Rosewood, and New York City." he thought before he calmed himself and wafted his glass under his nose "What an aromatic bordot." 

"Well, it was a challenge to find a good pairing. What wine goes well with treachery?" Klaus asked sipping his glass of blood 

"Don't pout, brother. Tonight is meant to be a happy occasion!" Finn said as he sat down and whispered something in one of the servers' ears, which made the trio of immortals suspicious 

"What exactly are we celebrating?" Naruto asked 

"Why, my return, of course! Remember, I spent nine hundred years- "Finn said looking to Klaus for confirmation "-right?- lying daggered in a box. I'm rather enjoying this new body. Strolling about your lovely city that, uh, you've made your home. But, do tell me- what'd I miss? Regale me with your contributions to society! Medicine? Philosophy? Art?" 

Klaus rolled his eyes, already tired of this conversation, while Naruto decided to humor Finn 

"Or, have you all merely cut a path of destruction across time?" Finn asked not expecting an answer 

"Well Niklaus spent a century under name Leonardo da Vinci, Elijah was a musician for a time, and Rebekah invented the Red Cross." Naruto said causing Finn to frown "Kol spent most of his time with Witches, but would you care to enlighten us Finn what would you have contributed?" 

Elijah, and Klaus watched as Finn clenched his knife and looked down before they noticed that the caterers we're placing another two plates, glasses, and set of silverware at the table and looked confused 

"Are we expecting another guest?" Elijah asked 

Finn regaining his composer gestured to the other end of the table "Mother will sit at the head. And, as for the seat across from me, that's reserved for another of our clan. Care to wager an educated guess? How about a paranoid one?" 

"Well, there's no way Kol would listen to anything other than his ego." Klaus said 

"And yet, mother has made such a compelling argument that even he, the wildest of us Mikaelsons, has seen the error of his ways and accepted his new form with vigor! Change, my dear family, is inevitable." 

Klaus wondering why he was so calm said "You would dare face us as a mortal? The only thing inevitable is your death." immediately Klaus flung a knife at Finn, but he easily deflected it with magic, causing the knife to instead embed itself into the chair at the head of the table 

"Oh!" Finn said smugly as he removed the knife from the chair and held it aloft "I suppose the honor of carving should go to the oldest. We have mu-" 

The knife ripped itself from Finn's grasp and shot into Naruto's "How right you are Finn, and congratulations on your new status as a witch, I know your mother was so dissapointed that only Kol inherited her magic." 

"Enough of this, would you get to the point." Klaus said tired of this evening already 

FInn looked to Klaus and said "I had nine hundred years to learn to be patient. Although, I am curious why you kept me daggered in a box for so long." 

"You were daggered for being an ever-simpering sycophant. Did Mother bring you back from the dead so you could wash her knickers?" Klaus asked as he smirked at Finn in amusement, but Finn began to lose his temper 

"She raised me because I was treated unfairly! Cheated of all but the smallest portion of my life!" Finn shouted furiously before he looked to Elijah "Elijah, I can understand such cruelty coming from them." he said pointing to Klaus and Naruto "But I always thought of you as being the compassionate one! What did I do to deserve you turning your back on me? Were you afraid of Niklaus? Are you still? Or perhaps jealousy is what kept me locked in a box? You coveted the duties of the eldest brother, in which case you had near-on a millennium to fix the problems of this family, and instead, produced nine centuries of failure." 

Finn realizing his anger had gotten the best of him pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and stopped himself from further exposing his feelings to the others. 

After a moment Naruto spoke "You want to know why you were kept daggered Finn?" he asked getting Finn's attention "You were left daggered because it was what you wanted." 

"What?" Finn asked 

"I mean that was why you exposed us to your friend Alexander, and begged and pleaded with us to attend a sleepover at the Brotherhood's home." 

Finn looked shocked before he glanced to his brothers who were watching him, with a gulp he looked back to Naruto "You betrayed this family, so I decided you would stay in a box, more than one occasion I wanted to drop you in the ocean, but Elijah stayed my 

hand. You say this family has problems, but you, your mother, and father are the only serious problems we have. Now are we perfect, no but what family is? Now I'm going to ask you this once and only once. Where is Esther?" 

