
Chapter 3

Next Day

Naruto sat by the wall looking out the window at the ocean, as the now awake Kakashi was explaining to Sasuke and Sakura that Zabuza was still alive. Tazuna and his daughter Tsunami sat in the corner listening to the conversation, before the door opened and an 8 year old kid entered.

Tazuna was the first to greet him "Inari-kun it's good to see you again!"

The boy named Inari ran toward his grandfather and hugged him "Jiji I missed you!" Inari then turned his attention to the Konoha-nin.

"These are Shinobi from Konoha they are here to protect me while I finish the bridge" Tazuna said with a smile.

"Why are they here they're only going to get killed, Gato is too strong!" Inari yelled with a glare

"Inari that was rude apologize!" Tsunami said scolding her son, but Inari ignored her and ran upstairs to his room.

"She should beat his ass. He's lucky he even has his mother." Naruto thought, he did not like kids who upset their mothers, hell he didn't like any man that hurts a woman. That was probably why even though he had the chance he never abused the female council members under his control. While he might've had sex with them, they did that on their own freewill married or not.

"So sensei will Zabuza be back soon?" asked Sakura.

"No, I think he'll come back in a week. The damage he sustained in his battle with Naruto will keep him healing for a week. So for the rest of the week we will be training to get stronger" replied Kakashi. "That reminds me Naruto where did you get that sword?" Kakashi asked with a shiver when he had looked at the blade with his Sharingan a huge shadowy figure with one eye that looked like the Sharingan but with nine tomoes one 3 rings appeared in his head

"I forged it myself." Naruto said getting a shock look from Kakashi

"Y-you forged that?" Kakashi asked in disbelief

"That's right." Naruto said seeing the shock look in Kakashi's eye "The feeling you got from the blade was because I used my special chakra to help forge it." Naruto lied masterfully. Kakashi nodded thinking Naruto was talking about the Kyuubi

"Um...Naruto." Naruto looked to Sakura who had called him


"Um can I ask you some questions?" Sakura asked nervously

"About me being a vampire right?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Sakura, he also saw the shock and fearful look on Tsunami's face. Sighing Naruto nodded "Go ahead."

"How did you become a Vampire." Sakura asked

"Good question Sakura." Kakashi and Sasuke thought

"Before my mother died she made a deal with the Shinigami, using her soul as the price." Naruto answered getting shock looks from everyone in the room "Next question." Naruto said tonelessly making it clear he wasn't going to say anything else about it.

"Are the movies right about your um…species?" Sakura asked after finding the right word

"No." Naruto said "Holy water, crosses, garlic, are all useless." Naruto said "Since you're my teammates I'll tell you that I'm weak against an herb called Vervain that grows all over the Elemental Nations." Naruto said "Or I was weak against Vervain." Naruto thought with a mental smirk. Kakashi and Sasuke eyes gleamed at that weakness

"How do you turn people into vampires?" Sakura asked

"Someone has to die with my blood in their system." Naruto answered as Kakashi and the Uchiha perked up "But I have a seal on me so that if my blood is taken without my consent then the blood will be rendered useless." Naruto explained causing the two to deflate

"Have you turned anyone before?" Sakura asked

"One person, at the moment." Naruto answer with a small smile thinking about a certain purple haired Kunoichi that worked at the T&I Department.

"Will you turn us?" Sakura asked expectantly Sasuke eyes gleamed at that

"No." Naruto said immediately

"Y-you won't even think about?" Sakura asked shocked

"No I won't, as per agreement with Hokage-sama, the only people I'm allowed to turn are my future wives." Naruto answered with a shrug

"But vampires can't have kids!" Sakura said

"I'm a special case, thanks to a condition my father forced on me, I'm able to have kids. " Naruto said with a shrug. Sakura crossed her arms and started to brood along with Sasuke. Before Kakashi with crutches led them to a clearing in the woods to begin training.

"What will we be training in Kakashi-sensei?" asked a curious Sakura.

"We will be learning how to climb trees without hands!" Kakashi exclaimed with an eye smile.

Naruto scoffed and started walking away, while Sasuke and Sakura looked at their sensei in confusion.

Kakashi sweat dropped when Naruto walked away "Uh Naruto where are you going?"

