
We Hunt Those Who Hunt Us

Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom

Sounds of arrows exploding upon contact with the nearby trees sounded throughout the entire area.

Marie - Jeanne was currently trying our her latest inventions, the exploding arrows, a product of applying an exploding rune on an arrow courtesy of Orion who gave them access to his secret collection, the Book of Covenant.

"It has been months since we are out here doing nothing while Sebastian is out there on a killing spree. If we don't do something very soon, we might end up being the only ones left in this world"

Marie - Jeanne complained, it has been five months, five months of doing nothing, they only have leads of where Sebastian is but they do nothing as Orion would always say that they are not yet to face something that strong.

"If you are going to say that we are not strong enough, then, need I remind you that our bodies are entirely covered in runes granting us superhuman abilities putting us on par with the supernatural"

Before Orion could say anything, Marie - Jeanne beat him to it first.

She didn't understand him, first he said a normal weapon can not kill Sebastian, so they created a weapon capable of killing him, second, he said they are not yet ready to face the beast as they have not yet master runes he gave them, so they learnt everything about rune creation and how to make use of them and how make it take effect because without the proper method Orion listed, then the rune is useless and would just be a tattoo on the skin and a very useless one at that.

What they did not know was that, all those things written in the Book Of Covenant as guidelines were just a bunch of nonsense Orion made up.

The runes he gave them were engineered to only work on them and their descendants, he made it so and no other hunter from the other family would be able to use the runes in the Book Of Covenant. It is exclusively for the Argent family Hunters.

"I completely agree with her on this one, I think we are ready to take on the Beast" said Henri who was supporting himself on one of the trees.

Sitting on a branch of one of the trees and eating an apple was Orion who just looked at the two and shook his head "you might be strong now and may have a chance against the beast, against Sebastian but without proper preparations, we would be just walking to our deaths. So until you both come up with a better plan rather than walking to our deaths, then I suggest you follow my lead and I know it might take a lot of time but we are going to corner him very soon, we just have to wait for the right time" he said.

Henri and Marie - Jeanne were silent as they absolutely have no plan whatsoever in dealing with Sebastian, the Beast.

"But for how long are we going to just sit back and let him run amok. The more time we wait, the more bodies he he keeps pilling up. We can't let him have his way anymore, we have everything we need, we have each other" Marie - Jeanne said as she approached Henri and place her hands on his shoulder. As she was about to continue further, she heard a bark and turned at the direction of where it came from and saw Agni barking at her, she smiled as she went to ruffle his hair "we also have Agni here with us, so if it is a plan that's stopping us, then we just have to come up with a damn plan now"

Orion smiled as what he had been waiting to hear all these time was just them coming up with a plan and not just foolishly hunt Sebastian. He remembered that it took Marie Jeanne 7 good years just to corner the beast and luckily killed him.

There is no way he would take that kill as not a coincident, it was plot armor because there were so many things that could have gone wrong there but she still managed to kill the beast, so yeah it was luck and luck won't help her here.

They were going to kill beast early and that method isn't going work given that they are both super hunters and using such an underhanded method isn't going to occur to them.

"Okay, listen, I already have a plan but you all must pay close attention to what I'm going to say"

Orion said as he looked both Henri and Marie Jeanne in the eyes back and forth.

They both came close to him and nodded at him, giving him their undivided attention.

"Good, so this is the plan, when we encounter the beast or Sebastian, Agni and I would distract him and draw his attention to us drawing him from his current location to a deserted area. Now that's where you, Henri, that's where you show up, after Agni and I have created a considerable distance, you use the mountain ash trapping him inside giving Marie Jeanne the chance to deliver the killing blow. Is that understood?"

Orion laid out his simple but effective plan to the hunters with him.

But one of them was not happy with the way the plan went "why do I have to do less work. I mean, I'm not even doing anything in that plan and just let you all risk your lives while I just land the finishing blow. It just like giving me a prize for something I don't deserve. I can't accept this plan, let's coke up with another one" said Marie Jeanne.

She did not like that her friends are going to risk their lives while she just watch from the sideline and claim the kill. She can't accept that.

Orion sighed when Marie Jeanne said that, he just knew that there was going to be trouble if he do nothing about it "look here, we don't have a personal weapon capable of killing him and he is your brother, you should be the one to end it or do you want me to do that for you?" He said.

Marie Jeanne did not know how to refute him as he was right. The beast is her brother and it should be her to end it, that's why they made the pike and gave it to her so that she could end him herself, it was already her duty the moment they found out that it was Sebastian that was the beast.

"Okay, I think your silence as agreeing to what I say and since we are on the same page, why don't we go hunt a big ass werewolf, Shadow hunters?"

Orion said with a bug craze smile on his face.

Henri raised his brows when he heard what Orion called them "what's with the name?" he asked.

Orion smile faded from his face when he saw that Henri found the name uncool "what do you mean hey 'what's with the name?'. I have to let you know that that name will go down in history as one of the most powerful force in history and all the supernatural creatures who are out to cause mischiefs to think twice before even attempting to do anything. So don't make that face if you don't have a better name for our team, so when I say we are the Shadow Hunters then we are and we would need to have a code to follow, that I would allow you Henri, even you Marie Jeanne, give us a code, what are will going to live by after we've dealt with Sebastian because we can't go around killing off any supernatural creatures we see" Orion said.

Henri had a serious face as he pondered on what Orion just said and picked off key points from them because he knew Orion words has meaning behind them and he had already figured out what the code should be even before asking them and just wanted to see if they were on the same page. He closed his eyes and said "on chasse ceux qui nous chassent" He opened his eyes after saying that.

Marie Jeanne smiled as she like the code "We hunt those who hunt us" she translated it into English for Orion who she thought did not understand it.

"I like that, 'We hunt those who hunt us' and it also aligned with what I had in mind" said Orion.

Even Agni barked in agreement showing his support for the code.

With that, the first Shadow Hunters in history together with their Hunter Dog, Agni, went on their very first mission together to hunt down the one who hunts them, the Beast of Gevaudan.

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