"Oh, beloved father." Esther said entering the room, while Finn immediately rose to his feet to greet his mother, who spoke sarcastically "I've missed you, too." 

Naruto, Elijah, and Klaus watched as Finn pulled out the chair for Esther who took a seat, 

After a long moment of silence Klaus asked "Why don't you say what you came here to say, so this wretched night can end?" 

"It pains me that you, father, and Elijah look at me with such disdain. I wish you could see that my every action has been to protect you!" Esther said while Naruto's eyes narrowed at the woman he once was happy to call daughter 

"You actually believe that, don't you? I knew you were a liar, but now I see you're utterly delusional." Klaus said incredulously 

"If you can forget the hatred that you cling to and remember all the times I've mended and healed you." Esther said while Naruto looked confused when Klaus began to laugh sarcastically, but Esther turned to Elijah 

"Elijah, do you recall the day Niklaus challenged your father to a duel? Did I leave your brother to die alone? What did I say, when you came to me and asked me to help him?" 

"That you would rather die than to see any of your children suffer." Elijah said 

(Flashback same a canon) 

Esther looked at Klaus smugly before the sound of Naruto's glass shattering drew attention to him as his face was fully transformed " You allowed that bastard to continue to draw breath, after he impaled my son to a tree! " Naruto said in old Swedish 

" He was my husband, you were off fighting in a war, I couldn't do- " 

" BULLSHIT! " Naruto yelled causing everyone to flinch, " All those letters you sent spoke of how happy, and how much Niklaus was thriving under Mikael's instructions. Your nothing but a fucking liar. " 

" I did what was best for my family, like you raised me to do. " Esther said 

" What's best!? " Naruto asked before he pulled out a bracelet and slid it across the table to her, and watched as her eyes widened when she saw it " I had Ravenna looked that over for me ." 

Klaus, Elijah, and Finn watched as Esther paled " You remember Ravenna right, she and her sister Freya helped me raise you, and your sister. " 

" We're not- " Esther began but a look from Naruto caused her to go quiet, as he sighed to compose himself from just kill thus sorry excuse of a mother 

"I have questions Esther and your going to answer them. You placed a spell on that bracelet and gave it to Mikael, the spell effected him mentally so that he'd have a hatred for Niklaus, and that necklace you gave Nik, suppressed his anger, and physical abilities, why ?" 

Klaus and Elijah looked shocked at Naruto before they looked to Esther who avoided the gaze " It was necessary, if he would've killed anyone in his rage he would've activated his curse, and Mikael would have thought he was an idiot for showing Niklaus any affection and would've killed him. " 

Klaus hit the table and made to stand up to yell but Naruto placed a hand on his shoulder keeping him seated 

" You could've told Mikael the truth that Niklaus was his son, but when you got sick and I had to give you my blood, that Niklaus still developing genes absorbed the blood, and power. If Niklaus had activated his curse you were supposed to send him to me. " Naruto said 

" He didn't belong with you, I am his mother, he belonged with his family. " 

" What family Esther? The bastard who abused him, the coward who didn't care about anyone other than you, or you yourself the bitch that allowed her husband to walk all over him. " Naruto said enraged while Finn made to speak but Esther stopped him " You, Mikael, and your pet have never cared about Kol, Rebekah, Niklaus, or Elijah. You are a disappointment, I should've only saved Dahlia that day ." 

Esther's eyes widened at Naruto's words " Your crimes against your own blood continue to rise, even when your dead. You stole your children's ability to have children of their own. You sent witches to kill my granddaughter, a newborn baby. You sabotage your child's childhood, and force upon them immortality and act as if they are to blame. You Esther, you are the curse that this family bears, anyone that loves you is damned. And I personally will make sure that when you both die this time " Naruto's eyes began to glow with malice while Esther gasped for breath " that the only way back is through me. " 

Finn gulped before he glanced to his mother and look alarmed when she fell forward and Elijah hurriedly sped to catch her before her head could hit the table, while Klaus and Naruto stood up 