Naruto looked over his shoulder with an annoyed look in his eyes "I've already mastered this exercise, in case you don't remember I walked on water yesterday when fighting Zabuza"

"Oh yeah I've been meaning to ask you, how did you do that?" asked Sakura.

"I don't feel like explaining, listen to Kakashi he's about to teach you the first step of the exercise" Naruto left before Sakura could annoy him anymore. Making his way to the lake

"Now would be a good time to try out flying." Naruto said to himself, rubbing his hands together and sighing Naruto channeled Ki into his legs before he jumped and went soaring through the air, before coming down in the middle of the ocean with a loud splash

Swimming up to the surface Naruto stood on the water, he tried again and managed to stay up longer before he crashed into a island causing a crater.

Naruto was lying on the ground, one of his shoulders broken, while the other was dislocated and his legs were broken. Snapping everything back into place, he sat up to think about what he was doing wrong. "I know, that I'm doing it right, but why won't I stay up?" Naruto asked himself "Maybe it's because I'm jumping." Naruto guessed before he stood up and channeled Ki again, this time instead of jumping Naruto floated off the ground for a couple of minutes before settling back on the ground. "Ok lets try a bigger burst this time." he muttered sending a huge burst of ki this time Naruto shot off into he air.

Getting control of his body Naruto floated high above the clouds, tilting his body forward Naruto flew around a little doing spins and flips in the air, before the desire to see how fast he could fly came over him. Channeling his Ki Naruto shot forward as the clouds blurred past him. As Naruto flew out of the borders of the Elemental Nations, he flew lower to see the various uninhabited islands. Landing on one of them Naruto stumbled a little.

"This should be a good spot to practice with youki." Naruto thought seeing all the nature here. In the years he been training Naruto had mastered each tail of youki, he had heard about the Hachibi Jinchurriki was able to turn into his Biju. Naruto found that he didn't have the Kyuubi's soul to be able to do that. So using his imagination Naruto was able to form another cloak, although he couldn't control it completely, channeling his youki Naruto's shrouded in a black aura that flowed off of him in a flame like pattern with a series of seals and designs that looked like spirals on his shoulder, torso, and hand glowed red. (Basically instead of gold and black, his cloak is black and red.). Stretching Naruto started practicing his control well into night.

Nami no Kuni

Next Day

Naruto woke up in the afternoon, making his way down stairs after taking a shower and brushing his teeth, straightening his jacket Naruto saw Tsunami in the kitchen. He didn't have to worry about blood considering he killed a whole camp of bandits last night.

Tsunami had woken up earlier then she would normally, since she found out that one of the Shinobi that her father brought with him was a actual vampire. While she wasn't scared of him, hell she found him quite attractive, she was worried for Inari. Ever since Gato killed his step father Inari has been broody, rude, and quite frankly emo. She's afraid that Inari would shoot his mouth off to Naruto and Naruto would kill him. Since Inari is the only person in the house that doesn't know about Naruto being a vampire, so he won't know any better. But Naruto had been asleep all day, no one had heard him return yesterday. Currently she was preparing dinner for the people able to eat. It was going to be awkward with a vampire in the house when they are unable to eat human food.

"Hey Tsunami-san." jumping in surprise Tsunami turned around to see Naruto walking into the kitchen

"Oh Hello Naruto-kun." Tsunami said with a smile as she turned back around to continue fixing dinner

"Would you like some help?" Naruto asked stepping up beside her

"Um…are you ok with that?" Tsunami asked hesitantly seeing Naruto's confused face she spoke "Because when you didn't come back for dinner last night, and the fact that you're a vampire I assumed that you are unable to eat." she explained

Naruto smiled "I can eat, I just lost track off time." Naruto said as she looked sheepish

"Sorry for assuming…but can I ask a question?"

"Sure" Naruto said leaning against the sink

"Is it lonely?" she asked softly "Being what you are, and knowing that you'll watch most of your precious people die while you stay the same?" she asked

"It's saddening, because the one person I want to give this gift is already dead. The only saving grace is that I can turn my future wives when I rebuild my clan." Naruto said with a small smile

"Oh, so how are you able to walk in the sunlight?" Tsunami asked, Naruto shrugged before he pulled up his red long sleeved shirt so Tsunami could see his seal

"This seal, keeps the sun from harming me." Naruto said as he saw tsunami gaze at his body in barely concealed lust. Getting out of her stupor Tsunami looked at Naruto worriedly which Naruto saw "What's wrong?"

"My son Inari. I worry that he'll say something that'll anger you, and that you'll kill him." Tsunami said with a frown

"My mission, is to protect your father and his family, I.e. you and Inari. I won't hurt your son Tsunami you have my word." Naruto assured placing his hand on the woman's shoulder

"I'll hold you to that." Tsunami said with a gentle smile, getting a smile in return from Naruto

Dinner Time

Dinner was awkward, with Naruto's 'team' glancing at him every now and then. Inari was glaring at Naruto who was ignoring everything around him. Inari tired of Naruto ignoring his glared "Why?" Inari whispered but Naruto caught it. He turned his gaze onto the little child as he gave him his full attention. He noticed that Inari had some tears on the edge of his eyes, "Why do you bother to try so hard? No matter how hard you train, you still won't be able to match Gato's men." he yelled at the team.

"Want to repeat that?" Naruto asked with calm voice.

"Gato is just going to kill you all if you continue standing in his way," Inari said, "You should run away while you still have the chance." He said before he shot out of his seat. "Gato is invincible! Your faces make me sick, you know nothing about what it is to lose someone you love, the heartbreak and pain we all have!" he yelled

Naruto looked to Tsunami and Tazuna to see they had sad faces as they looked down, before he looked to Inari and said,, "Well, sorry to disappoint but killing me is impossible, especially for some fat midget that hides behind his money. But I guess it's good to know you have so much faith in us." Naruto said "You are part of the problem I have seen around your village, all you seem to do is sit around your house moping like some tragic hero. Every day simply wasting your time and crying your little eyes out. What a waste." Naruto said

"Naruto, you've said enough." Sakura said as she shot up and glared at Naruto whose head snapped to her his vamp features on full blast causing her to squeak before she sat down.

Naruto turned back to Inari with his vamp features still out, causing Inari's face to grow fearful, "The problem with you little human is that you think someone should care about your situation. Your grandfather is risking his life, and yet you discourage him by spouting nonsense that the meat known as Gato is invincible. You think you know pain, heartbreak. You know nothing. You have a mother and grandfather, I have no one. You never had to spend the first 10 years of your life having nightmares about your parents deaths. Seeing their faces as they drew their last breaths, feeling their pain." Naruto growled as his mothers face appeared in his head. Inari looked away from him "Look at me!" Naruto yelled as his spiritual pressure flooded the room making it hard for everyone to breath and sit up correctly.

"My mother gave up her chance, to be reincarnated giving up her chance to live a better second life for me. Instead of looking out for herself like I would want her to. She paid the price of having her soul obliterated to give me this power. I make my mother proud of me by doing exactly what she told me to do in her final moments. I don't let anyone walk over me. I stand on my own feet, and never act like a coward who demands people to follow what he says like he's god, and I grew a backbone and took my life into my own hands. Unlike you whose to afraid of a grown ass man that's the same size as you, to stand up for yourself." Naruto growled before he calmed down and drew in his spiritual pressure before placing his plate in the sink and walking out of the door

"W-where a-are you going Naruto?" Kakashi asked as he tried to compose himself

"Hunting." Naruto said simply before closing the door behind him.

Next Day

The hunter-nin Haku made sure that Zabuza was comfortable before he placed his mask on a nearby dresser and untied his hair, he changed out of his hunter-nin outfit and into a sleeveless pink kimono and grabbed a basket before leaving the house.

The sun was already shining in the sky when Haku walked through the forest; he smiled as a small bird landed on his shoulder and raised a hand to stroke it.

"If I'm not mistaken than the field of herbs should be around he-" Haku's train of thought died as he openly gaped at the scene of destruction that greeted his. As everywhere he looked was blood every where with bodies being burned by black flames.

"What the fuck happened here?!" Haku exclaimed in shock before seeing Naruto sleeping at the base of a tree with blood dripping from his chin. "Isn't that the person responsible for Zabuza-sama's defeat?"

Haku moved closer to the sleeping form of Naruto before noticing the leaf headband tied around his bicep, "He's the ninja so that means…."