A Shop 

Hayley having saved Marcel's witch Lenore watched as she performed a soul-branding spell "Aux sa ah ça le vous de le vous 

l'inspir non do set." Mikaelson Compound 

Elijah held Esther and checked for a pulse but found none "She's gone." he said 

They looked to Finn who made to get up but Naruto dove over the table and grabbed him by his throat before holding him to a wall "Where is she?" he growled 

"Safe." Finn smiled before his body turned into someone else's causing Naruto's eyes to widened 

"What is this?" Klaus asked 

"Puppetry spell it allows a witch to control another beings body, under a transformation spell." Naruto said 

"Where did Finn learn that?" Elijah asked 

"Esther. I taught her and your aunt Dahlia those spells." Naruto said before he appeared thoughtful "Esther probably had another witch on standby, do you know any witch she has captured in the last 24 hours?' 

"Marcel's witch Lenore." Elijah said taking out his phone and dialing a number " She's with Hayley." he placed his phone to his ear 

"Elijah, I'm at Lenore's shop, -."

"Let's go." Naruto said

"Why would she go after Hayley?" Elijah asked 

"To kill her, and make us suffer, or to learn the truth about the child, all reasons will be rendered mute once I send her back to hell." Klaus said before Naruto grabbing the brothers teleported them to Hayley's location 

Lenore's Shop 

"It's so lovely to finally meet you. Tell me, do my sons ever acknowledge the good you bring into their lives? After all, it was you who gave them hope." Esther said now in Lenore's body 

Hayley, not knowing if she meant "hope" or "Hope," her daughter, looked at her suspiciously "The promise of a child shows us all the possibilities of a future that could be. Children are meant to save us from the worst parts of who we are. A truth that makes my own circumstances all the more tragic, wouldn't you say?" 

"I don't pity you, Esther." Hayley said with narrowed eyes 

Esther looked as though she was offended for a brief moment before shrugging it off "It's a terrible thing, for a mother to fail her child." she said before she saw the starling necklace still laying over the cauldron and picked it up so she can look at it closely, before her eyes caught sight of a small bottle 

As you well know." Esther said while Hayley looked guilty "But now, I offer you freedom. The gift of a new body. Freedom from being a hybrid." 

Hayley looks interested, but tried to hide it as Esther continued her offer "I have the ability to return to you all that you have lost, Hayley. To make it so that you could have a family of your own. More children of your own. Wouldn't that be nice?" 

Esther looked up suddenly and threw a powdery substance in front of her just as a flash illuminated the shop, and when it died down Naruto, Elijah, and Klaus were standing behind Hayley 

Klaus seeing Hayley, standing before Esther said "I assume you've had the misfortune of speaking to my mother?" 

Making to charge the woman Klaus was held back by Naruto who was looking at the floor "What is it?" Elijah asked as Naruto put a 

hand out and before it began to sizzle and turn red 

"Mountain ash." Naruto said "Poisonous to all supernatural beings including witches." he said as he looked to his wounded hand that was healing slowly 

"You hide behind your spells like a coward!" Klaus snarled 

"I did not come here to wage war!" Esther replied 

"Everything you do is an act of war." Naruto said 

"Hayley is free to go. I've spoken my piece, she knows why I'm here. I have come to heal our family. Father." 

"What is there to heal Esther? All the wounds in this family is caused by you. You selfish cow!" 

"Go. Now." Klaus told Hayley who nodden and sped off before Esther threateningly exploded a light bulb with magic 

"My intent was never to harm! Only to heal, as I have already healed Finn and Kol." Esther said before she looked to Klaus "For you, I will undo everything that has been done, thereby giving you a new life!" another light bulb exploded overhead, and Lenore stared intensely at her her father and her two sons "One without the vampire curse." 

Esther began waving her hand above a cauldron, and the earth began to shake, rattling all of the inventory on the shelves of the store "Ask Hayley to share with you my loving proposition." 

"You're a fool if you think we'll accept anything that you offer!" Klaus growled angrily 

"Oh, you are wrong, Niklaus!" Esther said as the earth continued to rumble below them as more light bulbs exploded, and Esther held her arms open wide "There will come a time, my darlings, that you will beg for it!" 