"I just have to reach out and snap his neck before searching for his sword and taking it back to Zabuza-sama… just snap his neck…" Haku's hand inched closer to Naruto's neck before some birds flew away startling him as he looked in the sky to see crows flying away, he turned back to see Naruto was gone, he gasped and turned around and saw Naruto standing behind him looking at him intently

"Um, you could get a cold out here sleeping you know?" Haku said

"You should've stayed in your base hunter-nin." Naruto said with a smirk as he tilted his head to the side before his sclera filled with blood and veins protruded from the corner of his eyes, his smirk grew bigger showing his fangs before Haku's scream was heard throughout Wave country

Gato's base

Naruto was standing on the porch of Gato's base. Knocking on the door, Naruto waited for someone to open the door. When the door open, a bandit was seen.

"What do you want?" he asked gruffly

"Yes, I was wondering his Gato in at the moment?" Naruto asked

"Lord Gato is busy, he's getting ready to go handle some business." the bandit said

"That's good." Naruto said "Are you the owner of this property by any chance." Naruto asked

"That's right, Lord Gato rewarded me nicely when I allowed him to set up my home as his base of operations." the bandit said nicely not in the least bit suspicious that Naruto was asking these questions. All of a sudden a chakra chain bursts from Naruto's chest and wrapped around the bandits neck, before the spikes that suddenly jutted from the chain killed the bandit.

Watching the man fall to the ground, Naruto stuck his foot through the doorway, to see if he could get in now, seeing that he could. Naruto walked in with a smirk as the door closed behind him.

"Hey! Who are you, and how'd you get in here?!" was heard from inside the mansion "What's wrong with your face?…..W-what are you doing?…..Stay back…Stay back! Hel-argghhhh!"

Hours Later

Zabuza's Safe house

Zabuza was waiting for Haku, he was eager to get better so he could take his revenge on that vampire that all but destroyed him in their fight. "When I get better, I'll kill you vampire." Zabuza thought with hate in his eyes.

He had put the boy in the bingo book as a S-rank threat, in the event that if he died someone would kill the freak. He heard the door to the safe house open. Looking up from his seated position, Zabuza waited for Haku to come down the steps, when he heard something bouncing, grasping the kunai he had underneath his blanket, Zabuza's eyes widen as Haku's head landed on the ground "H-Haku!" he shouted trying to get out of bed but his body wasn't responding fast enough. It was then Naruto came into view, Naruto looked down at the body before he looked to Zabuza

"You didn't actually think you got away did you?" Naruto asked "I'm a vampire, a predator I never allow for my prey to live unless I want them to." Naruto said with a smirk

"Fuck you, you freak!" Zabuza said launching the kunai, that hit Naruto dead in the chest, causing him to grunt, Zabuza watched as Naruto stumbled for a moment before he ripped the kunai from his chest. Lifting his shirt Zabuza and Naruto watched as the wound healed immediately

"Well, that was impressive. Since your body seems to be betraying you." Naruto said before he vamped out and pounced on Zabuza

Tazuna's House

Naruto walked through the door to see everyone at the table, standing before them at the table, everyone turned to him

"Naruto? Where have you been?" Kakashi asked

"Handling business." Naruto said vaguely before looking to Tsunami "You might want to leave the room with your son Tsunami-san." Naruto said

"No, it's ok. I'm sure we could handle what ever it is your about to do." Tsunami said seriously, Naruto seeing she was going to stay nodded

"Ok, don't say I didn't warn you." Naruto said before he unsealed the heads of Zabuza and Gato much to the shock of everyone "I've killed Zabuza, and Gato, so all Tazuna -san has to do is complete his bridge and we can go" Naruto said sealing the head of Zabuza back

"Where's Zabuza's blade?" Kakashi asked

"Destroyed." Naruto said blankly

"That's it!" Sasuke screamed standing up "How do you deserve to be a vampire, when I an Uchiha need that power more than you! It's not fair!" Sasuke screamed

"Fair? Life's not fair Uchiha. If you don't like it, you can kill yourself." Naruto said much to the shock of everyone that he would tell his teammate to kill himself so easily "I'm going to bed." Naruto said with a bored wave.

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