The glass in the windows shatters inward, and Klaus and Elijah raise their arms over their faces to shield them from the broken glass. Esther lifted her arms over her head as hundreds of starlings burst their way through the windows and descend upon the store 

"Damn birds!" Naruto said before a clap of his hands and lightning struck down each bird but Esther had already escaped 


Mikaelson Compound 

Naruto sat at the bar in the courtyard while Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah talked "Of course she used those damn birds to make her escape!" Klaus said pacing 

"Besides the offer of rebirth, what else did she say?" Elijah asked 

"I don't know. She rambled a lot. She blamed the two of you for what happened to Hope, to me..." 

Klaus instantly appalled by this response and stopped his pacing so he can stare Hayley in the eye "Well, I hope you're not thinking of taking her offer?" 

Hayley, looking guilty, couldn't bring herself to look at either of them "HAYLEY! I'm talking to you!" 

Finally, overwhelmed and feeling defensive, Hayley stood to her feet and stared Klaus in the eyes "What do you want me to say, Klaus? I lost my daughter. So, yeah, when your mother offers to wipe the slate clean, excuse me if I'm tempted." 

"You don't want anything from her Hayley, trust me." Naruto said "She said I can have a family again." Hayley said looking to Naruto 

"She isn't the only one capable of making that happen." Naruto said standing up with his glass "I can make a serum that can give you the 

ability to have children again. All we need is the blood of Mikael, a Mikaelson witch, and the blood of a relative to Esther or her own." 

"Hope is a Mikaelson witch, and Mikael is back from the dead, but does Esther even have relatives?" Hayley asked 

Naruto made to speak but he couldn't rely on the sleeping Dahlia as she needed to be concious before she could be considered 

"I'll look into it." Naruto said getting a nod from Hayley before she walked away 

After a moment Klaus spoke "I can't believe that she would do that to me, she made me weak." 

"She made you a survivor, Niklaus." Naruto said causing Klaus to look at him 

"He's right Niklaus, You are, you have always been- the most fierce of our siblings. In a thousand years, I have never seen anyone successfully stand against you. Not even Mikael. Not one of the countless devoted to your destruction. You'll protect our home, even in the face of an adversary such as our mother, because that, brother... that is what you do." Elijah said with Naruto smiling while Klaus looked surprised and grateful at them 


At the Lycée, Vincent/Finn and Lenore/Esther we're having a heated discussion in the greenhouse, where Esther opened a cage that held two starlings "Now, you must have known they wouldn't give in without a fight." 

"Of course! Tonight was not an ultimatum, it was an invitation. I just want to get them thinking. After all, only those who know they are lost will ask to be found." Esther said 

"They're defiant by nature, and they've grown very strong. How do you expect to show them the error of their ways? Especially Grandfather who has been a beast longer than they have?" 

"I will systematically destroy everything they hold dear. I've already taken the wolves from Niklaus and made them our own. It is time, now, to focus on the prodigal son, Marcel, and his small nest of vampires across the river. Now that we have cleansed the Quarter of his kind, perhaps it's time to turn our attention to the outskirts of our beautiful home. We will lay it all to ruin. And, when they are at their lowest point, in their deepest despair, they will have no choice but to beg me to release them from their pain. And, because I love them, I will." Esther said with a smirk, before she turned around so that her back was to Finn, before she raises a hand to her cheek as a tear fell from her eye 

'I should've only saved Dahlia that day!" she heard Naruto's voice yell through her mind 

"If only you knew father, Dahlia is a true monster." Esther thought, before she glanced to a room filled with plants "I didn't plan on you being here so soon, but I will make due. I have Buchu, and my magic, two of your main weaknesses. I will save you from your suffering." 

Mikaelson Compound 

Naruto, Klaus, and Elijah were in the courtyard sharing a drink and watching the stars 


New Orleans will be a dangerous place for even Naruto, as magic is a big weakness of his, and Esther is someone who was taught by him personally. 

Should Marcel's bite effect him as well, not to the point of death, but like a regular wolf bite to an Original. 

Also should Niklaus, Rebekah, and Elijah have a special ability? 

Chapitre suivant